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AP: Marcus Vick Convicted and Sentenced to Jail Time


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Marcus Vick Convicted and Sentenced to Jail Time

Associated Press


CHRISTIANSBURG, Va. -- Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick and two teammates were sentenced to jail time Friday after being convicted of misdemeanor charges stemming from a late-night party with three underage girls.

However, Vick was found innocent of having sex with a 15-year-old girl.

Vick, brother of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, was sentenced to 30 days in jail and was fined $2,250 on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Vick's lawyer, Marc Long, said he will file an appeal Monday.

Tailback Mike Imoh was sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined $750 fine. Wide receiver Brenden Hill was sentenced to 20 days in jail and fined $1,500. Both were convicted on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Montgomery County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Judge Robert C. Viar Jr. said the players will be ordered to report to jail May 28.

Virginia Tech's rules governing the conduct of student athletes does not automatically suspend players from a team for misdemeanor charges, but convictions trigger a review by athletic director Jim Weaver. Weaver did not immediately return a phone message Friday night.

During an eight-hour trial, the players sat stonefaced between their lawyers, grinning briefly as the prosecutor passed around photographs of a Jan. 27 party at the apartment Vick and Hill share. The pictures, displayed on an overhead screen, showed the shirtless players rubbing against the three girls.

One of the teens wept as she recounted how she and her two friends met Vick, Imoh and Hill that night at a Virginia Tech women's basketball game. The girl, who was 14 at the time, said Vick traded phone numbers with them and after the girls went to a house for a slumber party, they called Vick and sneaked out a bathroom window. The girl, now 15, said Hill and Vick picked the girls up in Vick's sport utility vehicle.

They returned to the players' apartment where she said they were given shots of vodka and asked to strip and kiss each other. She said all three girls undressed and gave the players lap dances. She said one of her friends had sex with Imoh and Hill, and Vick took the other girl into his room and had sex with her.

Prosecutor Joey Showalter said he learned only recently of the allegations that Imoh and Hill had sex with one of the girls and he has not decided whether to pursue additional charges.

Defense lawyers said the girl was lying and pointed to several inconsistencies in statements she gave police. They also showed an 18-second video clip the players took in which the girls were giggling and kissing and apparently happy to satisfy the players' requests.

The girl told the judge she felt she had to comply with a request to strip down to her underwear and give Imoh a lap dance.

"I was scared," she said. "I didn't know what to do."

The other two teens also testified, but only briefly. One said she lied to the players about being 18 -- three years older than her real age.

The girl with whom Vick was accused of having sex refused to answer questions from defense lawyers, invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Throughout the trial, Long criticized the police definition of sexual intercourse. Viar agreed, ruling that there was no proof of penetration.

Long said he felt the players were victims of three teenagers who lied about their ages to spend time with popular older guys.

"I remember partying when I was younger," Long said. "I didn't check the IDs at the door. I took their word for it."

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Guest Graudated SkinsHokie Fan

The most BS trial ever. Especially considering the girl in question lied, she looks like she is 20, and signed one of Marcus' "I consent to have sex with Marcus Vick" forms.

The only reason this got out was because these stupid little local girls bragged about it in school and teachers heard of what happened. Parents found out, charges were filed and here we are today.


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Originally posted by Dr. D

note to players.....keep it in yo' pants mah man!

I don't think you have to keep it in your pants but maybe you should card everyone before you get in it. Seems ridiculous, but less ridiculous than being convicted and doing time.

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they really are just stupid, having sex and serving alcohol, i wonder why they didnt get charged with posession and underage drinking also.

Im personally glad Imoh was arrested, im a 2002 centreville grad and i remember the regional playoff game where centreville got absolutely crushed by Robinson and Imoh, serves Imoh right now.

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I went to VT and this is the sort of thing Montgomery Count was cracking down on over the past few years. They think having such big names can prosecuted will scare off the rest of the college kids. They are thinking wrong. It happens all the time. Think of all the 18-20 year olds who get drunk every night at apartment parties, downtown or at Special Purpose Housing. I hope they appeal and it gets dropped. VT already lost Humes to a broken leg, so we have no RB depth.

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Originally posted by Hobo

Im personally glad Imoh was arrested, im a 2002 centreville grad and i remember the regional playoff game where centreville got absolutely crushed by Robinson and Imoh, serves Imoh right now.

