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Was that her breast? (The Official MERGED Janet Jackson Thread)

Luca Brasi

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I don't know what the big deal is. That halftime show was so awful that by the time she was stripping no one was watching. It's the Superbowl and the best they can get is Aerosmith, P Diddy, Janet Jackson, and Kid Rock?

She had to strip -- how else would they get anyone to watch? I'd suggest next time that she set herself on fire. Or set Justin Timberlake on fire. Either way, we all win. And I'd pay money to watch that.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Sorry Henry, but what happened was not a simulated attack on a woman ripping her clothes off. It was obviously a staged act as part of a dance routine.

Oh really? Then you can come over and explain that to my five year old. It wasn't quite so obvious to him.

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I don't have kids put I understand the problem here, they didn't know it would happen and it was during dinner time, normal tv and cable can't show anything around then. If this happend say around 9ish, then it wouldn't be a big deal.

CBS should be kicking themselves if they did approve this. Tags is fuming and this could be a reason to give NBC or even ABC the AFC now. You don't want to piss of the hand that feeds you, CBS did.

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I to am pretty upset with the Janet thing.I was sitting there with my young son on my lap and was caught totally unaware.Given the routine up to that point I guess I should have flipped the channel before then.I hope cbs, mtv, and the nfl take alot of heat over this.I t's a shame you can't watch the Superbowl without something like this.

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Here's my last word on it and I'm moving on.

I can't speak for anyone else, but it happened so fast that my wife wasn't even sure what she saw. She called me into the room and we rewinded our tivo to watch it again, upon first look, I still wasn't sure if her boob was painted over or what. I have a 43 inch Tv and even in pausing, I still could not see her nipple. I saw something shiny, so I assumed it was a pastey.

So for me to have to slo mo and pause the image with tivo on a big screen tv AND still not be totally sure of what I saw, I find it amusing for so many to say how shocked and disgusted they were. That's just me though, it wasn't clear to me what happened.

I think the disgust and shock and so on has come more from the media coverage of the incident and the fact that the picture is posted everywhere and so on. Until I saw the picture posted on this thread, I still wasn't sure of what I saw.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Lil Kim or someone like that show up to an awards show of some kind with a dress that didn't cover one of her boobs, and she was just wearing a pastey?

JLow had her boobs hanging out at one of those shows too and they were both on one of the 4 major networks.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Here's my last word on it and I'm moving on.

I agree with you code. The only thing I don't like about this and I think you would agree is how it makes what Justin did was right. Now the popular thing to do in school will be walking up to a girl and tearing her clothes, is that what we want our kids to see?

I would love to hear from one of the little Justin fans and see what they think about it. It just glorifies ripping off girls clothes, and that should not be done by our kids role models.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I agree with you code. The only thing I don't like about this and I think you would agree is how it makes what Justin did was right. Now the popular thing to do in school will be walking up to a girl and tearing her clothes, is that what we want our kids to see?

Totally Agree!!:cheers:

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Originally posted by codeorama

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Lil Kim or someone like that show up to an awards show of some kind with a dress that didn't cover one of her boobs, and she was just wearing a pastey?

JLow had her boobs hanging out at one of those shows too and they were both on one of the 4 major networks.

Correct but a guy didn't rip off their clothes, that is why this is not a good thing. If she did her herself there wouldn't be such outrage, the fact it was done by a guy, which in a way glorifies it is why people are upset.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Correct but a guy didn't rip off their clothes, that is why this is not a good thing. If she did her herself there wouldn't be such outrage, the fact it was done by a guy, which in a way glorifies it is why people are upset.

Gotcha.. I can understand that a little more. I'm looking at the "nudity" part of it.

But again, I wasn't really sure what I saw it happened so quick.

Anyway... I'm moving along.:cheers:

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There's also a difference between the SB half time show and the MTV music awards.

Code, I'm sorry, but pretend it didn't happen and it will go away doesn't always work. Yes, you are right that reacting to something legitimizes it, but that is true on both sides of the issue. You yourself think it's no big deal, yet you paused and rewound the thing, didn't you? How many 'hubba hubba hubba' posts are there in this thread? Probably more than the finger waggers. I think it's important in a situation like this where a reaction is going to occur that all the reactions are heard.

I also know it's important that my kids know how I feel about stuff like that. I know the baby boomer generation has scared us into thinking reverse psychology is the ONLY way to raise a child, but beleive it or not, leading by example can be a powerful methiod as well. And as an added bonus, I won't have to be a hypocrite in the process.

And that's my last post on the subject.

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I can't believe there are 180 posts about viewing a partially exposed breast on TV.

1) You realize children are on the internet everyday and see 100x worse? In Canada, women are legally allowed to walk around topless. When have Americans been such prudes?

2) Should women just accept the fact that men will continually sexually objectify them? What other explanation can there be that we get so worked about about seeing a single partially covered boob.

3) Janet Jackson pulled a publicity stunt. And everyone fell for it.

Amazing how much power sexuality really has over the general population. And it's funny to watch those people who say they know better.... as they respond 30 times to it.

This topic is so frickin dumb. And I can't wait to see if fall of the first page.

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Contrary to what Code said, those watching it at my house knew right away what had taken place.There was no need for a tivo.It was very visable.Just because there has been nudity before on t.v. doesn't make it okay.As I said before I hope cbs,mtv,and the nfl face alot of heat on this.

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I wish they would just have a High School band do the Halftime show and cut it down to the regular 15 min halftime break. All I care about is the football game. If I wanted to watch what went on during the halftime show then I would turn it to MTV or have ordered the lingerie bowl. :puke:

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Not that big of a deal and was an innocent mistake. What is the upside for Timberlake? None. For Jackson there is no real upside either -so it was a mistake. Big deal. For all those people who were wondering what to say to their kids - Say "Son/daughter her blouse fell off by mistake and leave it at that." The bigger issue I have is the advertisements for "male enhancement products on prime time." Why are people not up in arms about that. What are you going to tell your kids when they see those ads? Those need to get off the air

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Originally posted by Tarhog

We agree to disagree. I know from previous threads you have your own ideas about how you want to raise your kids DH. And thats great. There are a hundred ways to raise a great kid.

You know Tarhog... I got crap because I told people I wouldn't lie to my children and expose them to the concept of Santa Clause... no matter how good the intention. I was told how harmless it was in the grand scheme of things... how it didn't corrupt them or deprive them of anything.

But a partially-exposed boobie?!?!

Now I've got these same people telling me how they want to protect their children?

Raise your children as you see fit. But I don't think the world went to hell last night because of this incident. And if you don't think there was already a precedent out there for it... you're lying to yourself and everyone else for that matter.

So why the uproar about this trivial thing?

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DH I think most are upset how it was done, not that she was naked but the fact they made it look cool to rip off a women's clothing, especially with the kids stars doing it.

The important thing we need to discuss is how does she get through metal detectors ;)

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