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Was that her breast? (The Official MERGED Janet Jackson Thread)

Luca Brasi

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Originally posted by KC'Dave

I don't know about the rest of you dads out there, but for me this is serious. Just the arrogance of it kills me. The Super Bowl is a family event.

I'm as mad as I've been in a long time. If this is what the NFL is peddling then I'm done with them.

Bro, I'm with you. (Although, I didn't appreciate your comment "F--- the Redskins". That's unfair.)

I have a 15 month old. Sure, not a problem now, but I'm sitting there thinking, I'm gonna have to be watching over his shoulder every 5 minutes when he gets older. Sure, that's not going to happen. But, man, this world is sinking lower and lower for shock value.

I hope I'm able to raise my son with more respect than kids (AND I DO MEAN KIDS) like Justin Timberpuke!

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Originally posted by codeorama

The first thing I'm going to do when I have kids is show them some boobs so when something like this happens, it's not a big deal. Then, they won't be looking for pictures of her boob on the internet behind my back.

they'll still look. luckily my wife and i had our kids well away from the tv because the whole bump and grind thing going on before t*tty-gate. on the grand scheme of things, no big deal; however, when you are expecting football and you get HBO, something is wrong.

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Originally posted by dchogs

they'll still look. luckily my wife and i had our kids well away from the tv because the whole bump and grind thing going on before t*tty-gate. on the grand scheme of things, no big deal; however, when you are expecting football and you get HBO, something is wrong.

I agree, they will still look, but my whole point is that I'm not going to make "the body" a dirty thing for my kids.

I didn't watch the entire halftime show, I only rewinded my tivo when my wife was laughing about the boob, so I didn't catch the bumping and grinding and the criminal element that some have described.

I probably would have been more annoyed with those things than the nudity.

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Originally posted by codeorama

The first thing I'm going to do when I have kids is show them some boobs so when something like this happens, it's not a big deal. Then, they won't be looking for pictures of her boob on the internet behind my back.

Spoken like a man without kids.

Code, most kids with mothers have seen a boob or two in their time. That's not the point. It has more to do with making sure they understand appropriate behaviors and attitudes about such things than what human anatomy looks like.

If you are ok with you daughter running around flashing her boobs for attention, or your son hanging out with girls who do, then by all means, let them see this.

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I don't have kids but I can see why parents were upset. The song made it seem ok to rip off girl's clothes, and kids do not need to see that on TV.

Now I was impressed, I would much rather see Jessica Simpson or Britney being undressed then Janet :cool:

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Originally posted by Henry

Spoken like a man without kids.

Code, most kids with mothers have seen a boob or two in their time. That's not the point. It has more to do with making sure they understand appropriate behaviors and attitudes about such things than what human anatomy looks like.

If you are ok with you daughter running around flashing her boobs for attention, or your son hanging out with girls who do, then by all means, let them see this.


Thank you Henry! Couldn't have said it any better. If you don't have kids, you can't understand the complete and utter inexplicable love you have for them. I didn't know until my wife had Jacob. You begin to worry about what you do or DON'T want you kid to listen to, see, hear, etc. I'm still worried about how I'm going to be a good father for my boy when he gets old enough to understand.

I guess the best I can hope is to lead by example and perhaps he'll follow.

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It was a Madonna "shock" move to put her name back in the Spotlight. Unlike the lesbian kiss with Brittney Spears, this seemed to backfire.

Justin Timberfake, is becoming America's little Pervert. First grabbing Kylie ass, now stripping Janet Jackson. Real Positive images you portray, kid.

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Originally posted by Henry

Spoken like a man without kids.

Code, most kids with mothers have seen a boob or two in their time. That's not the point. It has more to do with making sure they understand appropriate behaviors and attitudes about such things than what human anatomy looks like.

If you are ok with you daughter running around flashing her boobs for attention, or your son hanging out with girls who do, then by all means, let them see this.

My point is that when we make a huge deal about something like this, it only spurs on more interest.

