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ESPN: Parcells Uses Slur Talking About Trick Plays

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Originally posted by AJWatson3

i always used Jap in restraunt lingo referring to Jalapenos... thankfully there weren't many Japanese that came into our pizza shoppe!

bingo, when i worked at a tex-mex place all we said was japs too

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It's not just that "jap" is an offensive way to refer to Japanese people. He's conjuring the memory of Pearl Harbor when he says his surprise plays are called "Jap plays". That's is pretty stupid to say in a press conference. I'm not offended (I really don't give a rip), but how can you say it's nothing at all? Come on people. Not only that, but he says a couple times "Oriental people". That's a very outdated term and it's not a very flattering way to refer to Asians. Again, not a big deal...but the comments really give me a glimpse into the mentality and mindset of Bill Parcells. And it ain't pretty. It tells me a lot about the guy that he throws around comments like that so casually, and when prefacing the commentary he uses another offensive term to refer to the people he's trying not to offend. What a piece of work this guy is. A regular modern day Archie Bunker I'm sure.

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No disrespect to Whities, but, Parcells is what WE call a god damn cracker. :rolleyes: This is what Parcells' statement basically amounts to if you turned the races around

Even if it's "football talk" or "locker room" talk, you don't go spewing that crap in interviews. It's not like they caught Parcells in the locker room after a tough loss a la Kellen Winslow Jr.

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Originally posted by The Diesel

It's not just that "jap" is an offensive way to refer to Japanese people. He's conjuring the memory of Pearl Harbor when he says his surprise plays are called "Jap plays".

So would it be better if they were called kamakazi plays??

Look I don't think people would be offended by that, it has been over 60 years. So what is the statue of limitations to old slurs??

Like others have said japs mean other things in today's language. I think we all need to take a step back and maybe start to realize what might have meant something bad to our grandparents doesn't have the same weight as it does today.

I only think it is offensive if he was talking about or too a person not a stupid football play.

Which brings me to another point, why is it okay for a specific group to call themselves a racial slur, meaning it is cool, however if anyone else were to say it is offensive?? That doesn't make sense if you ask me. If it is offensive then it should be in every use.

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Originally posted by jbooma

So would it be better if they were called kamakazi plays??

No. Kamikaze means divine wind. I don't ever want to be subject to Parcells' divine wind; I mean, he's a big dude, it's got to smell like serious @ss.

Originally posted by jbooma

Look I don't think maybe people would be offended by that, it has been over 60 years. So what is the statue of limitations to old slurs??

It's a fairly large structure, hand carved, likely made out of marble. A modern day work of art, if you ask me.

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there are certain things you don't say into microphones. sure feel free to call the "jap plays" in the locker rooms/meetings/and even on the field, but when you got 20 mics in front of your face get a clue.

and ramseyskins, no offense taken, i'm white and tuna's actions classify him as a cracker to me to.

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Originally posted by nace14

there are certain things you don't say into microphones. sure feel free to call the "jap plays" in the locker rooms/meetings/and even on the field, but when you got 20 mics in front of your face get a clue.


Originally posted by nace14

and ramseyskins, no offense taken, i'm white and tuna's actions classify him as a cracker to me to.

I wasn't actually calling Bill Parcells a cracker, I was just trying to demonstrate what the statement would be equivalent to if, say, Parcells was what he lovingly referred to as "Oriental", and he were talkin about Caucasians.

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The parts that should be offencive, is before he said anything, he said "no offence to the orieantals, but..." Like every asian person is japanese, or follows japan.

But he does have asian players on his team, the question is will they care?

This was overblow, but what ever.

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Originally posted by Zuck

He obviously wasn't trying to offend anyone but it's really funny that he thought it wouldn't. I thought it was hysterical when he said "no offense to the orientals" which is an offensive phrase by itself. He just grew up in a different world and doesn't keep up with what's PC.

I remember the story about George Bush Sr. talking about some half hispanic (cousins or friends kids?) during a picnic. He said something like "where are the little brown ones". I think that was part of the reason he didn't get reelected. He was a little out of touch with the changing times. Coaches aren't elected though.

"Oriental" is now considered non-PC? I do not understand that - the word refers to someone from the Orient? Did I miss something? Is it incorrect to refer to someone from Spain as a European? Are the people who are offended the same people who think the Redskins should change their team name?

Why would someone give a type of play a name like that anyway?

Can't you just call a trick play a "Trick", and a surprise play a "Surprise"? As for specific play names, just stick with the stype for "regular" plays - "X-wing left, Y-wing right, skywalker red" on 5?

Personally, I don't care what part of the world a person is from. I do not care what their ancestors/forefathers did, or didn't.

I care about three things:

1) Do I like you.

2) Do you like me.

3) If the answer to either 1 or 2 is "no", can we get along anyway.

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Woofer, I think the general idea is that "Oriental" is more outdated than it is offensive. It technically means "of the Orient," or "of the East." Some PC groups think that it unfairly lumps Asian peoples and cultures together; others point to the fact that the word's genesis was among the European and American colonialistic attitudes of the past, and no longer applies to the global community. Highly sensitive people point to the fact that no one calls westerners "Occidentals," so "Orientals" is plain dumb.

