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Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)


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A Large Anti-Vaccine-Mandate March Is Planned for DC on January 23



A march by opponents of vaccine mandates will take place Sunday, January 23 on the National Mall. The event, called “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming,” plans a march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, where a rally will include speakers including anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


While some participants and speakers, like Kennedy, are veteran foes of vaccines, a spokesperson for the march says it’s best described as an anti-mandate march: “Just because you have issues with the Covid vaccine does not make you anti-vaccine,” says the spokesperson, who requested to be identified as Trevor FG. Trevor FG says the group has more than 36,000 signups; a permit application filed with the National Park Service on behalf of Kennedy’s group Children’s Health Defense—which AP reports has dramatically expanded its reach during the pandemic—says it expects 20,000 people.


The preliminary speakers list for the event includes a great number of interesting types, including Robert Malone, a doctor who claims “mass formation psychosis” explains why a majority of Americans believe in the vaccines’ efficacy and support measures like mandates for air travel and restrictions on gathering en masse. Other speakers include ivermectin champions like doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik; Fox Nation host Lara Logan, who recently compared Anthony Fauci to Josef Mengele; tech entrepreneur turned anti-vaxxer Steve Kirsch; and filmmaker Del Bigtree, who produced an anti-vaccine documentary directed by disgraced British physician Andrew Wakefield.


There’s a range of political beliefs among the speakers. Vaccine mandates, says Jeffrey S. Morris, a professor and the director of the University Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine’s Division of Biostatistics, help to “feed their common sense of an oppressed minority. They’ve definitely formed a tight community, and they have a few big names in there that give them credibility in a lot of people’s eyes.” Morris, who blogs about Covid research and science-flavored misinformation, says some prominent anti-Covid vaccine voices are people with science backgrounds who operate outside the bounds of the scientific community and are often “playing around with the statistics” to reach findings that support their beliefs.


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13 minutes ago, China said:


I hope they're all maskless, and I hope they all catch COVID and die.


 I hope the good people of DC and surrounding areas, who have taken precautions and are generally vaxxed but caught Omicron anyways (of which there are tons), decide to go check it out in very close quarters. 

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MELBOURNE, Australia -- Novak Djokovic's final bid to avoid deportation and play in the Australian Open despite being unvaccinated for COVID-19 ended Sunday when a court unanimously dismissed the No. 1-ranked tennis player's challenge of a government minister's decision to cancel his visa.


Djokovic said he was "extremely disappointed" by the ruling but respected it. He released a statement shortly after three Federal Court judges unanimously upheld a decision made Friday by Immigration Minister Alex Hawke to cancel the 34-year-old's visa on public interest grounds because he is not vaccinated.



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Anti-vax protesters arrested after rushing Times Square Olive Garden


Four people were arrested after a group of anti-vax protesters staged a sit-in at the Olive Garden in Times Square Friday night, police said.


The rowdy objectors consisted of a “number of individuals” that refused to comply with New York City’s indoor dining mandate, the NYPD said.


They were confronted by cops in the restaurant’s bar area after refusing to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, according to footage posted to Twitter.


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On 1/10/2022 at 7:28 AM, Cooked Crack said:




An infamous anti-vaxxer drew mockery by touting urine as a COVID cure. He got the idea from Infowars’ fave chiropractor, who claims drinking pee can also ward off HIV and cancer.


Earlier this week, the anti-vax “Vaccine Police” leader Christopher Paul Key, who set out on a road trip seeking to conduct citizen’s arrests of Democratic governors and was arrested for criminal trespass, urged his followers to swear off COVID-19 inoculation and to instead drink their own urine as a cure.


As it turns out, the anti-vaccine activist got that unscientific medical advice from Dr. Edward Group, a chiropractor who is a pal of Alex Jones, and who sells online coursework for learning the benefits of drinking the “golden nectar.”


