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Was that her breast? (The Official MERGED Janet Jackson Thread)

Luca Brasi

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Originally posted by Baculus

"It's also common in some countries to beat your wife. Just because other countries do something doesn't make it okay."

Agreed. But nudity and domestic violence are two entirely different things, methinks.

"And it's NEVER okay to expose yourself to children."

Children have been seeing nudity for thousands of years in this planet's cultures. But it all has to be seen in context as well, though, for each culture. In our culture, it is just taboo, but don't try acting as if nudity will kill a child. I mean, we've all seen National Geographic, right?

But don't think I am agreeing with this, sense the context of the nudity wasn't the best timing nor appropriate.

I think the bigger point is parent's being given the choice. Parent's were not given that. Perhaps a parent would not care if this happened, fine...But those parents who do care should have the chance to turn the channel to Nick or Disney.

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Anyone who thinks this was a big deal is an idiot.

I see more provocative outfits when I go to the beach. Explain to your kids that what they saw was a breast, and get over it. If you react like this, then what do you think your kids' reaction will be? They're going to grow up being confused and uneducated about their own sexuality, which, by the way, is a perfectly normal part of being alive. It's part of the human anatomy, ffs.

Far be it from me to tell you how to be a parent, but I can tell you that I thank god I didn't have parents like you. My parents were open. They didn't try to shield me from any and everything in the world that they thought I might not be "ready" for. In fact, I could even go to them and ask the questions, if there was something I didn't understand, and they would answer them. You want to protect your kids from stuff you find objectionable? Then make sure you're the type of person they wouldn't feel the need to hide from. If I had been watching this as a child with my family, we all would have just laughed, and I probably would have had a boner, or something. Not exactly the end of the world...

Don't get me wrong, pop-culture is a joke, often pointless, tasteless, boorish, or just plain stupid, but let's get real. Who the **** cares?! The only reason this is even a big deal is because there are so many people out there who get so freakin' outraged about it. What passes for "shocking" in this socially retarded society of ours, is totally tame in other countries. And please pick your analogies better in the future..."it's ok to beat your wife in some countries?" FYI, SB Sunday is the single biggest day for domestic violence reports in our country, and our country is by far the most violent country in the world. If you don't believe either of those statements, you can look them up.

That's my two cents...

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Originally posted by Coach Gibbz Rulez!!!

Anyone who thinks this was a big deal is an idiot.

I see more provocative outfits when I go to the beach. Explain to your kids that what they saw was a breast, and get over it. If you react like this, then what do you think your kids' reaction will be? They're going to grow up being confused and uneducated about their own sexuality, which, by the way, is a perfectly normal part of being alive. It's part of the human anatomy, ffs.

Far be it from me to tell you how to be a parent, but I can tell you that I thank god I didn't have parents like you. My parents were open. They didn't try to shield me from any and everything in the world that they thought I might not be "ready" for. In fact, I could even go to them and ask the questions, if there was something I didn't understand, and they would answer them. You want to protect your kids from stuff you find objectionable? Then make sure you're the type of person they wouldn't feel the need to hide from. If I had been watching this as a child with my family, we all would have just laughed, and I probably would have had a boner, or something. Not exactly the end of the world...

Don't get me wrong, pop-culture is a joke, often pointless, tasteless, boorish, or just plain stupid, but let's get real. Who the **** cares?! The only reason this is even a big deal is because there are so many people out there who get so freakin' outraged about it. What passes for "shocking" in this socially retarded society of ours, is totally tame in other countries. And please pick your analogies better in the future..."it's ok to beat your wife in some countries?" FYI, SB Sunday is the single biggest day for domestic violence reports in our country, and our country is by far the most violent country in the world. If you don't believe either of those statements, you can look them up.

That's my two cents...

I agree with this. I was watching the game with three of my kids (2, 11 and 14) and when Justin made his move, my first reaction was to laugh, which I choked back (being the honarable thing in from of the family). My kids showed no such restraint, laughing their heads off. My wife was pissed, not because it occured, but because the baby took that time to jump in her lap for a hug, and she missed it.

While I can see (theoretically) why some people are upset, I've seen far worse with my family on the beaches in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Santa Monica.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Why would they do that and piss off MTV?? MTV has made them so much money and to do this as a stunt, I don't see it.

