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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Trudeau warns Canada faces a serious third wave of Covid-19 cases as officials toughen lockdown measures


Canada is scrambling to deal with a punishing third wave of the pandemic as several provinces have broken records for new daily cases of Covid-19 and hospital and ICU admissions.


"Canada continues to face an incredibly serious situation with this third wave, cases are rising rapidly in many cases, in many places, numbers are higher than they have ever been before and many hospitals are stretched way too thin," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during a press conference Friday in Ottawa.

He said the situation was particularly grave in Ontario, with Toronto now seeing records shattered and hospital beds filling up.

Ontario broke more pandemic records Friday for daily cases, hospitalizations and intensive care admissions.

"There is every reason to believe that we're now in the final although toughest stretch of this pandemic, this is not the moment to let up, not even for a second," said Trudeau adding "This is the moment for us to dig deep at what is hopefully the very late stages of this pandemic for us all."

There was a 35% increase in hospitalizations and a more than 20% increase in ICU admissions in the last week alone, public health officials said. More worrying is the 38% increase in deaths in the last week, they said.


Click on the link for the full article

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this is 100% me. Every part of it. Even the stay up late for no reason part. I found it helpful reading that and realizing there’s a word for it, there’s an explanation for it, and there’s a strategy for dealing with it. I also can’t help but wonder if my post-covid symptom of “brain fog” wasnt actually a post covid symptom but just a new awareness of this problem. Even if I didn’t really understand it until now. 

divorce and job changes are expected to rise. This could also help explain some of that. 

so if you’re like me and been languishing maybe it’ll help to realize it’s an actual thing you can do something about once you’re aware of it. 

sometimes it just feels good to have an explanation. I was blaming everyone around me for it. Coworkers. Wife. Society. All of those definitely do have some blame, but now I see not nearly as much as I was previously thinking. 

So now, what to do about it. Hopefully as the article suggests simply being aware is a big first step. We’ll see. 


Edited by tshile
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On 4/18/2021 at 9:57 AM, Cooked Crack said:

Exercise induced asthma?


jeff goldblum checkmate GIF


That is why you take your asthma meds before you exercise and you do a mid one. ;)


As for the whole exercise thing. What a great PROMO to get people off their fat asses and start getting heathy by scaring them that if they do then covid-19 can't touch you. Well played indeed. 


I bet you Dunkin' Donuts does not support this. 

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Non-stop cremations cast doubt on India’s counting of COVID dead


Gas and firewood furnaces at a crematorium in the western Indian state of Gujarat have been running so long without a break during the COVID-19 pandemic that metal parts have begun to melt.


“We are working around the clock at 100 percent capacity to cremate bodies on time,” Kamlesh Sailor, the president of the trust that runs the crematorium in the diamond-polishing city of Surat, told the Reuters news agency.


And with hospitals full and oxygen and medicines in short supply in an already creaky health system, several big cities are reporting far larger numbers of cremations and burials under coronavirus protocols than official COVID-19 death tolls, according to crematorium and cemetery workers, media and a review of government data.


India’s daily COVID-19 cases retreated from record levels on Tuesday but stayed above the 200,000 mark for a sixth-straight day, with cases increasing by 259,170 over the last 24 hours. Deaths rose by a record 1,761, health ministry data showed.


Officially, almost 180,000 Indians have died from coronavirus, 15,000 of them this month, although some believe the real number may be higher.


Indian social media and newspaper reports have been flooded with horrifying images of row upon row of burning pyres and crematoriums unable to cope.


Click on the link for the full article

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6 minutes ago, tshile said:

Basically everyone I’ve talked to said they won’t wear a mask or social distance again this summer. 

so, hope this vaccine works well and they get it out there a little quicker....


Yeah, it's weird who I hear saying I will/will not comply. Getting my haircut today, the guy next to me said "This mask is all about control". A little later he (early 60s) said something about hydrogen peroxide & a home cure & there was no need for masks & vaccination. When I got home, I googled hydrogen peroxide covid-19 cure & sure enough there's some quacky **** out there about a cure for all viral infections including covid-19. Then I hear the people at the restaurant where I work saying they would stay away from people who don't comply &/or get vaccinated. And they're all in their 20s & early 30s. 

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Yeah my experience is across all age groups, and they all largely have complied with the recomendations to date. All got their vaccines. 

I think there’s some misunderstanding of the vaccine. 

if I were to bet, at this point my money would be on “we got so close but couldn’t hold out another 3 months and ****ed it all up”....

