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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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24 minutes ago, twa said:



Gun deaths would include those that kill themselves and those that needed killing.....a less than perfect criteria.


Different cultures get different results....who knew?



where is Mexico or Jamaica on your list?




So you’re going to compare the US gun shootings to Mexico which is a narco state?

It is utterly hilarious watch you gun cultists flounder about comparing the richest nation on the planet to third world countries that are ravaged by gang and drug violence. All while conveniently ignoring that we are the only developed nation in the world where this happens on an ongoing basis.


Guns equal gun deaths.

Go ahead and shove your head back in the sand, until the blood of the innocent is enough for you to stomach any longer.

I’m done talking to you on this matter.

7 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

The percentage of people who were killed by a gun that actually "needed killing" is pretty small.


The percentage of people who "need killing" that were actually killed by a gun is also pretty small.

He’s in sales, and the number 1 rule is: never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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6 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

So you’re going to compare the US gun shootings to Mexico which is a narco state?

It is utterly hilarious watch you gun cultists flounder about comparing the richest nation on the planet to third world countries that are ravaged by gang and drug violence. All while conveniently ignoring that we are the only developed nation in the world where this happens on an ongoing basis.


Guns equal gun deaths.

Go ahead and shove your head back in the sand, until the blood of the innocent is enough for you to stomach any longer.

I’m done talking to you on this matter.

He’s in sales, and the number 1 rule is: never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


Narco state?...does that mean you now see other things  than guns impact the numbers?

Is Jamaica a narco state?


I highly doubt you are done talking salesman

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Here is the GOP answer to these shootings.

They have no clue how to prevent them, and since their souls have been sold to the gun lobby then their only recourse is to add more guns and pretend that people can’t tell tbe difference between a highly trained police officer and Chuck from apartment 3A.


(For the record, I didn’t say I was done talking on this issue. I said I was done talking with twa on this issue)

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I always thought the biggest danger was when violence became so normalized that no one turned their heads to notice. That's what I'm reading in this very thread. School gun violence isn't shocking in the least anymore.


That is different. That is horrific. That is not the US of my childhood or adulthood. We have changed. It is nothing but sad.

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32 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I always thought the biggest danger was when violence became so normalized that no one turned their heads to notice. That's what I'm reading in this very thread. School gun violence isn't shocking in the least anymore.


That is different. That is horrific. That is not the US of my childhood or adulthood. We have changed. It is nothing but sad.

You’re right it isn’t shocking. Columbine was shocking, this was more like, “Well ****, it happened again.” I simply cannot believe some are actually asking why there are posts on it if it isn’t shocking, has it never occurred to them that there are posts on it because we’re tired if kids getting gunned down at school? But, if folks need proof that it’s no longer shocking they just need to consider the fact that we’re discussing the most recent school shooting in a thread about a mass shooting from last year.


They are all out of ideas on the Right, the LEO community does not support their “guns everywhere” initiative, they love their easy access to anti-personel weaponry so they’re left with offering up their limp #ThoughtsAndPrayers routine and pretending that a police officer with a gun prevented the murder to two and the wounding of 18 more.

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3 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

They are all out of ideas on the Right, the LEO community does not support their “guns everywhere” initiative, they love their easy access to anti-personel weaponry so they’re left with offering up their limp #ThoughtsAndPrayers routine and pretending that a police officer with a gun prevented the murder to two and the wounding of 18 more.

Yep, if there's anything the last couple of hundred mass shootings have shown us it's that a good guy with a gun does absolutely nothing at all to curb these incidents. That was their only "idea" They imagined we'd all become the Lone Ranger and whenever a bad guy would stroll into our town we'd shoot the pistols right out of their hands.


What they didn't realize is that in the Old West, you had to check your firearm when you rolled into town.

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18 minutes ago, Burgold said:


Yep, if there's anything the last couple of hundred mass shootings have shown us it's that a good guy with a gun does absolutely nothing at all to curb these incidents. That was their only "idea" They imagined we'd all become the Lone Ranger and whenever a bad guy would stroll into our town we'd shoot the pistols right out of their hands.