J-man, MTV has always made its bones off of pushing the envelope and ignoring the boundaries of taste. MTV is a network that staged a set piece during one of its recent awards shows that featured a simulated lesbian group-sex sequence.

Face it, J-man. "T*ttygate" was totally planned by MTV, Timberlake, and Jackson. Hell, she was even wearing the "breastwear" during halftime to prove it. And if it was an accident, just what exactly was Timberlake doing with his hand there anyway? Trying to flick an insect off of her outfit? :rolleyes:

Look, just like any other red-blooded heterosexual male in his 20s, I'm not really all that worked up over this scandal on a personal level. However, I can certainly understand why parents of kids, especially kids under the age of 10 who were watching this year's Super Bowl, would be ticked off. Can't you understand that, J-man?

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Okay, guys. I'm disappointed you didn't find these pictures earlier.

Here is a screen capture


Here is a super closeup of the nipple ring.



Lastly, here is a video of the incident



Personally, I think this is HILARIOUS...

This is karma coming back to bite CBS in the butt for censoring the Reagan miniseries and the Moveon.org ads.

Take THAT, Conservative Broadcasting System!!



If we were a little more open-minded, our kids would know about sex and the human body. They wouldn't sneak off and learn it on their own.

A naked titty is not the end of the world!


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while I personally wonder why it is that many find this titillating (never been to a strip bar or is the ole lady being too modest of late?)....we wonder why some cultures take offense, view America as decadent and randomly murder Americans in large numbers. think about it..this nitwit figures that she needed to expose herself before 100 million people in order to generate name recognition. same pathetic calculating stuff Madonna/Britney pulled. Geez...they have total contempt for their audience!

if you get your proverbial rocks off on this stuff, go to Thailand and see the real stuff, up front and in person, to much greater detail! keep it away from national TV and the 5 year olds.

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When I saw the incident on TV, I thought it was a boob...but I couldn't be sure and no one else at my house was paying attention. But when I came in to work this morning, all my prep services (I'm in radio) were already blowing it up as a totally planned event by MTV that was known AND approved of at the highest CBS levels. The plan was as it was implemented...when Justin Timberlake sang the lyric, "I'll have you nekkid by the end of this song!" He ripped the right "boob" panel (for lack of a better term) off of Janet's outfit. All the apologies were

pre-written and scheduled for a staggered release as the incident snowballed into a scandal. You'll find the entire blueprint for the event filed under the "Any Publicity Is Good Publicity" category.

I would've preferred to see the Patriot level the streaker ala Ted Curtis.

Now THAT was unplanned.


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Flesh over a very large silicone implant. Inappropriate. And attention seeking.

Guess her ratings were declining. Thanks to the millions of football fans who were watching, her name will be in the news for days to come. And not because of her musical performance, just because she had to expose a breast to get attention.


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Janet may be getting older, but whe is still very, very HOT.

I personally believe this was staged, and that this IS a big deal by virtue of the fact that parents were not given the opportunity to 'protect' their children from what happened. Yes, 'we' (U.S. citizens) tend to be 'prudish' with regards to nudity on television, and whether it's 'right' or 'wrong', it's our right, as citizens, to decide what our children watch. This incident was wrong..period.

That being said, NICE booby sighting.....

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I certainly concur with the sentiment that there are far more pressing matters in this world than whether or not Janet Jackson decided to bare her breasts, er, breast, I mean, in an, ahem, nakedly crass attempt at resuscitating her flagging career.

However, what I find interesting is that the same folks who are pooh-poohing this incident seem to be the same folks who always (snidely) say things like, "Oh, c'mon now, you prudes! Loosen up a bit, will ya? Public nudity? Pffft. Big deal. After all, this kind of thing happens all the time in Europe, and nobody there gets worked up about it."

Yeah, real persuasive argument, folks. Let's try to be more like the Europeans: more quasi-socialism and no emphasis whatsoever on national defense. Sounds peachy to me! Bring on the Europeanizing! :rolleyes:

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Sigh. Some folks need to get out more, maybe risk seeing the real thing and go out on a date if that's enough to get things moving along. Yeeeeeesh. As for the stunt, can't say it any differently or better than many of those who have posted already on it. Inappropriate to say the least. Feel bad for those with kids who were surprised by this.

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By Tom Shales

Monday, February 2, 2004; Page C01

Viewers who tuned in expecting a big-time football game saw the Super Bowl of Sleaze instead. Sexy and violent commercials that included jokes about flatulence and bestiality mercilessly interrupted the CBS telecast of Super Bowl XXXVIII from Houston last night, making it a dubious choice for family viewing.

