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Skins may switch to 3-4


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With the re-signing of Antonio Pierce and the acquisition of Michael Barrow, what are the possibilities that the Redskins take Vince Wilfork to play nose tackle and switch to a 3-4 defense? Could these these two signing so close to the draft be an omen that Wilfork is our man? What do you think?

Oh yeah..Eagles Suck!!

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Count the Buddha in as riding shotgun on the Wilfork bandwagon. While I doubt seriously that the Skins will convert to a 3-4 full time, they would definitely have the personnel for it if Wilfork is drafted. Both Noble and Haley also have the skills to man the nose, and Wynn and Griffin could fit right in as 3-4 ends.

I think we'll definitely see some 3-4 packages, but the 4-3 base defense should return in 2004.

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Originally posted by Larry

I'll admit that my limited knowledge on the subject makes me unqualified to discuss the implications of the 3-4 vs 4-3 in real-world terms.

I'm just in favor of Wilfork on the theory of "biggest available DL".

That's as good a theory as any other when dealing with DT's. If we trade the #5 Wilfork makes a lot of sense. But if we also get a high two then we may pass on Wilfork and get a Sopoaga, Olshansky or Starks. If we do trade down and pass on Wilfork, watch out for a play for Williams or Vilma. We would be in backer heaven and set for a 3-4 in more realistic terms. Hell even the 46 would be more feasible then.

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Originally posted by Posse81

What do you do with Griffin then? I'd love to get Wilfork, but I don't think that means we will switch to a 3-4. Pierce is solid, but I'm not sure you bump Griffin to start him.

You typically want bigger DEs in a 3-4 than you would in a 4-3-- both of Pittsburgh's starting ends are 300 pounders. So Griffin could be a decent fit on the outside in a 3-4.

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After reading several articles about Williams, I think that it's safe to say one can't pigeon hole him into a particular defens. he'll run just about everything at the opposing offense. As a base defense, hard to say. I believe that he'll run the 4-3 primarily. seems like a defense with alot more options to it.

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Park City, I think you nailed it. From everything I've heard about Williams defensive schemes.......he basically keeps you guessing, and can throw anything at you at the drop of a hat. This is part of the reason why I 'm in favor of drafting Taylor. He would instatly be able to give you the option tp blitzing or cover a WR and allowing a DB to blitz....something I think our 2 current safeties can't do.

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I remember reading that, on the first play of Gibbs II's first mini-camp, Williams sent all 11 guys after Brunell.

Anybody besides me think it would be neet if we did the same thing for the first play of our first preseason game?

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Yeah Wop. And you gotta like that attitude too. Attack. And I hate to do this, and I know I'm biased, but one of the main reasons I'm leaning towards Taylor is here. http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58213&pagenumber=2 Read utah's post. Great pure football post and goes into what you said. It helps those few of us who don't know everything about Football. :)

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