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Battle lines drawn... where do you stand?!


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I vote for as little changes as possible. Meaning, let Spurrier decide. If he thinks Edwards can't cut it, then let him find a replacement. If he thinks people are dogging it, then let him cut them.

I also think Vinny/Danny should do what they can to make upgrades, specifically on the DL, of course. Other than that, only anything affordable, or through the draft.

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Just why is Spurrier here in the first place? At this level, as a head coach he doesn't seem to deliver much. We keep hearing (or we used to) how all Spurrier wants to do is draw up pass plays -- just like he did in Florida, and leave that "other stuff" to, well, others.

There it is in a nutshell.

He wants so much for Washington to be Florida. Bring coaches, (below marginal) players & philosophy in to recreate the Swamp. (That alone should of set off alarms throughout the fan base.) It hasn't worked, and what makes to worse, is Spurrier's inability to adjust. And I don't call waffling on Assistants, playcalling, Danny W., etc., adjusting. No, it's uncertainty, which is a millstone around the neck of any coach trying to succeed in the NFL. Uncertainty travels downward, to the players. What you see on the field cannot be separated from the top -- it's a direct result. The notion that the players are not performing for Steve, or the Assistants are not coaching for Steve, or the front office is not supplying the right bodies for Steve, are all strawmen that strip Spurrier of the responsibility he should bear for his own poor decisionmaking.

And two years of bad decisionmaking is more than enough to get you pink slipped out of the big time.

He won't be back. Just look at him on the sideline. He's miserable. Looks like he's on some sort of weekly Bataan Death March. There will be a mutual face-saving parting of ways between him and Snyder.

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Bubba, what do you mean by get it done? Simply getting back to 8 - 8 isn't an improvement since that's where the team was when SOS got it. To me, getting it done would mean that we make it to the playoffs and win at least one game. Do I think Spurrier will do that? No.

BTW Bubba, what will happen with you and some of the other big Spurrier fans if he does leave? Will you no longer be Skins fans? Just curious.

I agree w/ Steve57 that Spurrier's indecisiveness is the root of the Skins' struggles. The team's performance mirrors Steve's actions on the sidelines and practice fields.

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I hope i never stepped on anyone's toes before with my support for Spurrier. I thought about it and realized I'm no Spurrier lover. I'm afraid to see what would happen to the team after another coaching change this soon. I agree with what Bang said about a week ago. I feel a new coach would hurt the team more than help it. Unless we get someone who can make an immediate impact like a Bill Parcells. How many coaches like him are available?

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  • 6 months later...

We will see an improved team. Will this translate into a trip to the playoffs...well that remains to be seen. There are too many variables in regard to the playoffs. We're in a tough division, so

it's hard for two teams to make the playoffs. There are some weaker divisions that will hurt our chances.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Mark Maske: I do think the Redskins' fan base will be very skeptical heading into next season. The fans won't be excited about a few offseason moves this time around. They will want to see results on the field next season before they believe. But this is a town that will never turn completely on this team, and the fans will love everyone in this organization from top to bottom if the Redskins find a way to win again. As far as needing serious help, that's obviously true. But I don't think they're as far away from being a decent to good team as it looked like last Sunday. They need Spurrier to keep his word and stay because, as we've seen around here in recent years, the first season under a new coach usually isn't pretty unless the coach is Bill Parcells (or maybe Marvin Lewis). They need to fix the defensive line. They need to fill a few other holes, like at tight end and safety. And if they can do that, I don't rule out them being pretty good next season. What we've seen about the NFL these days is that you can go from being a bad team to a good team in a year.


or maybe Joe Gibbs...

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I wonder how many people changed there minds from Dec.19th,2003 to June 19th, 2004? What a difference 6 months make. Joe Gibbs and the coaches he brought with him as well as our offseason personel moves has totally changed the scent in the air. We went from a pretender to a contender in less then 6 months.

How many people were actually counting the days to the start of another season on Dec. 19th of 2003? How many are counting the days to the start of the new season now? I can speak for myself by saying I can't wait till the start of the new season.

How long has it been since we have had the respect of the national media and the fans of other teams? Joe Gibbs gives us instant credibility and respect. I can't put into words how good that feels.:cheers:

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Originally posted by steve57

Dallas. Cincy. They're winning in year # 1. Yeah, yeah. We have a tougher schedule. But it's more than that. Dallas for example displays a mental toughness under Tuna, even when losing, that I've not seen with the Skins going back to Joe Gibbs' days. Ever notice how often the Skins show up on other team's highlight films? As far as Cincy goes, I was in favor of bringing Lewis here as head coach after the Ravens won the Super Bowl.

He had no clue what was coming his way!!! My friend we will all get to see it now!

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Originally posted by Tarhog

No offense 22, but you've never experienced what its like when the Redskins are contending, winning consistently, going to the playoffs. We did not do okay this year. We're far more talented than our performance on the field showed. We had flashes this year, glimpses at what could be achieved with disciplined smart play. But we weren't okay, and we were a far sight farther from good.

... Hmmm

I'm 23 (just a year or two older than the guy you are referring to here) and I very much remember what its like when the Skins are winning.