Me, I personally call rugs Oriental but people Asian. IMO, if someone thinks Oriental is offensive, he's being hyper-sensitive.

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Well If Parcells called his trick plays, Peral Harbor Plays, there wouldnt be a problem. Or is it not PC to refer to Peral Harbor as being attacked by surprise by the Japanese military?

Americans are hypersensitive to racial slurs of any type, or atleast the Media is.

From some Gaijan.


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Originally posted by nace14

there are certain things you don't say into microphones. sure feel free to call the "jap plays" in the locker rooms/meetings/and even on the field, but when you got 20 mics in front of your face get a clue.

This I agree with.
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I hate the cowboys but what parcells said is not offensive at all. parcells so called slur was a comparison and nothing more. doesnt mean he hates japanese people. its not like he wrote jap's history. you japs wrote it yourselves.

and for all you japs that take this too damn seriously , get a life.

I mean what parcells said is nothing compared to your long evil history of opression, intrusion and dictatorship.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

and for all you japs that take this too damn seriously , get a life.

I mean what parcells said is nothing compared to your long evil history of opression, intrusion and dictatorship.

To whom are you referring with your first statement? I don't think there's anyone here that took this "too damn seriously," but feel free to read the previous five pages of posts to get better informed.

And on what basis are you making your second statement? If you'd like to discuss the history of Japan further, I'd be happy to take it to Tailgate.

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Originally posted by TheDane

To whom are you referring with your first statement? I don't think there's anyone here that took this "too damn seriously," but feel free to read the previous five pages of posts to get better informed.

And on what basis are you making your second statement? If you'd like to discuss the history of Japan further, I'd be happy to take it to Tailgate.

You making a big deal about the word "jap" being a racial slur.

well let me say this dude. if your country was attacked by others, dont u think the people of your country wold make up racial slur for those that are attacking you? thats exactly what the americans were doing during WWII. thats over and done with.

you know instead of making excuses, why dont u look at the real problem. If the Japs didnt have evil minds and didnt attack pearl harbor, the word jap wouldve never been used the way it did. so while you sit at your desk thinking why certain people use the word jap the way they do , you should ask the real question, how the term "jap" came about.

You should also question the empire of japan , why they attacked the world like they did and gave so many of innocent japanese people bad names when all they wanted was peace.

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F*ck the PC police. If you get offended by stuff like this you outta go live in a bubble, inside a dark cave, with your hands in your ears, on another planet.

If I could burn two words into the fabric of time for everyone they would be "lighten up".

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

You making a big deal about the word "jap" being a racial slur.

well let me say this dude. if your country was attacked by others, dont u think the people of your country wold make up racial slur for those that are attacking you? thats exactly what the americans were doing during WWII. thats over and done with.

you know instead of making excuses, why dont u look at the real problem. If the Japs didnt have evil minds and didnt attack pearl harbor, the word jap wouldve never been used the way it did. so while you sit at your desk thinking why certain people use the word jap the way they do , you should ask the real question, how the term "jap" came about.

You should also question the empire of japan , why they attacked the world like they did and gave so many of innocent japanese people bad names when all they wanted was peace.

I don't want to make this a bigger deal than it is
I'm conservative, I'm a registered republican, and I'm not politically correct…I personally am too young, too thick skinned, and only half Japanese, so I’m not offended by the term.
D*mn, if I'm being labeled as politically correct and sensitive, lord save me now.

This thread has clearly become a bigger deal than it should, so I'm ending it. Read my posts and tell me again that I intentionally made this a big deal. Tell me again that I'm "making excuses."

skinsfanforlife, if you'd like to attack one half of my heritage on the topic of World War, PM me. fwo40, if you're talking to me, we can straighten this out also.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

You making a big deal about the word "jap" being a racial slur.

well let me say this dude. if your country was attacked by others, dont u think the people of your country wold make up racial slur for those that are attacking you? thats exactly what the americans were doing during WWII. thats over and done with.

you know instead of making excuses, why dont u look at the real problem. If the Japs didnt have evil minds and didnt attack pearl harbor, the word jap wouldve never been used the way it did. so while you sit at your desk thinking why certain people use the word jap the way they do , you should ask the real question, how the term "jap" came about.

You should also question the empire of japan , why they attacked the world like they did and gave so many of innocent japanese people bad names when all they wanted was peace.

You hit the nail right on the head dude. And while we're at it what about all those "N@ggars". Nobody ever would have started calling them that if they hadn't forced their way into this country and crammed their d@mned free labor down our throats. And how about those darned Jews. No one would have ever started calling them "K@kes" if they hadn't gone and thrown themselves into Hitlers gas chambers.

Please step into the 21st century.

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Originally posted by TheDane

skinsfanforlife, if you'd like to attack one half of my heritage on the topic of World War, PM me. fwo40, if you're talking to me, we can straighten this out also.

Woah fella, I repeat the humble mantra I came in with "lighten up".

My response was to what Parcells said, not to what is going on between you and skinsfan. In fact, I think I would be with you on that arguement....some of his generalizations are very very insulting.

The more we talk in this thread the more sensitive it becomes because it is getting off topic.

I happen to enjoy a lot of Japanese culture in particular their cusine. It's a culture that has every right to be respected.

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