Key said in a video posted on Telegram, a platform favored by the far right, last weekend that the COVID-19 vaccine “is the worst bioweapon I have ever seen.” Instead, he told followers, “The antidote that we have seen now, and we have tons and tons of research, is urine therapy. OK, and I know to a lot of you this sounds crazy, but guys, God’s given us everything we need.”


He proudly declared: “I drink my own urine!”


In a subsequent conversation with The Daily Beast, Key identified Group as his guru on drinking piss. The anti-vaccine activist said he spoke with Group after getting out of jail for his trespassing charges, and “he told me that he and his team have been looking over those who have been vaccinated and taken the jab, and they have anecdotal evidence of blood clots totally disappearing from using urine therapy.”


Group is a Houston-based, self-styled “natural health” expert whose dubious credentials and connection to Alex Jones were explored in a 2017 torching by HBO’s John Oliver. In that segment, Oliver revealed how Group—who reportedly has a chiropractic certification but no undergraduate degrees—frequently appeared in ads touting InfoWars supplements on behalf of Jones, in one clip claiming the far-right conspiracy website’s health products could ward off any number of ailments, including the “mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms” he claimed were carried by refugees.


Click on the link for the full article

Edited by China
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On 1/13/2022 at 11:46 AM, Llevron said:

Pls ****ing die Glenn Beck. For the good of the country just let it go. 

Is he even relevant anymore?

On 1/16/2022 at 8:43 AM, Larry said:

Just saw an article calling him "No-vax Djokovic"

I was bored the other week, and a friend of mine is obsessed with Djent memes, so I made this:


Edited by PokerPacker
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The Shady Site That Shows Anti-Vaxxers Will Believe Anything


Last month, a British man launched a site allowing visitors to type in COVID-19 vaccine lot numbers, the codes that identify batches of the safe and effective shots, and call up the number of alleged deaths and injuries associated with them.


These figures are drawn from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The safety monitoring database, operated jointly by the CDC and FDA, encourages people to submit reports of anything negative that happened after they or someone they know received a vaccine, so experts can scrutinize their accounts and potentially identify rare or unexpected risks. Many of these reports are unverified, but of the cases that do get investigated, the vast majority turn out to be unrelated to vaccines; those that are related are usually minor reactions.


However, you’d never know that reading this batch search site.


The man behind the site, Craig Paardekooper, lays out a number of misleading claims based on his interpretations of these figures. Chief among them is that, while most vaccine batches are connected to few (if any) reports, a handful are tied to hundreds—even thousands. In the United States specifically, he writes on the site, “5% of the batches appear to have produced 90% of the adverse reactions.”


At times, Paardekooper adopts a cautious scientific voice, stressing that there are many possible explanations for these observations. But instead of exercising actual scientific caution himself, Paardekooper runs through what Paul V. Williams, an immunologist who reviewed his claims, characterized as “likely faulty data analysis” supplemented by “wild conjecture and conspiracy theories” to present a series of increasingly bat**** arguments as the only logical conclusions.


The site itself is not particularly innovative; anti-vax groups have been churning out web tools to help people cherry pick data—and gin up fear about vaccines—for years. Yet this bizarre new project has rapidly gained visibility and acclaim in anti-vax circles, because the spurious arguments Paardekooper and his allies have posted on the site, based on their facile analyses of batch-specific data, are unique and striking.


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Gonzaga has suspended John Stockton's men's basketball season tickets because of the Hall of Famer's failure to follow the school's mask mandate, he confirmed to The Spokesman-Review.


Stockton, whose No. 12 jersey is retired by the school, told the newspaper that he was informed of the decision by Gonzaga athletic director Chris Standiford. Stockton described the conversation as "congenial" but "not pleasant."


"Basically, it came down to, they were asking me to wear a mask to the games and being a public figure, someone a little bit more visible, I stuck out in the crowd a little bit," Stockton told the newspaper. "And therefore they received complaints and felt like from whatever the higher-ups -- those weren't discussed, but from whatever it was higher up -- they were going to have to either ask me to wear a mask or they were going to suspend my tickets."

Edited by ixcuincle
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