1986 - 12-4, NFC Championship

1987 - 12-4, Super Bowl Win

1989 - 10-6

1990 - 10-6, Divisional Playoff

1991 - 14-2, Super Bowl Win

1992 - 9-7, Divisional Playoff




1999 - 10-6. Divisional Playoff

I remember all of these seasons... six playoff trips there and a pair of super bowls that are part of my memory. I only wish I could have been born a couple of years earliers to have seen Gibbs' first one.

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Originally posted by swissarmy47

... Hmmm

I'm 23 (just a year or two older than the guy you are referring to here) and I very much remember what its like when the Skins are winning.

1986 - 12-4, NFC Championship

1987 - 12-4, Super Bowl Win

1989 - 10-6

1990 - 10-6, Divisional Playoff

1991 - 14-2, Super Bowl Win

1992 - 9-7, Divisional Playoff




1999 - 10-6. Divisional Playoff

I remember all of these seasons... six playoff trips there and a pair of super bowls that are part of my memory. I only wish I could have been born a couple of years earliers to have seen Gibbs' first one.

Oh come on. You were in your kindergarten years for half of the games on that list.

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Originally posted by Darock

We were VASTLY improved the minute Gibbs came back....

But talent wise...we have upgraded our LB,S,TE/H-Back,RB,QB,DE,DT, and have some good depth...

So I'd say we should improve our record from last year....

it's a gimmie we'll definitely be better than 5-11. Gibbs alone guarantees that. playoffs and post-season success may have to wait a year or two...but no way was this team was as bad as 5-11 last year....that was all Spurrier and his well-rounded cluelessness. :loser:

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Originally posted by swissarmy47

... Hmmm

I'm 23 (just a year or two older than the guy you are referring to here) and I very much remember what its like when the Skins are winning.

1986 - 12-4, NFC Championship

1987 - 12-4, Super Bowl Win

1989 - 10-6

1990 - 10-6, Divisional Playoff

1991 - 14-2, Super Bowl Win

1992 - 9-7, Divisional Playoff




1999 - 10-6. Divisional Playoff

I remember all of these seasons... six playoff trips there and a pair of super bowls that are part of my memory. I only wish I could have been born a couple of years earliers to have seen Gibbs' first one.

I'm only 22 and i can clearly remember sitting in front of the TV in my basement with my mom and dad, watching the redskins and joe gibbs win games, my mom screamong louder than me and my dad combined...when Gibbs left i was 10 or 11 and i remember getting upset at the news, because he didn't really give me a good enough reason for stopping. some of my only memories from childhood involve redskins games...now that gibbs is back my life can continue.

I realize that with age comes wisdom and experience...you just have to remember that certain things affect us no matter how old we are...like the Washing ton Redskins...there really is something magical about htis team. I need to move back to maryland. People in florida are douchebags. sorry...rambling

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We will improve this year but that's not saying alot. So allow me to expound.

Mark Brunell and Clinton Portis will be the first improvement to play out immediately before our eyes. Finishing the last season with Tim Hasselbeck and (insert RB here) was not very promising to this season. But low and behold, our Danny worked some MAJOR magic and pulled 2 rabbits out of his hat. Even if Brunell struggles or gets hurt, we lose nothing and in fact in many minds GAIN at QB. As for Clinton Portis? C'MON. It's CLINTON PORTIS.

The defense wears a shroud of mystery due to the loss of Champ Bailey and the arrival of 2 veteran lineman. I actually have NO idea how our defense will look. I admit it. How many times will Sean Taylor look like a rookie this year? How many times will he look like a an all-pro? Will we put ANY pressure on QBs? CAN we stop the run?

Special teams will improve under Joe Gibbs simply because it's an obsession for him. Period.

So by improving in at least 2 of 3 categories we should have a better record this year. But will that translate to a playoff appearance?

The answer lies in divisional play. We have to step up and beat our NFC East sisters. Just splitting with each of them will be an improvement. We'd have been 3 games better last year if we had simply SPLIT with our NFC East rivals. It's time to stop being the whipping boy of the division.

10-6 is achievable, 9-7 probable. We will be better. To make the playoffs, however, we HAVE to beat the NFC East.


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Clinton Portis will make a world of difference to our offense. But, was he a product of the system in Denver? We shall see, I'm betting he is a great runner, that played in a good running offense. That's why he produced back-to-back 1500 yard years.

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Originally posted by Craig

No coach Synder would hire will help the team.


I'm only 22 and i can clearly remember sitting in front of the TV in my basement with my mom and dad, watching the redskins and joe gibbs win games, my mom screamong louder than me and my dad combined...when Gibbs left i was 10 or 11 and i remember getting upset at the news, because he didn't really give me a good enough reason for stopping. some of my only memories from childhood involve redskins games...now that gibbs is back my life can continue.

I realize that with age comes wisdom and experience...you just have to remember that certain things affect us no matter how old we are...like the Washing ton Redskins...there really is something magical about htis team.


I'm 22 and I still remember those games (the big ones, I don't remember too regular season games). Why shouldn't I?

It's amazing, I was always the most diehard (diehardestest?) Skins fan in my (immediate) family.

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