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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

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The linked article is about an interview with Tara Reade by Megan Kelly.  The text below is from one of the comnents, which is informative.






chilly1 hour ago
Let’s start off with the article Tara Reade herself wrote in 2009 praising her boss Joe Biden for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act. It’s just one of dozens of postings she made praising Joe Biden prior to 2019:

Then there is the fact that Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund referred Reade to multiple attorneys at its partner firm, the National Women's Law Center. They unanimously declined to work with her, because, as they expressed it, she was requesting PR assistance rather than legal representation:

Then there are the heaps upon heaps of Reade’s own online postings and documented contradictions in her multiple and ever-changing stories:

After extensive interviews with Tara Reade, The New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and the New York Times’s Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey — all of whom won Pulitzer Prizes for their meticulous coverage of the 2017 Harvey Weinstein investigation — refused to report on her story, because there were too many inconsistencies and claims which could not be substantiated.

Next, there is her former employer, who says she has papers and emails to prove Tara Reade stole from her charity:

Next, we have Reade claiming initially that Biden simply made her uncomfortable by touching her shoulders. She later changed her claim, stating her had complemented her legs. Finally, she upped the ante IMMEDIATELY AFTER BIDEN WAS NAMED THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE, claiming he JAMMED HIS FINGERS INTO HER IN THE SENATE HALLWAY.

Lastly, in 2018, Reade had been writing multiple gushing posts praising Vladimir Putin, some of which were actually written in Russian.

This is a Republican dirty trick. Don’t fall for it. Pass it on.
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16 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:



This is a Republican dirty trick. Don’t fall for it. Pass it on.



i'm not sure that's true. this story was broken by glenn greenwald and the intercept. then katie halpern did her interview. rich mchugh and ryan grim were among the first to pursue it. it looks like republicans just jumped on board once the ball got rolling. its dems/biden vs progressives/Bernie backers and republicans on this issue.

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52 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:



Seeming more and more likely that Tara Reade is full of crap. The narrative change over the past year seems to show that she didn't get the reaction she hoped for, and then escalated the accusation to get more attention. And then lied about "media censorship", when people from multiple outlets were listening to her for over a year and trying to corroborate her claims.

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No one who was already going to vote for Biden is going to change their mind because of these allegations. And Biden really has said all he needs to say. Plus, the more she talks, the more shady it all sounds. Soon it will be he had a gun to her head and a devil mask on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Judge whose anti-rape advice was ‘close your legs’ loses job


TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A judge who suggested that a woman seeking a restraining order could “close your legs” to prevent a sexual assault was removed from the bench Tuesday by the New Jersey Supreme Court and permanently barred from presiding over a courtroom.


The unanimous decision cited “repeated and serious acts of misconduct” by state Superior Court Judge John Russo Jr.


Chief Justice Stuart Rabner wrote that it would be “inconceivable” for Russo to preside over domestic violence or sexual assault matters after those comments.


The justices had recommended last summer that Russo be removed from the bench, and a three-judge advisory panel agreed in January.


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  • 3 months later...

Former aide accuses Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment


A former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Sunday that he sexually harassed her for several years while she worked in his office.


Lindsay Boylan, the former deputy secretary for economic development and a special adviser to Cuomo from 2015 to 2018, said the governor frequently harassed her and that numerous people saw it take place.


"I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation?” Boylan said in a tweet.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Report: WH Aide Asked DOJ Attorney For Dirt On Woman Accusing Trump Of Rape


A White House liaison to the Department of Justice reportedly solicited a department attorney for damaging information on writer E. Jean Carroll, who is suing President Donald Trump for defamation after he attacked her in response to her allegation that he had raped her in the 1990s.

The Guardian reported that the liaison, Heidi Stirrup, asked the unnamed lawyer for dirt on Carroll that could be relayed to Trump’s private legal team shortly after a judge shot down the Justice Department’s bid to serve as Trump’s defense in the lawsuit last October.


Stirrup also reportedly sought evidence that Carroll was conspiring with Democrats to make false accusations against Trump.


The attorney told the Guardian that they had rejected Stirrup’s request “in the strongest possible terms.”


The White House aide was banned from the Justice Department building in December after similarly trying to obtain information on supposed election fraud and other pet issues of Trump’s.

The DOJ and the White House did not respond to TPM’s request for comment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Attorney General Jeff Landry sues Advocate reporter over public-records request


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Friday sued a reporter for The Advocate and The Times-Picayune over a public-records request she filed, asking a judge to issue a declaratory judgment denying the request and seal the proceedings.


The unusual action came a few days after the newspaper warned Landry that it intended to sue him if he didn’t turn over the requested records.


“In my 40 years as an editor, I’ve never seen a journalist get sued for requesting a public record,” said Peter Kovacs, the newspaper’s editor. “We’re not intimidated. In fact, we’re more determined.”


The matter dates to Dec. 14, when the reporter, Andrea Gallo, first filed a public records request with Landry’s office seeking copies of sexual harassment complaints against Pat Magee, the head of the office’s criminal division, and records of how the complaints were handled. Magee was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation that day.


"The only complaints against Mr. Magee are part of the ongoing investigation," Landry's office responded at the time. "As long as the investigation is still open, the records are considered confidential and cannot be disclosed at the moment. Once the investigation has been officially closed, the records will be available for review."


Magee returned to work Jan. 19 after an investigation found that he had "engaged in inappropriate verbal conversations," used sexual slang and made unprofessional comments over the appearance of employees. Landry's office ordered Magee to take a one-time $20,559 salary reduction and directed him to take courses on workplace professionalism and conflict management.


On Jan. 22, Landry's office said the newspaper would receive the requested records within the next week. But soon after, the attorney general sounded a different message.


His lawyers said they had located the complaint filed against Magee, but that they would not release it publicly. 


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