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38 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:




Biden grabs mike: “I better not start with the questions, I’ll get in trouble”

Reporters start asking questions as the press team moves them along. Biden doesn’t answer the questions.


Chad and his hat seem to be grasping here. 

I thought you were going to give us something damning. This is pretty weak.

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Been a vocal critic of Biden but his SOTU last year impressed me with his passion and energy, something we've rarely seen from his office. Perhaps he can muster up some more in this pivotal election year...


I'll be watching tonight, with keen eyes...

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1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:





Trump is degenerating before our eyes — MAGA voters don't notice or don't care


espite the best efforts of the Beltway press to present him as a spry young man next to 81-year-old Joe Biden, it's getting harder by the day to ignore that 77-year-old Donald Trump is decompensating rapidly. He wasn't all that healthy or coherent to begin with but, lately, watching him speak has the feel of getting cornered by the weird creep at the nursing home. Around lunchtime on Monday, all three cable news networks cut to Trump awkwardly accepting the Supreme Court nullifying the 14th Amendment on his behalf. After a few semi-coherent, if gross, remarks about how he was "honored" by the ruling, Trump launched straight into a stream of paranoid jabber more appropriate for someone having a psychiatric episode on a city bus than for a major presidential candidate. 


He started rambling about how he wanted "immunity" for all his crimes, claiming that without that, "You really don’t have a president, because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make, in many cases, what would be the right decision — or it could be the wrong decision." By the time he got to defining "migrant crime" as a "new category of crime," both MSNBC and CNN were cutting away. Not because it wasn't newsworthy, but I suspect it was more a reasonable worry that viewers would be driven away. It's much like the way folks avert their eyes when a delusional person on the sidewalk starts screaming at the demons he wishes to fight with "sticks and stones," to quote something Trump said about immigrants. 


His appearance got stranger after most networks had muted him. A bit later, he complained that it takes him 10 minutes to wash his hair, which he somehow blamed on Democrats instead of on the full bottle of hairspray he uses on his remaining locks every morning.  


Hard as it may be to believe, this lunchtime perfomance was less of a sundowning moment than his speech in Virginia on Saturday night. Trump repeatedly forgot what he was talking about, despite the Teleprompter, even drifting off at one point into literal babble. 


As he has done multiple times this campaign season, Trump also forgot that Barack Obama hasn't been president in nearly eight years. 


It's gotten to the point where late-show hosts can't resist dunking on it. Even Jimmy Fallon, who tends to be cautious about mocking Trump, joked on Monday night, "It sounds like his brain got a flat," and suggested Trump's new campaign slogan should be "Trump 2024 WI-RI-BI-GYU ... AHHH." 


Click on the link for more


Regardless, I'm picking the old guy over the guy who tried to overthrow our democracy, has been indicted in 4 jurisdictions for 91 counts (including stealing national defense information), has been found civilly liable for sexual assault, and guilty of business fraud.  He's a literal danger to our society.

There's no point in harping on Biden's age other than to make Trump look better, because Biden's not going away.  Should've worked on that sooner.  At this point his age is moot.

Edited by China
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12 hours ago, China said:

Trump meets with Musk and Republican donors in Florida, NYT reports


Donald Trump met with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, one of the world's richest individuals, in Florida over the weekend as the former Republican president seeks a major cash infusion for his latest re-election campaign, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

The Times cited three people briefed on Sunday's private meeting in Palm Beach but who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity.

According to the Times, Trump met with Musk and a few wealthy Republican donors on Sunday and hopes to have a one-on-one discussion soon with Musk, the CEO of both Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), opens new tab and SpaceX, and the owner-executive chairman of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Neither Musk nor Trump's campaign immediately responded to Reuters' requests for comment.

Trump, whose own personal fortune took recent hits from judgments against him in a New York civil fraud case and a separate defamation trial, is aiming to line up additional major contributors to his campaign for president, the Times said.


Click on the link for the full article


What if he wasn't meeting Musk to get money for his campaign, but to get money for paying his civil judgments?



Tesla CEO Elon Musk says he’s not donating money to Trump or Biden



Click on the link for the full article

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26 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Nailed it.

The sad thing is that did any of the media reporting it make that jump?  Why would Trump seek a meeting with Musk? Who knows...and besides money there could be the whole "can you amplifying pro-Trump and mute pro-Biden accounts on Twitter?". 


This is exactly why Musk invested in Twitter.

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Ronny formerly being a rear admiral lower half makes so much sense. 😆


Also Wikipedia already lists him as a retired Captain. Bwahaha. 


Also looks like he was passed over 2x for 2 star. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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3 hours ago, ixcuincle said:







Yeah, I no longer jump at the mention of Biden "glitching" or "having dementia" or anything like that...


