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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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4 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:


My wife got back home today that after 7 months with 0 cases in the nursing home she's working, they now officially have 8 cases among residents and 4 cases among staff....

Upcoming weeks will be tough...

I'll be keeping good thoughts for your family.  Hang in there.

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The coronavirus pandemic has caused nearly 300,000 more deaths than expected in a typical year


The covid-19 pandemic has left about 285,000 more people dead in the United States than would be expected in a typical year, two-thirds of them from the disease itself and the rest from other causes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday.


The CDC said the coronavirus, which causes covid-19, has taken a disproportionate toll on Latinos and Blacks, as previous analyses have noted. But the CDC also found, surprisingly, that it has struck 25- to 44-year-olds very hard: Their “excess death” rate is up 26.5 percent over previous years, the largest change for any age group.


It is not clear whether that spike is caused by the well-recognized shift in covid-19 deaths toward younger people between May and August, or deaths from other causes, the CDC said.


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Britain to infect healthy volunteers with coronavirus in vaccine challenge trials


LONDON — British scientists said Tuesday that they will launch the world's first human challenge ­trials for covid-19, in which healthy volunteers will be deliberately infected with the coronavirus in hopes of further speeding the drive to a vaccine.


The research, led by scientists at Imperial College London and funded by the British government, is a gutsy gambit, given that people will be submitting themselves to a deadly virus with no surefire treatment.


The United States is moving more cautiously, with leading government researchers saying human challenge trials might be too risky or unnecessary. But the British scientists say that the potential payoff is massive — that accelerating vaccine development by even three months could save hundreds of thousands of lives globally.


The British experiment is scheduled to begin in January. Volunteers will have a purified, laboratory-grown strain of the live virus blown into their noses, while quarantined in a 22-bed biosecure unit at the Royal Free Hospital in London, where they will undergo daily, even hourly, tests over two to three weeks.


The initial phase of the study, involving fewer than 100 healthy young adults between ages 18 and 30, will seek to determine the minimal amount of virus necessary to cause an active, measurable infection in the upper respiratory system.


In the spring, the scientists hope to enlist more volunteers, who will be inoculated with promising vaccines and then exposed to the virus to see how well the vaccines protect them.


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Pope reverts to mask-less old ways amid growing criticism


A day after donning a face mask for the first time during a liturgical service, Pope Francis was back to his mask-less old ways Wednesday despite surging coronavirus infections across Europe and growing criticism of his behavior and the example he is setting.


Francis shunned a face mask again during his Wednesday general audience in the Vatican auditorium, and didn’t wear one when he greeted a half-dozen mask-less bishops at the end. He shook hands and leaned in to chat privately with each one.


While the clerics wore masks while seated during the audience, all but one took his mask off to speak to the pope. Only one kept it on, and by the end of his tete-a-tete with Francis, had lowered it under his chin.


Vatican regulations now require facemasks to be worn indoors and out where distancing can’t be “always guaranteed.” The Vatican hasn’t responded to questions about why the pope wasn’t following either Vatican regulations or basic public health measures to prevent COVID-19.


Francis has faced sharp criticism even from his most ardent supporters and incredulousness from some within the Vatican for refusing to wear a mask.


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1 hour ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Any RVA people who have been here since October 9th may want to get tested -


JJ's Grille on Staples Mill Road Glen Allen. 




JJ’s is the closest nicest place from my house to get rowdy.  Right on the far western edge of the suburbs.  I have been there several times and would likely go more often if the clientele weren’t so “Trumpy”.


But I wasn’t there that night.  And this outcome doesn’t surprise me at all.

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:

JJ’s is the closest nicest place from my house to get rowdy.  Right on the far western edge of the suburbs.  I have been there several times and would likely go more often if the clientele weren’t so “Trumpy”.


But I wasn’t there that night.  And this outcome doesn’t surprise me at all.

Oddly enough my wife & I went with another couple in early September to see this same band. I told her that night I would never return there (1st time there) per your comment. But that band Audiovault is really good. Our neighbor grew up with Keith Horne the bass player in the band. Keith is a phenomenal bass player & has played with a lot of top bands/singers. Hired gun bassist who's been in the RVA music scene since the early 80s.

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5 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Oddly enough my wife & I went with another couple in early September to see this same band. I told her that night I would never return there (1st time there) per your comment. But that band Audiovault is really good. Our neighbor grew up with Keith Horne the bass player in the band. Keith is a phenomenal bass player & has played with a lot of top bands/singers. Hired gun bassist who's been in the RVA music scene since the early 80s.

Way cool.  We should catch up and have a beer sometime.

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Coronavirus outbreak strikes defiant Sun Valley megachurch that held indoor services despite public health orders


An evangelical megachurch in Los Angeles that has defied L.A. County public health orders and held indoor worship services for the last several weeks has been struck with an outbreak of the coronavirus, public health officials confirmed Thursday.