But it was the unexpected climax of the MTV-produced halftime show that shocked viewers and set the CBS switchboard ablaze. As a musical number ended, out popped one of Janet Jackson's breasts. Fellow performer Justin Timberlake clearly exposed it to the crowd in Reliant Stadium and to the audience of millions watching at home by reaching over and yanking off part of her costume.

Jackson, her nipple covered by a piece of costume jewelry, has not been shy about revealing herself in public appearances and magazine photographs, but bare breasts are not commonly considered acceptable fare on broadcast network television, especially early in the evening during what used to be called the "family hour." CBS rushed out an apology, but there were reports that MTV had hinted during its afternoon programming that Jackson's appearance would be one for the record books. MTV and CBS are both owned by media conglomerate Viacom.

"CBS deeply regrets the incident that occurred during the Super Bowl halftime show," the statement said. "We attended all rehearsals throughout the week and there was no indication that any such thing would happen. The moment did not conform to CBS broadcast standards, and we would like to apologize to anyone who was offended."

A trio of witless commentators failed to make reference to the Jackson incident, but when the second half of the game was delayed by someone dancing around nearly naked on the field, the announcers joked in the booth about the "raw, naked football" certain to be just ahead. CBS cameras that had earlier shown Jackson's exposed breast avoided the streaker, and the director clung instead to a static shot of a man at the game. The incident wasn't fully explained to viewers, but finally an announcer said, "Well, the midfield disturbance has been dispensed with," apparently by a squad of security personnel.

An exciting game -- by Super Bowl standards -- between the New England Patriots and the Carolina Panthers was upstaged not only by its halftime show but also by the "edgy" and often crude humor of the commercials. Over the years -- partly because of the huge expense involved -- Super Bowl commercials have become widely ballyhooed events in themselves, and this year some sponsors, paying up to $2.9 million for a 30-second spot, went the smut route in order to stand out in the crowd.

Early in the evening, a supposedly hilarious beer commercial featured a dog that was trained to bite men in the crotch and hold on. The man being bitten moaned and grimaced in pain and finally surrendered his can of Bud Light.

As it happened, Bud Light set the standards for tastelessness and self-congratulatory humor. A later commercial, stealing a joke from a classic episode of the sitcom "Seinfeld," involved a flatulent horse. The animal, tied to a carriage, emitted an outburst from beneath its tail that caused a candle to burst into flame and burn the hair of the woman holding it. A loud sound effect made it clear that the horse was suffering digestive distress.

Many of the other Super Bowl commercials seemed conspicuously inappropriate for an event that is a national rite and the kind of rare TV attraction that brings families together in front of the set. CBS chose to air a spot advertising the upcoming horror movie "Van Helsing" even though it contained extremely disturbing and graphic images of brutality and gore and despite the fact that it has yet to be rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. If the film were eventually to be rated NC-17, it would be contrary to network policy to carry any commercials for it.

Based on excerpts shown, "Van Helsing" will earn an R, or Restricted, rating, meaning the film is considered suitable for those under 17 only if they are accompanied by a parent or other adult. The ad was wall-to-wall with monsters baring fangs and implied horrific violence.

The negative vibes given off by so many off-color or violent commercials put a soggy cloud over what was supposed to be an evening of wholesome fun. Some of the spots were funny; Jessica Simpson and the Muppets had a high time in their commercial for Pizza Hut, and Homer Simpson starred in a funny spot.

But the ghastly output from Bud Light included a commercial in which a chimpanzee talked to a beautiful girl as they sat together on a couch while she waited for her date to return from the kitchen. The monkey made a pass at the girl and asked, "So, how do you feel about back hair?" There was also an excess of commercials for drugs designed to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Maybe the Super Bowl will have to move from the broadcast networks to the Playboy Channel if its commercials are going to be so dirty that they embarrass parents watching with their kids.

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I havent read all 162 replies here, but let me join the stick-in-the-mud crowd.

If I want to see a bare breast I can access one without Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson's help.

If you are a musician, shock value stunts don't impress me. Talent impresses me. This sort of thing tells me there were two marginally talented performers deperate for attention.

How is this any different than the idiot who ran onto the field naked? The league has a specific policy in place to ensure morons like that don't get any attention, and there's a reason for that.

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