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ESPN: Parcells Uses Slur Talking About Trick Plays

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And Om's being very generous. Its one thing to disagree, vehemently and emotionally argue. Its another to spew that kind of crap. If I were you skinsfanforlife, if you care about being around and getting a second chance, I'd think your very first post when/if you return, is an apology. If not, you're done.

And before you say it, its not about the words. Its about the ugly ugly sentiment behind them.

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:puke: After reading all the mis-fortunate dialogue between "skinsfanforlife" and everyone else....I just want everyone to know that i am korean myself. Though after reading "skinsfanforlife"s remarks I must say I feel reluctant to admit my nationality. If the people of this thread would allow me...I would like to re-quote my original statement: " But on the other hand most Asians brought up in the USA usually brush off any racial comments." It's obvious that the word most should be changed to some. By the way Bill Parcells is still a honkie, traitor, scumbag, schmuck from the arm pit city of USA ( New Jersey) coaching in a cow dung, rundown stadium, Dallas TX.

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Maybe we should just end this conversation. Anything constructive that could have been said has been.

Then we saw some really ugly posts.

Whadda y'all say we raise our glasses high, sing a chorus of "Hail to the Redskins" and rejoice in our cultural differences while basking in the glow of our common humanity?

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Hmm, I was just going to say, if he had been talking about a blitz and called them Kraut plays or Gerry plays or Kaiser or Hun or WHATEVER, would it be as big a deal?

Enemies get called names in times of war, period. I don't look at it as racial so much as a byproduct of military codetalk and the dehumanization process.

Parcells was dumb, but I don't see why people get worked up over a slur that was merely a shortening of the original(as Gerry was)

By that standard, Jew is offensive because some people spit the word out with great venom.

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You know I have been burning over this stuff for the past couple of years...

No offense but...;)

Is freedom of speech not still one of the founding principles of this country?

I'm not saying that it is right to sling racial epithets around HOWEVER, I do believe in the basic freedom of speech and I AM whole-heartedly against the Politically correct nation that we are giving into.

I envision this country being a bunch of Stepford Wives in the future.

Not all people are nice, wholesome or evely slightly good people. It is nice to know who someone is- instead of hearing them spew a bunch of politically correct garbage.

I like when people speak their mind. Don't confuse this, this doesn't mean that I like them or agree with them, but I respect them for being themselves, period. My adoration goes no further than knowing who or what I'm dealing with.

TRUE STORY: I know a programmer who is what you pc people would call Asian. I was asked where he was from becasue of his accent during a conference call which he was on. I answered I thinks he's asian... He spoke up and said I'm not Asian!!! I excused myself and said Oh I'm sorry I think he's Indian right soandso???.. He Screams I'm not INDIAN I'm American!!

Stop calling indian people "Asian" people constantly mistake me for a Nip.

Too stupid to make up...

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