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High-profile Norwegian conspiracy theorist who said COVID-19 was a hoax dies from the virus after hosting illegal house parties


A Norwegian conspiracy theorist who believed COVID-19 was a hoax and hosted illegal house parties has died after contracting the virus. 


Hans Kristian Gaarder, 60, who lived in the Norwegian town of Gran, tested positive for COVID-19 after he died on April 6. 


Just days earlier on March 26 and 27, he hosted two illegal gatherings at a barn on his property, reports Norwegian news outlet NRK. 


Gaarder was a high profile conspiracy theorist who made TV appearances and edited an online magazine. He is known in Norway for sharing false information about COVID-19, likening it to the common cold. 


Click on the link for the full article


As more and more people get vaccinated, this may become a self-correcting problem.  Those that refuse the vaccine will be more likely to contract COVID and have severe if not fatal reactions to it, whereas vaccinated people will have some level of protection.



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23 hours ago, tshile said:

Basically everyone I’ve talked to said they won’t wear a mask or social distance again this summer. 

so, hope this vaccine works well and they get it out there a little quicker....

Ya June/July is gonna be interesting. My guess is the summer will look pretty good with most people having fresh vaccines and spending time outdoors. I'm more worried about a huge outbreak around Thanksgiving/Holidays when people are then used to being back to "life as usual", back indoors with family, and their vaccines start to wear off. Pfizer says we'll need a booster right around that time, so we'll see how many actually care enough by then to get it

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1 hour ago, mammajamma said:

Ya June/July is gonna be interesting. My guess is the summer will look pretty good with most people having fresh vaccines and spending time outdoors. I'm more worried about a huge outbreak around Thanksgiving/Holidays when people are then used to being back to "life as usual", back indoors with family, and their vaccines start to wear off. Pfizer says we'll need a booster right around that time, so we'll see how many actually care enough by then to get it


It should be noted though that is just a guess from Pfizer, there are medical experts who also think protection could last years given the fact that natural immunity to SARS-Cov-1 was 2.5-3 years. Question is do more variants change the game, or have we seen most of what this virus can do to mutate. It doesn't have unlimited options but there could be more.

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11 minutes ago, Sticksboi05 said:


It should be noted though that is just a guess from Pfizer, there are medical experts who also think protection could last years given the fact that natural immunity to SARS-Cov-1 was 2.5-3 years. Question is do more variants change the game, or have we seen most of what this virus can do to mutate. It doesn't have unlimited options but there could be more.

Ya it's all a guessing game right now, but I think they're guessing less than a year for covid-19 because it seems natural immunity for this is much less. People are getting reinfected after just several months. But yeah, we won't know till we get there

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3 hours ago, mammajamma said:

Ya it's all a guessing game right now, but I think they're guessing less than a year for covid-19 because it seems natural immunity for this is much less. People are getting reinfected after just several months. But yeah, we won't know till we get there


They are but it's still extremely rare. Hopefully once this is put out, it's put out for good. Cannot deal with last March and April again.

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An unvaccinated worker set off an outbreak at a U.S. nursing home where most residents were immunized.


An unvaccinated health care worker set off a Covid-19 outbreak at a nursing home in Kentucky where the vast majority of residents had been vaccinated, leading to dozens of infections, including 22 cases among residents and employees who were already fully vaccinated, a new study reported Wednesday.


Most of those who were infected with the coronavirus despite being vaccinated did not develop symptoms or require hospitalization, but one vaccinated individual, who was a resident of the nursing home, died, according to the study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Altogether, 26 facility residents were infected, including 18 who had been vaccinated, and 20 health care personnel were infected, including four who had been vaccinated. Two unvaccinated residents also died.


Click on the link for the full article

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6 hours ago, China said:



Most of those who were infected with the coronavirus despite being vaccinated did not develop symptoms or require hospitalization, but one vaccinated individual, who was a resident of the nursing home, died, according to the study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.




Is this the first recorded death of a vaccinated person from COVID? That line causes me the most for concern. The idea of the vaccines is that you might still get it but you wont be in the hospital or die. I know it is just 1 but does give slight concern.   

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1 hour ago, just654 said:


Is this the first recorded death of a vaccinated person from COVID? That line causes me the most for concern. The idea of the vaccines is that you might still get it but you wont be in the hospital or die. I know it is just 1 but does give slight concern.   

they were in a nursing home. It doesn’t say they died from Covid. Covid was probably a contributing factors. I personally take the article as good news; even if you can get infected with Covid after getting the vaccine, it appears that most of the cases stay minor.

When it first started it was wiping out nursing homes....

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