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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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The thing the folks crowing don't seem to realize:
This is how it works. If Musk buys it and turns it into a place people don't like, that creates an opportunity that someone will exploit and twitter will become the next failed right wing answer to everything they think the left is doing that somehow they never can.

You wouldn't have this problem if
A/ you had any actual ideas for change beyond ****ing and pretending everything is out to get you
B/ you could somehow realize that "owning the libs" is how a child behaves, and you will never get anywhere .. that is if you even had any ideas to present
C/ Your people weren't overrun with Nazis, Russian sympathizers, grifters and thieves.


Good luck.



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1 hour ago, GoCommiesGo said:


It maybe, but you have to give people a chance to have a conversation. I've got some really good friends of mine who are trump supporters and I can have a conversation with them about policy and the like.


We don't get feelings hurt and we are all still friends. That's how the country is supposed to work. This...this I'm completely baffled by. 


**** that ****. If you're a trump supporter you have no honor, no character, and you are a traitor to democracy. I've yet to hear a Trump supporter properly explain support for that pork chop chuckle **** while maintaining any semblance of principle and character.


I don't understand how some people can find it acceptable to share space with people who support someone as disgusting, stupid, narcissitc, and corrupt as Donald Trump. He is so extremely cancerous to the health and progress of human civilization, that to support him is to paint yourself a cancer as well.


To me for a person to say they are okay and accept Trump, means they would accept a rapist and child molester in their circle.


I refuse to have people like that around me and damn sure don't want to be friends with them.

Edited by Fresh8686
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1 minute ago, Fresh8686 said:

**** that ****. If you're a trump supporter you have no honor, no character, and you are a traitor to democracy. I've yet to hear a Trump supported properly explain support for that pork chop chuckle **** while maintaining any semblance of principle and character.


I don't understand how some people can find it acceptable to share space with people who support someone as disgusting, stupid, narcissitc, and corrupt as Donald Trump. He is so extremely cancerous to the health and progress of human civilization, that to support him is to paint yourself a cancer as well.


To me for a person to say they are okay and accept Trump, means they would accept a rapist and child molester in their circle.


I refuse to have people like that around me and damn sure don't want to be friends with them.


I understand that thought process. I've known and still am friends with the same people since we where sophomores in high school, and in some cases earlier. I know their values and I know who they are. 


We've had long talks about why they voted the way they did. The bottom line is they felt left behind and unrepresented by politicians and wanted to roll a hand grenade into the establishment. I disagree with what they did but they are not the far right fox news all day, OAN and the like. When we stop trying to reach out and understand people we as country are dead. 


I'm not at the point where I want to give up on that. 

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3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Not reaching my hand out in any way to anyone that cannot unequivocally repudiate this.


Yeah, that's a big litmus test and if they supported that and/or thought the election was stolen I would have a smaller friend group. Like Shrek said, people are onions. 

Edited by GoCommiesGo
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13 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Not reaching my hand out in any way to anyone that cannot unequivocally repudiate this and every person involved in fomenting it.  


Jury convicts former Va. police officer for role in Jan. 6 riot - POLITICO


Sort of a handy litmus test I've developed. 

Correct.  This isn’t left v right anymore.  We’re now defending our democracy against fascist neo-confederate cultists.

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35 minutes ago, GoCommiesGo said:


I understand that thought process. I've known and still am friends with the same people since we where sophomores in high school, and in some cases earlier. I know their values and I know who they are. 


We've had long talks about why they voted the way they did. The bottom line is they felt left behind and unrepresented by politicians and wanted to roll a hand grenade into the establishment. I disagree with what they did but they are not the far right fox news all day, OAN and the like. When we stop trying to reach out and understand people we as country are dead. 


I'm not at the point where I want to give up on that. 

Did they vote for him a second time? Do they acknowledge how cancerous and damaging he was and still is to our country? Are they still supporters? 

Do you really know their values? Have they been tested? A lot of people have untested friendships or live relatively untested lives, so they don’t value character as much because they haven’t paid the price when failures in character lead to abuse and harm. 

The stop trying to understand people stuff is an empty platitude. We understand these people well enough, they don’t want understanding they want to have their evil accepted and appeased. I refuse to do that.

If they sincerely change, I’ll accept them. If they refuse to change I will exile/contain them. If they refuse to respect the boundaries set and violate the integrity of sacred institutions I will destroy them. 

There is an order of operations to life and the continuation/progression of civilization. 

MLK talked about the difference between positive and negative peace. And just like there is a difference between positive and negative peace there is a difference between positive and negative conflict. 

Appeasement of negative peace never led to positive peace. But, judicious use of positive conflict, when done honorably leads to positive peace. 

Edited by Fresh8686
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Yep, it’s really quite simple.  Anyone still supporting…I was gonna say Trump but **** it, anyone still supporting the GOP until after it is throughly fumigated is an opponent of democracy and therefore, an enemy of the country.


You can have reasonable conservative views but they have to take a backseat to, ya know, preserving the very essence of what our country is supposed to be.


Period, the end.


Edited by 86 Snyder
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I think it's time to put this thread down as a mercy killing. There are other threads in Tailgate that the substantive conversations now taking place can carry on in and everything else is just either drive by shootings or people rubber necking the car crash that has been slowly taking place. 

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