So Imoh should serve time because he crushed your high school team?

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Originally posted by "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

The most BS trial ever. Especially considering the girl in question lied, she looks like she is 20, and signed one of Marcus' "I consent to have sex with Marcus Vick" forms.

The only reason this got out was because these stupid little local girls bragged about it in school and teachers heard of what happened. Parents found out, charges were filed and here we are today.


This is the kind of situation that seems to reflect poorly on the values of everyone involved, including those in the legal system. :2cents:

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I'm a little surprised, with these being misdemeanor offenses, that the jail time wasn't suspended in lieu of community service, which is normally the case. I can easily see why it's being appealed. It seems these guys are being made an example of.

Maybe the judge is a Cavs fan. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

So Imoh should serve time because he crushed your high school team?

slight jealousy there, my bad it came off like that. Its more like, some revenge for their own stupidity for that happening. I mean, athletes are people we admire and respect, yet they are never the brightest, you get some good athletes who are also intelligent and hard working, then you have people who just keep messing up like the Lewis's for the Ravens or Dexter Manley so far back. A friend of mine whos from the virginia beach area said that Michael Vick was not the nicest person around there.

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I'm a little surprised, with these being misdemeanor offenses, that the jail time wasn't suspended in lieu of community service, which is normally the case. I can easily see why it's being appealed. It seems these guys are being made an example of.

They are not be persecuted. They are old enough (at least theoretically) to understand the ramifications of having sex with a minor.

I thought under 16 was statutory rape? Doesn't matter if she consented....

The girl, who was 14 at the time, said Vick traded phone numbers with them and after the girls went to a house for a slumber party, they called Vick and sneaked out a bathroom window. The girl, now 15, said Hill and Vick picked the girls up in Vick's sport utility vehicle

Plain and simple these players put themselves in this situation. And they didn't care; because they were big bad sports jocks and above the law.... I wouldn't be surprised if Marcus or Imoh even said "do you know who I am?" to the cops....

And I am a Hokie grad so I am not biased against Hokies.

Maybe Montgomery county is trying to crack down on this. but the players put themselves into that situation, not the cops or Montgomery county.

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Let's see...these three football players - local celebrities - lured a 15 year old and two 14 year old girls back to their apartment, plied them with alcohol, and coaxed them into strip teases and lap dances while the players photographed it all. Then, 2 of the players ran a train on one of the 14 year olds while Vick had sex with the 15 year old.

You guys are right. This is just an outrage that they were even charged with a crime. That sort of thing shouldn't even be against the law! The nerve of a prosecutor to even bring charges, and of a judge to convict them. It's a travesty. Just what is this country coming to?

I swear, the things people will gloss over or rationalize/justify, in defense of their favorite athletes, is pretty amazing if you ask me .

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Originally posted by "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

The most BS trial ever. Especially considering the girl in question lied, she looks like she is 20, and signed one of Marcus' "I consent to have sex with Marcus Vick" forms.


A consent form??? What has our society come to??? Is sex now the legal and moral equivalent of a theme park ride?? Pathetic. :doh:

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Having sex with a girl 12 and under if you are over 18 is automatically rape. If she is 13 or 14 than it is statutory rape which is a felony in VA. These guys got off easy and should have spent a lot more time in jail, but they play on a major college football team and got off. I like your post Diesel.

By the way, I talked to someone of the VT football team and he said Vick is an arrogant a$$. He also said the other QB should be starting over Vick.

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whats even more stupid, i read in my local paper there is a 15? year old girl whos accusing some neighbor of rape. She claimed she did not consent to sex with her neighbor and is therefore accusing him. However, she said she went over with some friends as thats the type of relationship they had with their neighbor, and that he offered them weed and they took it and said she could not go back home right away and accepted the neighbors offer to sleep on the couch. Sure the neighbor is perverted, but i mean, you are complaining that you were under the influence of weed which is illegal anyways. I love these stupid trials.

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Diesel, that is a GREAT post. Right on.

Guys, THE GIRL WAS 14 YEARS OLD!!! 14!!! That's just starting Jr. High/Middle School! If the girls were 16/17 you could make the "we didn't know they were too young" argument. They were 14!!!!!!!!! That's two years removed from being 12.

80% of the responses around here were people making excuses for Vick & Co. or wondering what they did wrong. Some are even wondering what this does to the RB situation in the Fall.


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