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Battle lines drawn... where do you stand?!


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Originally posted by lolhahaha

Thats an understatement. Swapping out Spurrier for any other coach in the NFL and we would have won 8-10 games last year. :laugh:

I believe that was the question wasn't it?

But you're right about the coaching..

We are improving for the future as well...

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Originally posted by Chachie

The defense wears a shroud of mystery due to the loss of Champ Bailey and the arrival of 2 veteran lineman. I actually have NO idea how our defense will look. I admit it. How many times will Sean Taylor look like a rookie this year? How many times will he look like a an all-pro? Will we put ANY pressure on QBs? CAN we stop the run?

Special teams will improve under Joe Gibbs simply because it's an obsession for him. Period.

So by improving in at least 2 of 3 categories we should have a better record this year. But will that translate to a playoff appearance?

Actually I dont see how the defense could be worse than last years. With a good defensive coach, even if our DL is worse we should be a lot better than near the worst in the league which we were last year. I can't see it being lower than 20th anyway, but I could easily see our offense being top 10. Our offense might be even higher than that but I have a feeling that they will start the season conservatively and not a lot of points will be scored early on.

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Originally posted by a_good_brotha

I hope i never stepped on anyone's toes before with my support for Spurrier. I thought about it and realized I'm no Spurrier lover. I'm afraid to see what would happen to the team after another coaching change this soon. I agree with what Bang said about a week ago. I feel a new coach would hurt the team more than help it. Unless we get someone who can make an immediate impact like a Bill Parcells. How many coaches like him are available?

Oh there was one IMPACT coach out there! :notworthy :point2sky
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The question is a bit unfair since the team was horrible last year. It would be hard to be worse, with talented players on the offensive line (Jansen, Thomas, Samuels) and coaching from Buges and Gibbs the offense will move and with a schemer like Williams deffensively I can't see the team at 5-11 or worse.

My main concern is the quality of play. The record will be what it will be, but the big change will be not killing themselves with idiotic penalties and an obvious lack of preperation.

If the defense does some dictating with zone-blitzing and playing on the oppositeside of the line of scrimmage I'll be happy. If the offense doesn't move itself backwards with penalties and missed blocking assignments I'll be happy.

Real excited, what's the word on extending the season? Anyone heard anything lately? Bring that on, 2 by weeks, and an extra round in the playoffs bridged by only 3 pre-season games and one week off for the superbowl....... I Love This Game, was that someone elses?? Oh well!!!!

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