If the christian coalition never went after marilyn manson, he probably wouldn't have sold half the records he did.

Now, because of all the outrage, kids/teens are going to view this as a sign of rebellion, another way to piss adults off and there you go...

If no one cared or made a stink out of it, it would go away.

But look..... it's everywhere, on the radio, tv etc... That is what kids will remember, the reaction to it, not so much the action itself.

For the record, I thought it was cheezy and low class for attention, which of course they got, but It just wasn't a big deal for me.

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My point is that when we make a huge deal about something like this, it only spurs on more interest.

Code, that wasn't your point. Your point was that your child witnessing a man ripping off a woman's outfit and exposing her in public isn't a big deal. I guess we are moving on.

Now your point is we shouldn't react to what may or may not be a big deal? Sorry, I don't have that luxury anymore.

When Madonna, Marlyn Mason or some other no-talent envelope-pusher makes some shocking video and parents complain, what's the pat response? Its the parents who decide what their kids watch. They have to take an active role in what they are exposed to. Well, when MTV slaps their culture on the halftime show of the superbowl they've taken that decision away from me. Suddenly it doesn't matter if I take an active role in what my kids sees, because MTV, CBS or whoever can find a way to get around that.

I have to care about stuff like this. I'm happy for you that you don't yet, but I do. And I will.

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Originally posted by Henry

Code, that wasn't your point. Your point was that your child witnessing a man ripping off a woman's outfit and exposing her in public isn't a big deal. I guess we are moving on.

Sorry Henry, but what happened was not a simulated attack on a woman ripping her clothes off. It was obviously a staged act as part of a dance routine.

Again, I respect your opinion, I do think that based on previous standards that have been set, it was inappropriate, but by making a huge deal about it (not you, just in general) we ultimately only make it more negative and make kids more interested in seeing what the big deal is all about.

If no one cared that janet showed her boob, why would a kid want to duplicate the act, because kids do what they do to get a reaction. If anything, I'm betting you see more teen aged girls duplicating the act to draw attention to themselves because of the reaction the whole thing has gotten.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

It was a Madonna "shock" move to put her name back in the Spotlight. Unlike the lesbian kiss with Brittney Spears, this seemed to backfire.

Justin Timberfake, is becoming America's little Pervert. First grabbing Kylie ass, now stripping Janet Jackson. Real Positive images you portray, kid.

Well MTV got away with the Madonna/Britney thing because it was on MTV

But this was on CBS, and had MANY more people watching it. Lots more that who watch the crap on MTV

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We forget that there's children who may actually be interested in the Super Bowl. My seven year old saw it. I wasn't too happy about that, because as Tarhog said, no one was aware it would happen, and as such ,the choice as to whether our kids should see it is removed.

It's one thing to see Justin Timberlake running his crotch all up her ass when she bends down, but to have him pretend to rip her shirt off went over the top.

Yes, I am sure that lots of red blooded American Males got their jollies seeing her pastied up tit. But lost in it all is that football is a game, and kids like games. And as a parent of a kid who LOVES football, I shouldn't have to worry that CBS is going to show him soft core porn during the telecast. So, yay, all you folks who enjoyed it. Celebrity tit. Remember, there's more to it than just the little pop it gave your pants.

It's not called being a prude, or being a holier than thou type,, it's about kids, and the fact that my generation (40s) and the generation right behind me seems to have forgotten that the kids exist. So we tailor everything to our sensibilities, and forget who else is seeing it. It's a shame that as a parent, I should even have the SLIGHTEST concern as to whether my child watches the SUPER BOWL.

Call me old, but when you have kids, you may see things differently. Forget Janet's tit for a second, and try to explain to your 7 yr old why there's a male dancer on stage during the Super Bowl halftime show wearing a garter belt, fishnets and a jock pouch, and nothing else.

I gotta tellya, Nothing says Super Bowl to a little kid like a nearly naked transvestite thrusting his package at the TV camera.

By the way, I will absolutely be making fun of janet jackson's tit in this week's cartoon.


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