What they didn't realize is that in the Old West, you had to check your firearm when you rolled into town.

Are you kidding me?! You mean to tell me that in the Wild Wild West they had gun free zones?!?!


Damned librawls.

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1 hour ago, Burgold said:




What they didn't realize is that in the Old West, you had to check your firearm when you rolled into town.


Strangers had to in some places, not the townies.


why do ya'll ignore that? :pint:

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23 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Who even cares any more.  You have a higher chance of dying of a heroin overdose than getting randomly shot up.  Cest la vie!


Nobody is going to do what needs to be done with guns so why even give a flying ****?

My kids don’t go to school and have a random heroin overdose because they were walking down the hall on the way to class.


But you’re right, nothing is going to happen because the Republicans were right, kids getting shot in school can be normalized.

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This is happening a lot closer to home.  A student at Bishop Sullivan in Va Beach, I highly reputable Catholic School, was expelled for posting a selfie with a gun quoting the picture "Today is going to be the day".  Tuition is dam near $12K a year for that school so it's not like he had it tough growing up financially.  I'm just glad he didn't hurt anyone.  And this is the School I planned on my daughter attending when she reached high school. 





A student at Great Bridge High School in Chesapeake was expelled for something similar.  Posting selfies with guns and making threats to the school.  Even making molotov ****tails and throwing them in the school's parking lot.  Luckily his friends notified the police before he actually went through with his threats. 



The Great Bridge and Bishop Sullivan incident all in the during the current school year. 


But here is one of the worst incidents that could have been national travesty. 


Back in 2008, Landstown High School was just built in Va Beach, and the rezoning of school districts where implemented.  A lot of the section 8 housing kids from Green Run (were Plexico Burress went) were sent off to Landstown (were Percy Harvin went).  The football team was up and coming, and being on the team elevated their social status.  My opinion is that a lot of bullying went on in that school, I even dated a girl who's younger brother went there and said kids were packing guns in school. 


Anyway, this kid was going to bomb the school and had a hit list with about 30 kids names on it.  He planned the attack on the anniversary of the Columbine Massacre.  SWAT, ATF, DOD make you watch the school camera footage of the Columbine Massacre, and I am telling you it will make you sick to your stomach.  This kid fabricated his own molotov ****tail bombs, had his mom's bush master AR-15 when they were still selling them a freaking Walmart back then. 


Here is a quote from the sick ass kid:


"I just think about it all the time," he wrote in November 2008. "What the world will think when I'm gone. How many followers I'll have. How many kids will be dying (no pun intended) to be like me. I'm going to be famous in a morbid kind of way."



This is happening way too often, and a lot closer to home than a lot of people are aware of. 



Edited by tone_dubbz
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Unlike others, I'm not afraid to lay some of the blame on violence in video games and movies/TV. Couple that with serious psychological issues that crave attention, and you have a human IED. I speak generally of course. All cases have differences. Guns come into play due to availability.

Edited by Zguy28
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A pretty solid percentage of recent mass shooters have been veterans, so I just wanna say something crazy.


Training young men to be lethal killing machines and after a few years dumping them back into society with psychological damage, a very limited safety net and completely unrestricted access to firearms designed for mass slaughter seems, to my eyes, to be a deeply flawed social policy.


There, I said it.  Crazy right?

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10 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

A pretty solid percentage of recent mass shooters have been veterans, so I just wanna say something crazy.


Training young men to be lethal killing machines and after a few years dumping them back into society with psychological damage, a very limited safety net and completely unrestricted access to firearms designed for mass slaughter seems, to my eyes, to be a deeply flawed social policy.


There, I said it.  Crazy right?


How many were booted before that training?


Care to tell my children they are loose cannons less deserving of owning firearms than you yahoos? :ols:


studies here show you are wrong




Several studies and data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics show no evidence that military veterans — including those who witnessed or waged combat in Iraq and Afghanistan — are more prone to lethal violence than the general population.



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