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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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55 minutes ago, Hersh said:

This memo situation is making Trump look extremely desperate. 


They just don't learn and/or are too stupid to actually see past their own noses at what the likely outcome of this stuff will be. They've been down this path before with rodeo clown Nunes and came away from that with egg on their face as well. This one is even worse. If the Rs refuse to vote for the D memo's release they will look like even worse partisan hacks (insofar as that's possible at this point) and Trump will look even more guilty of obstruction than he already is (again, insofar as that's possible at this point) no matter what lame excuse they try to trot out.


Should be interesting. I have to believe at this point that the Rs know very well that this backfired and they have a ticking time bomb in their hands. I wouldn't be surprised if they voted to allow the Dem's memo, knowing full well that Trump will refuse to release it, so then they can punt it to him and try to absolve themselves of blame. At the same time, while Trump is a complete buffoon, some of his staff are not, and they undoubtedly see as well that this is a dud and will try to figure out a way to keep it the blame in the court of the Republicans in Congress.

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This looks like it might be good. I admit I don't read nearly enough. Most of my reading is always technical stuff, and it kills my desire to read other things, besides quick articles and snippets of news. There's a podcast with the authors at the bottom of the page that seems worth listening to also.



Edited by SoulSkin
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59 minutes ago, SoulSkin said:

This looks like it might be good. I admit I don't read nearly enough. Most of my reading is always technical stuff, and it kills my desire to read other things, besides quick articles and snippets of news. There's a podcast with the authors at the bottom of the page that seems worth listening to also.



Some more color on the article you posted:


White-on-White Voting



"Trump trailed Romney in the majority of municipalities, just as he did in the national vote: Trump won 45.93 percent of the total vote last year, 1.2 percentage points less than Romney’s 47.1 percent in 2012 (third party candidates in 2016 picked up slightly more of the vote than they did in 2012). At the point when the percentage of whites in a municipality in the chart reaches 85 percent, Trump’s margin begins to soar, hitting its highest point in those municipalities that are close to (but not quite at) 100 percent white."


It's really interesting to get into the guts of some of these discussions.  According to the article, even in areas that were 85% white, the election swung massively for the Democrats in 2016 (versus 2012).  But Trump racked up bigly on areas that were 90%+ white.

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8 hours ago, visionary said:

Nunes should fall down a flight of stairs....



 Does the following mean Nunes is actually conspiring with the Russians since he accuses the Clinton campaign of doing just that? 


"I just go by the old rule: Whatever they accuse you of doing, they’re actually doing,” Nunes said.



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Just now, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

No, it's the democrats who do that. Not the GOP. They're as pure as Stephen Miller.




I want a reporter to ask him that question. The guy has been exposed as a total nut job. This is also why I don't take Paul Ryan seriously about anything. He could remove Nunes at any time and yet he let's this moron be in charge of an intelligence committee. 

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7 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

What do you mean? If he was a total nutjob, would the President of the United States be commending his character and grit?


For me, this entire memo episode including Trump's claim of vindication and his praise of Nunes, is one of the most bizarre things that's happened in this entire Russia probe. (I can't say administration cause there are just too many other bizarre ****ing things to consider) I actually don't think this is even selling to much of his base. People on social media that kept posting about releasing the memo and how it was going to expose all this nefarious stuff are strangely silent now that it's been released. 


PS- none of it surprises me


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