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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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13 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Women are the only ones that have traumatic events? If you could not accuse me of something I didn’t say, that’d be great. Thanks.


If someone accused me of that, I’d welcome an investigation cause I have never done anything like that.

There's a big different in a tramatic event (ie : seeing someone get shot/killed or your house burning down) and a traumatic event such as rape, sexual assault, incest, etc.....the later has a unique habit of re-victimizing, making the victim feel embarrassed, etc, etc etc. 

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2 minutes ago, thegreaterbuzzette said:

There's a big different in a tramatic event (ie : seeing someone get shot/killed or your house burning down) and a traumatic event such as rape, sexual assault, incest, etc.....the later has a unique habit of re-victimizing, making the victim feel embarrassed, etc, etc etc. 


Which was not at all what the conversation was about. Kilmer believes that someone should remember every last detail from a traumatic event. I don’t agree with his POV.

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49 minutes ago, thegreaterbuzzette said:

As much as I love it when men try to pretend they know how my brain, as a female, works.....if y'all could stop that. that'd be great. thanks.


Here's the deal - It is perfectly legal to NOT go to the police at the time a crime is committed. However, there are consequences to this. And while it's very difficult to report for a plethora of reasons, one of the reason that women need to do it is for this very reason we are seeing play out on the world stage right now. 


Unfortunately, it took seeing her perpetrator up for SCOTUS to motivate her to tell someone. Why wasn't the fear of him doing it to someone else enough? There is no winner to any of this. Either way she was assaulted, or she is very sick psychologically. And either he did it, or he is being accused of something he didn't do, which is nearly impossible for him to prove.


Imagine that I accused you of assaulting me on July 15, 1992 at your best friend's summer BBQ. Prove you didn't? 





While I overall agree with your point and should know better than to argue with my wife, I will point out that it is reported she first told a marriage counselor like 6 years ago.  I think this is a situation where no one will know the truth and both sides will use it to score political points.

14 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Which was not at all what the conversation was about. Kilmer believes that someone should remember every last detail from a traumatic event. I don’t agree with his POV.

I think it is fair to assume he was referring to sexual assault events as this is the topic of discussion.


I think it is fair to say actual sexual assault victims should be given more weight in their opinions of how it effects people.  


Everyone who has been sexually assaulted, raise your hand so we can know the level of experience here.


(checks notes)


*raises hand.


Reporting it like a week later makes it almost impossible to prove without video evidence.  30+ years later is pretty much impossible.  NCIS couldn't do anything after a week and you think the FBI will be able to do something after 30 years?  This is all about politics and scoring points with the Left's base.  

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This is exactly why trials should play out in a courtroom, and not in the court of public opinion. None of us know (or ever will know) the real truth, unless : 

1)One of them admits they are not telling the truth, and concedes the other is truthful
2)Video footage with audio is found (and even that will be challenged as the advancement of technology has come about)

I really can't decide which side on any of this, I come down on. Which as someone that can also *raise hand*, is very conflicted mentally.


I could argue that this shouldn't be political, but could at the same time argue that her wanting to NOW get the story out there (even when she had hopes of remaining anonymous) was a political decision itself. 

All I know, is that the death threats on both sides are ridiculous. That people saying how she SHOULD have reacted is rediculous. That people being 100% contradictory to the "lock her up" or "Clinton/Lewinsky" scandal stance is ridiculous. That everyone thinking they have the right to make assumptions about her mind set then or now is ridiculous. 

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2 hours ago, thegreaterbuzzette said:

Unfortunately, it took seeing her perpetrator up for SCOTUS to motivate her to tell someone. Why wasn't the fear of him doing it to someone else enough? There is no winner to any of this. Either way she was assaulted, or she is very sick psychologically. And either he did it, or he is being accused of something he didn't do, which is nearly impossible for him to prove.


Imagine that I accused you of assaulting me on July 15, 1992 at your best friend's summer BBQ. Prove you didn't?


I think her fear of someone like him having influence on the bodies of women for years to come was the kind of motivation you are challenging her to have.

There is a different standard of effort between getting him convicted of attempted rape and disqualified from the supreme court. But, really that is irrelevant, because her original intent, which must not be forgotten or misstated was to remain anonymous. She wanted to heal and move on more than get justice it seems, but after the leak of her identity she was backed into a corner.

If you're accusation included a history of trauma related symptoms and records of discussing the assault from years ago with your therapist, paired with a salacious history of debauchery, listening to your accusation would be warranted. But, just like this case it probably wouldn't result in a conviction.

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:



I think it is fair to say actual sexual assault victims should be given more weight in their opinions of how it effects people.  




First off, don’t argue with your wife ya dummy ?


Second, I agree 100% and will always defer to people with direct experience in a given situation. It would be great if Congress followed your suggestion.

15 minutes ago, visionary said:





3 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Like sands through the hourglass...


That guy has pretty much backed up all claims like this. He’d be risking all his current credibility if this was a bluff.


lots of suggestions that Ronan Farrow and another reporter are about to report on another woman. 

Edited by Hersh
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4 minutes ago, Hersh said:

That guy has pretty much backed up all claims like this. He’d be risking all his current credibility if this was a bluff.

Not saying I think this is a bluff.  But will say the timing seems like political gamesmanship instead of doing what is right for alleged victims.

2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Literally not true

Yes, that was already pointed out.  

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1 minute ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

But will say the timing seems like political gamesmanship instead of doing what is right for alleged victims.

You may be right


But wouldn't an actual investigation into the veracity of these claims by an independent body be doing what's right? The Dems have asked for this, but not the Repubs. Why?

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7 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Literally not true

Let me rephrase...."to tell someone, with the intention of him being held accountable, and it being known about him".


I believe I did see that she had confided in others prior. But not in a manner that appears to be intended to have him "punished". 



Again, I never said it was "too late" or she "Shouldn't have done it now". As a victim, she has the right to speak out and name her attacker whenever she feels comfortable or able to do so. I am just acknowledging that there are consequences to not doing so, when it happened. I personally believe that this should be a crime with no statute of limitations. But the difficulty becomes "proving" the crime occurred, so long from when it happened. 


I think both "sides" are "politic-ing" this. It's not for any of us to decide, unless it's taken to trial, and we sit on the jury. 

Edited by thegreaterbuzzette
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1 minute ago, Popeman38 said:

Michael Avenatti isn’t doing anything that benefit Michael Avenatti right now. He is trying to set himself up for a Presidential bid in 2020. If his PR happens to benefit survivors of sexual assault, that’s a feather in his cap. 

has he officially said he intends to yet? I saw him on tv recently and it seemed he very clearly alluded to this. But hadn't seen/read that he outright stated this yet? 

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2 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:



Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote.

Sounds about right.

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