Grace Community Church in Sun Valley has seen three confirmed cases, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.


The conservative megachurch announced in late July that it would restart indoor services — despite a county public health order barring any house of worship from doing so. Thousands of people have attended services, with most not wearing face coverings as they sit side by side indoors, or close together outside under a tent, according to public health officials.


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Parts Of Idaho Repeal Mask Mandates Even Though Hospitals Full Of COVID-19 Patients


BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Moments after hearing an Idaho hospital was overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients and looking at sending people as far away as Seattle for care, members of a regional health department board voted Thursday to repeal a local mask mandate.


“Most of our medical surgical beds at Kootenai Health are full,” Panhandle Health District epidemiologist Jeff Lee told board members in the state’s third most populated county.


The hospital in Coeur d’Alene reached 99% capacity a day earlier, even after doubling up patients in rooms and buying more hospital beds. Idaho is one of several states where a surge of COVID-19 infections is overwhelming hospitals, likely in part because cooler weather is sending people indoors, U.S. health officials said.


“We’re facing staff shortages, and we have a lot of physician fatigue. This has been going on for seven months — we’re tired,” Lee said.


He introduced several doctors who testified about the struggle COVID-19 patients face, the burden on hospitals and how masks reduce the spread of the virus.


But the board voted 4-3 to end the mask mandate. Board members overseeing the operations of Idaho’s public health districts are appointed by county commissioners and not required to have any medical experience.


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FDA approves Gilead’s remdesivir as coronavirus treatment


The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved Gilead Sciences’ antiviral drug remdesivir as a treatment for the coronavirus.


In May, the FDA granted the drug an emergency use authorization, allowing hospitals and doctors to use it on patients hospitalized with the disease even though the medication had not been formally approved by the agency. The intravenous drug has helped shorten the recovery time of some hospitalized Covid-19 patients. It was one of the drugs used to treat President Donald Trump, who tested positive for the virus earlier this month.


The drug will be used for Covid-19 patients at least 12 years old and requiring hospitalization, Gilead said. Remdesivir is now the first and only fully approved treatment in the U.S. for Covid-19, which has infected more than 41.3 million people worldwide and killed more than 1 million, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.


Shares of Gilead were up more than 5% in after-hours trading.


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This, after a report last week...


Covid: Remdesivir 'has little or no effect' on survival, says WHO


Anti-viral drug remdesivir has little to no effect on Covid patients' chances of survival, a study from the World Health Organization (WHO) has found.


The WHO trial evaluated four potential medications for Covid-19, including remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine.


Remdesivir was among the first to be used to treat coronavirus, and was recently given to US President Donald Trump when he was in hospital.


The drug's manufacturer Gilead rejected the findings of the trial.


In a statement, Gilead said the findings of the study were "inconsistent" with others, and that it was "concerned" that the results have yet to be reviewed.


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The US just topped 1,100 coronavirus deaths a day. One state is getting National Guard help, and others keep breaking records


ou know Covid-19 is out of control when health officials are so overwhelmed, they can't notify close contacts who may be infected.


That's what's happening in North Dakota, one of 31 states suffering more new Covid-19 cases this past week compared to the previous week.


Contact tracing is crucial to finding possible carriers of coronavirus, so they can quarantine and break the chain of infection.

But a "sharp increase" in new cases has engulfed contact tracers, leading to delays and "a backlog of positive cases that have yet to be assigned to a case investigator," the North Dakota Department of Health said this week.

"Close contacts will no longer be contacted by public health officials; instead, positive individuals will be instructed to self-notify their close contacts and direct them to the NDDoH website, where landing pages will be created ... explaining the recommended and required actions for both positive patients and close contacts."

The North Dakota National Guard has shifted 50 soldiers from contacting close contacts to notifying people who have tested positive, the state health department said.


Nationwide, all Americans need to double down on safety measures now that the definition of "close contacts" has expanded.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just broadened "close contacts" to include anyone you may have had brief contact with, within 6 feet, during a combined 15 minutes over the course of a day. (Previously, the CDC defined close contacts as anyone you had close encounters with for at least 15 minutes straight.)


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Cases Skyrocket As Superspreader Church Refuses to Host COVID Testing


An annual, multi-day gathering at a massive Charlotte, North Carolina-based church has emerged as a likely superspreader event, feeding the largest COVID-19 outbreak in the county and apparently infecting at least 82 people, three of whom have died, according to local officials.


The clash between in-person worship and pandemic guidelines has sparked outrage, tension, and superspreader events in recent weeks all over the country—from California to Maine. Adding insult to injury at the outbreak in Charlotte, officials and health providers said that the church refused to let anyone set up on-site testing.

“We’ve offered our services and offered our services with no response,” Sylvia Grier, a management services officer at the nonprofit Genesis Project, a local mental and behavioral health agency that offers free coronavirus testing to residents, told The Daily Beast.


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