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I have a question


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If we are so deficient on the D-Line, why aren't the coaches freaking out about it like a lot of the "knowledgable" people here?

I just don't understand it.

I guess they are living in denial and we know the truth.

Is that it?

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Im sure they like who they have for now, and want to give some other people a chance. Also, Williams seems to be a defensive genius, he's probably gonna make plays that arent as line heavy and focus more on our linebackers.

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It would appear that way.:rolleyes:

But I understand the concern...the previous talent did not show. However, excluding the few blow-outs, the Skins were well in the majority of games they played...also the same in '02. With that coaching and that talent that was the story.

Now another Gibbs era begins. Talent is reassessed. Some people go...other people come in. The difference is that our coaching staff now is perhaps the greatest single unit ever compiled anywhere in the NFL. Most of the new players added have history with at least one coach on the staff, sometimes two. This is critical to the Williams re-do of our Defense. But some people will not believe what is coming until they see it working and getting results on the field. With our recent history...perfectly understandable.

Thomas was the Doubter..he fulfilled a classic archetypal role. But in seeing he was made to believe. Sometimes that's just the way it is.

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also maybe coming out and saying "OMFG WE GOT NO TALENT ON DL SINCE MOST OF THEN WOULDNT BE STARTING ON ANY OTHER TEAM IN THE NFL!!!!!!" prolly isnt the smartest thing to do in an interview or spread through the media via "sources".....

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I think the reason we're not so hot for picking up another end is because the plan is to use Arrington and Washington as ends in passing situations. If that's the case then you can move Wynn, Daniels or Upshaw inside on passing downs. Of course that doesn't help anything but the obvious passing situations, but I think that's why you don't see the team desperately trying to get pass rushers.

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Originally posted by sjinhan

also maybe coming out and saying "OMFG WE GOT NO TALENT ON DL SINCE MOST OF THEN WOULDNT BE STARTING ON ANY OTHER TEAM IN THE NFL!!!!!!" prolly isnt the smartest thing to do in an interview or spread through the media via "sources".....

That's what I was going to say when I read this post. Good thing the Redskins aren't run by a bunch of Extremeskins members ...

... but what if they are? What if there are Redskins coaches hiding out behind those avatars??? :doh1:

I sure hope Oldskool isn't really Gregg Williams... ;)

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Of course, some of us were saying the same things last year... and the Skins went 6-10.

Thats true, except we went 5-11 so its actually worse but anyways thats not my point.

What I wanted to say was that on the 6 o clock news Sonny Jurgenson said that without making a single roster change from last year, if we had Joe Gibbs and the crew we would have won 5 more games.

So that makes you think since we're not better at QB, DT (Griffin), a little better at DE (Daniels), a lot better at safety, better at LB, and of course a lot better at RB, then we should be pretty good. The only position we lost a little at was CB when going from Bailey to Springs.

Now of course our guys have to gel and learn new stuff, so i'm not expecting much this year. But I quietly am thinking we'll be a pretty good team. :thumbsup:

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You don't have to convince me that Gibbs/Williams will make a significant difference.

I happen to think statistically they'll be middle of the pack... but like the years of Petitbon the defense will be opportunistic and force turnovers. That should compensate some :)

However, let's not dismiss people entirely because many were saying the same things last season and they were right.

And even though we like to acknowledge the coaching has improved...

Let's not forget that many were heralding George Edwards as a Marvin Lewis protege who was supposed to employ the same defense. I don't think anyone anticipated him flopping so badly either. There were a lot of positive things said about Edwards.. including public statements from players endorsing his hire.

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If the offensive line had such talent last year (which many people don't dispute) ... even with Samuels having a sub-par year, people generally think that Dockery did well for a 3rd round pick and that Samuels, Jansen, and Thomas are all capable of being pro-bowl caliber (since they have been) .... but the coaching schemes were so awful that they let our QB's take a beating.

Seeing that we were ridiculed in the press nationally for having the coaching staff with the least amount of experience, especially on defense .... what is to say that our d-line won't be dramatically improved due to coaching this year.