- Hannity showed a video of Biden at a rally in which he apparently spots his long-dead father in the audience, says "Dad," his eyes widen, and he salutes his dad...then "mumbles" stuff afterwards. Hannity gave an incredulous look after the clip into the camera, confused as to how anyone could think Biden is anything but in stage 27 of Alzheimer's.


Reality: the video was purposefully edited to appear the way Hannity presented it. Right before the start of Hannity's clip, Biden had been introduced by someone named Faye (I think) at the rally, and as he walked on stage she walked passed him off stage. Biden turned to her after she's off stage, calls her by name, and says "You knew my dad." Hannity's video left off all of that--including Biden's words--and just picked up at him saying "Dad." When Biden's eyes widen and he salutes, it's because he spotted some healthcare hospital workers off to the side...he was happy and appreciative of their work, and saluted them (not his long-dead father)...then Biden's "mumbling" was him talking about how heathcare workers are the "real heroes" and his recent interaction with them.


- There was a clip going around recently on Twitter in which conservatives were saying that, during a speech on the crisis between Israel and Gaza, Biden says "That's where I was born"...meaning, he said he was born in Israel.


Reality: Biden never said "That's where I was born"...he says "That's why it was born," meaning that's why Israel was born.


- There was another clip going around on Twitter which conservatives swore showed advanced stages of dementia in Biden, where he "mumbles" something and then raises his voice, and then "mumbles" some more, and then raises his voice again. They were saying when you have dementia, you lose your temper easily and you sometimes shout.


Reality: Biden was not mumbling, he was talking lower and slower to indicate good news for the country that he felt nobody was talking about...he delivered it as if he were telling the press a secret. Then raised his voice loudly to emphasize harmful issues taking place among MAGA Republicans. He did this a few times in a row--whisper good news as secrets, then announce troubling news loudly for emphasis. Not to mention, the type of yelling dementia patience exhibit aren't anything like what Biden was doing in that clip.


There are just a ton of clips like those that have been circulating online...I've learned to tune out the "OMG, dementia!!" clips by either seeking out the actual clip (not the chopped down versions) or to wait several days where the claims are addressed and either proven to be accurate (rarely) or complete bull**** (most often the case).

Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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3 hours ago, ixcuincle said:



I'll be watching tonight, with keen eyes...


See if you can borrow a keen brain to attach them to.


👹 ❤️❤️❤️

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Trump says he’s going to do a ‘Play by Play’ of State of the Union


Former President Trump said he will do a “Play by Play” of President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address.


“I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a LIVE, Play by Play, of Crooked Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address,” Trump said in a Truth Social post on Wednesday, not clarifying as to what platform the “Play by Play” would happen on.


“I will correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements, especially pertaining to the Border and his Weaponization of the [Department of Justice], FBI, [attorney generals], and District Attorneys, to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!),” Trump continued. “We did this once before to tremendous success – Beating All Records. It is important for the Country to get the TRUTH!”


The former president made a similar announcement last year about doing a “Play by Play” of Biden’s address, saying that if the speech was “properly done, and if Joe has just a modestly good night, this speech has the opportunity to rival any of the World’s great orators, including, Lincoln, Washington, and, of course, the late, great, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Winston Churchill.”


Click on the link for the full article

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New York Times comes out swinging at Trump amid accusations of favoring him


Critics have accused the New York Times of spending the past years fretting about President Joe Biden's age over questions about America's future under Donald Trump's leadership.


Message boards and newsletters from opinionated followers of politics are filled with questions asking what is "wrong" with the Times. It's also the subject of a recent piece published by Salon.


Such reports are "allowing it to steal attention away from the larger and far more serious danger posed by a second Trump administration," wrote CNN's Oliver Darcy Tuesday. "Critics have also argued that The Times covers Biden and Trump with disproportionate standards, placing false equivalence on issues surrounding the current president to those of the former president, who is facing 91 criminal counts and fantasized about being a dictator on 'day one.'"


Now, suddenly, The Times editorial board is fretting about Trump being the Republican Party's candidate for a third time.


"This is a tragedy for the Republican Party and for the country it purports to serve," the board wrote on Wednesday.


"The Republican Party is forsaking all of those responsibilities and instead has become an organization whose goal is the election of one person at the expense of anything else, including integrity, principle, policy and patriotism," argued the Editorial Board.


"As an individual, Mr. Trump has demonstrated a contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law that makes him unfit to hold office," it wrote. "But when an entire political party, particularly one of the two main parties in a country as powerful as the United States, turns into an instrument of that person and his most dangerous ideas, the damage affects everyone."


Policy researcher Will Stancil pointed to the column, noting that "it's a searing description of a political party falling into a fascist cult of personality, and a warning the whole country may be next."


Click on the link for the full article

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