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Battle lines drawn... where do you stand?!


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as it stand s "right now" before any off season moves, before the draft, before possible injuries next year.

Where are you on the great 2004 debate? Are you on the positive, "we will get it done" pro-skins side, or the dark evil "fire Spurrier we are doomed if you don't", ultra negative con side?

stand and be counted!

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I really think the Skins are a better team than their record demonstrates. IMHO if we win a couple of those close games early in the year (Philly and the Giants) our team would have had a great deal more confidence through the middle of the season. We lost games we should have won and, admittedly, we probably won a couple that we should have lost, but, confidence does a lot for a team (ala Dallass).

If we can stay healthy next year (Ramsey and Coles especially) and can keep Ramsey upright, win the close games instead of loosing them and get the confidence going early, we really could win the division.

I still think that SS has more to learn, but, I think it will go in the rigtht direction.


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i have to believe that with ANOTHER year, spurrier will begin to learn that in order to win in the NFL you have to adjust. he is gonna have to reign in his ECOffense can get it done mantra, but i think he has enough talent to win. most importantly you have to think that our offensive line can't possibly block any worse than they did for pat. if he gets some time he has pro-bowl caliber stuff, and the players around him to make it happen. i am up in the air about our defense and what might happen there. i firmly believe we have to add young talent to the DT and DE position, and then there is champ... don't know what will traspire, but i believe he will be franchised. will he be a skin? no clue. so i'll assume he is here. we will survive on D. as long as the O can sustain drives and stop turning the ball over so much.

we will improve.

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as long as there are no major injuries we will be 10-6 next year. This team needs to get deeper in the offseason for this to happen though. I think we need to build through the draft this year in the area of dt, de, lb, cb, and te.

we need to pick up a stud de or dt through fa, and cut our losses with some vets that are soon to be on the decline.

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The offense can only get better, and fixing the DL is worth a couple wins alone. So I think the Skins will crawl up from 5-11 to 8-8.

The big question is leadership. If the organization can instill determination, desire, and discipline, this could be a playoff squad. Is the coaching staff up to the task?

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Skins will be better next year, but that much is easy to say, given how badly THIS season turned out. How much better is a tougher question. They need to catch a spark that will ignite the talent on hand.

I've heard more than a few pundits who have said that year three of a new NFL coach's career can be the big year for success. Hope they're right.

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Anyone who, based on current information, says 'we will get it done' is just a homer plain and simple.

There's a stark difference in praying and hoping beyond hope our misery will end and we finally find leadership, solid play, and the playoffs (I'm guilty) and BELIEVING we're turning the corner.

There's just no reality-based justification for that belief.

Color me skeptical sammy.

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I don’t think the coach should be fired, but I don’t think we’ll do much better than .500 next year. I think SS deserves another year, but I am just not convinced he’s an NFL caliber coach.

He would probably be better suited as an OC in this league – but he’ll never do that now.

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Maybe I'm off base, but I thought the question was 'whether we will get it done' next year. That implies playing at or above our talent potential level, having a smart disciplined team, solid coaching, and reaching the playoffs.

Its hard to argue we'll be WORSE next year! But I'd like to turn it around....what is it that gives those convinced we're a playoff team next year their certainty? I just don't see it.

But don't let me rain on the parade. Dream on fellas! I'm glad someone still has the capacity. Me, I'm a crack-ho at this point, without a cent to my name. Want a date?

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Originally posted by redskin56

I really think the Skins are a better team than their record demonstrates. IMHO if we win a couple of those close games early in the year (Philly and the Giants) our team would have had a great deal more confidence through the middle of the season. We lost games we should have won and, admittedly, we probably won a couple that we should have lost, but, confidence does a lot for a team (ala Dallass).

If we can stay healthy next year (Ramsey and Coles especially) and can keep Ramsey upright, win the close games instead of loosing them and get the confidence going early, we really could win the division.

I still think that SS has more to learn, but, I think it will go in the rigtht direction.


AMEN BROTHA!!! They'll get it turned around...we've only played three real sh!tty games all year...with a healthy line, a healthy QB, and some form of a D-Line, we'l be fine, and those close games will turn into wins instead of losses.


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Well, I'm not ready to throw in the towel for next year.

If a good coach comes loose.....I think we'll improve alot....but my expectations have been lowered to 8-8. A good coach, with a couple of breaks could most certainly get this team to 10 wins next year I believe.

If we retain Spurrier.....I won't be happy about it, but it would at the very least mean he's got a couple of upgrades in his assistants and I can only hope for the best. Which at BEST, I think would be 8-8. By this time he most certainly will be fired.....or walk away. If 8-8 brings him back for a 4th......God help us all.

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We have the ingredients to win in 2004. I think more than ever. We have a legit QB, and our line looks good. We have good role players in the Rock, SMoot, Armstead, etc. I think we're just a few players away. But the real improvemnet has to come from the Top. Snyder has to get a GM. Spurrier has to become a HEAD COACH. What I mean is he must stop callingthe plays. He must devote time to both the Defense, and offense. The real reason we're not winning is our coaches. I don't like George Edwards. He needs to go. I would like a Bill Calahan, or somebody with NFL experience. They don't have to be a superbowl offensive coord. they just need to know how to win. I'll tell you what really makes me mad is we fired Schot before he really got a chance to do his thing. He went 8-8 after starting off the season at 0-5. The last coach to do that......JOE GIBBS.

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I think the MOST IMPORTANT Thing that needs to change is SPURRIER and Idon't think he can or is willing to change therefore, I as much as I hate to have to vote gloom and doom. I don't think the man game plans an opponent from week to week, he just figures we do what we do and if it works great if it doesn't oh well aw shucks. I do think he deserves at least 3 years but, if next year is another failure he has to go.

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I don't think this team as it sits now will do enough smart thing to be better.

Sorry to say but I am down on Trung and Ladell. We are going to have to have a running back that we can depend on every play.

I was watching ESPN Classic last night and they showed the AFC championship game between Cleveland and Denver. This game featured "The Fumble" by Earnest Byner. What a horse he was.

He was a threat to run and catch, unlike what we have now.

Glaring holes on the defense will not be addressed because we will go for the big name free agent.

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