Griffin and Daniels are better than an aged up selfish Bruce Smith and a rotation of Halsey, Dalton, and others. The coaching staff has the most experience in the league as opposed to the least experience .... and these coaches have the benefit of working with these players. Our Secondary coach has worked with Harris while with the NY Giants (ok ... reserve role, but still a fact). Our DL coach has coached Daniels in Chicago.

The only coach I worry about here is the Linebacker coach Lindsay. Wasn't he one of the reasons why Bill Armsbarger (Sp) came in as a consultant during Norv's last year with Nolan as our defensive coordinator? Wasn't he also the defensive coordinator for San Diego last year (one of the worst defenses in the league)? I just hope that Williams and the other coaches watch this guy ... but at least he isn't the d-line coach :)

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Originally posted by Die Hard

You don't have to convince me that Gibbs/Williams will make a significant difference.

I happen to think statistically they'll be middle of the pack... but like the years of Petitbon the defense will be opportunistic and force turnovers. That should compensate some :)

However, let's not dismiss people entirely because many were saying the same things last season and they were right.

And even though we like to acknowledge the coaching has improved...

Let's not forget that many were heralding George Edwards as a Marvin Lewis protege who was supposed to employ the same defense. I don't think anyone anticipated him flopping so badly either. There were a lot of positive things said about Edwards.. including public statements from players endorsing his hire.

C'mon DH, you can't possibly believe that G. Edwards and Co. are even in the same league our current D staff.

Otherwise, wouldn't the old guard have been retained? :rolleyes:

We're talking apples and oranges here, yes?:)

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

I have a sneaking suspicion that the players might be "coached up" a little better than last year though.;)

I have always admired Gibbs, he will make a big difference. Baltimore's coach does a fine job, but his mouth does get him behind the 8 ball at times.

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Read in another thread. Which is believe was an article from our in house News Reporter "Scoop" Bubba.

That Sonny was interviewed and questioned about the D-Line and believes the Skins have a plan for that.

All of us here know that Sonny is in the small circle of friends that Snyder has, and they are frequently seen together at dinner and such.

I dont know what the plan is, but i believe they are cooking up something. Sonny is pretty reliable when it comes to minor leaks.

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Who knows, maybe there is some legs to that trade rumor with New Orleans, or maybe now that the draft is over some team that didn't cash in on the WR feeding frenzy in the first round while offer us a decent DL for Gardner. Miami hasnt done anything with that DE whose threatened to sit out 10 games yet, have they? They're more than likely will try to get someone, but only at the right price hopefully.

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Originally posted by TypingSux

Who knows, maybe there is some legs to that trade rumor with New Orleans, or maybe now that the draft is over some team that didn't cash in on the WR feeding frenzy in the first round while offer us a decent DL for Gardner. Miami hasnt done anything with that DE whose threatened to sit out 10 games yet, have they? They're more than likely will try to get someone, but only at the right price hopefully.

I have not done it yet so now seems as good a time as any:

NFL Teams that might want Gardner (Miami wouldn't be interested because they have Chambers and picked up Boston this off-season)











most of the teams on this list are hurting for DLinemen too so I don't see many trading options

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Of course, some of us were saying the same things last year... and the Skins went 6-10.

Except we went 5-11 and we did so not because of the weakness on the line caused by injury, but we did so because the offense was swallowed whole by the league and Edwards had no ability to adjust on defense.

The current coaching staff does have the ability to adjust and play to the strengths, rather than highlighting the weaknesses, of the players we have.

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My contention is that it was all about coaching. Joe Gibbs believes he helped cure that problem by bringing in Williams. I feel the DL might be a bit weak, but that's compared to all of the fantastic additions we've made (it's weak because we've filled some holes in other areas, defensively and offensively).

With an explosive offense, I believe the entire defense could be tremendously inspired enough to step it up this season. I think we'll ALL be changing our tune about the DL after a few games into the regular season. ;)

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