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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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3 minutes ago, visionary said:
Arresting the leaker

And the Right will be screaming about the leaker, and not the fact that our Russian buddies litterally tried to hack the election.

I'm not for leaking of classified intel, but this administration has proven to be the most dishonest in our lifetimes, transparency must come from somewhere.

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12 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Ok, OT but I have to ask, is anyone else watching the new season of "House of Cards" and thinking that the Underwoods would be SUCH an upgrade over where we are right now?

Other than the fact that Frank shoved that girl in front of a metro train...yes he would be a massive upgrade, at least he has a grasp of national and international politics.

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Just now, AsburySkinsFan said:

Other than the fact that Frank shoved that girl in front of a metro train...yes he would be a massive upgrade, at least he has a grasp of national and international politics.

The Underwood body count seems to grow with every season. I've finished the latest season. I'll give it to Trump because I can't support murderers. Just like in real life I'm just waiting for the downfall of this regime. Also just like in real life there are some Russian shenanigans this season.

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2 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

The Underwood body count seems to grow with every season. I've finished the latest season. I'll give it to Trump because I can't support murderers. Just like in real life I'm just waiting for the downfall of this regime. Also just like in real life there are some Russian shenanigans this season.

If you post spoilers I will shove your ass in front of a train. LOL

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20 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

If you post spoilers I will shove your ass in front of a train. LOL

Yeah held off on any spoilers. Was really close to typing something less vague. Watchinge this season makes me think of Trump more. Like would Trump do that? It's still ridiculous and over the top but so is reality now.

Edited by Cooked Crack
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1 hour ago, tshile said:

my thought from the start was if russia did anything, it would be to screw up the voter registration records to suppress votes on election day. i have no idea how our gov't would handle having a significantly large number of people be turned away. i thought it would go to scotus



I recall a commentator claiming that heck, if he were trying to **** with an election, he'd be going after the voter registrations, because there's pretty much no security on them at all.  


To describs one thing he described, I'm going to assume that I want to keep tshile from voting.  


I'll simply have one of my staff fill out a voter registration card for tshile.  I, of course, have access to all of the information on his existing voter registration, because I'm a major party, and they, by law, have access to all voter registration information.  So I can fill out a voter registration card which is completely identical to his existing card.  


Except for the signature.  The signature will have tshile's name, but will have been signed by my campaign worker.  


The registration, when it arrives in the elections office, will, of course, be completely valid.  After all, all of the information matches the existing registration.  (I know, because I copied it.)  


When tshile votes, though, I object to the vote.  Because tshile's (real) signature doesn't match the signature on the voter registration card (that I sent it.)  I get his vote thrown out, after he votes.  (And without him even being told that his ballot got thrown out.)  

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9 minutes ago, Larry said:

We gave an NSA security clearance to somebody named Reality Winner?  


Well, Trump said he was going to bring Winner's to Washington. He was sick of us losing all the time. He wanted Winners! We'd be so sick of Winners that...

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@Larry i give that idea credit for creativity but it seems like an awful lot of work to get one vote discounted.


i don't know enough about election law to know if it would work, but it sure sounds like a thoroughly thought through idea. just a lot of work for 1 vote.


just voiding out the voter registration entirely, or altering it so it doesn't match your ID (where applicable), or maybe even something more subtle and more effective, in key areas to suppress 2-3% of the vote from likely voters identified with a specific party could easily swing an election.


getting access to multiple states registrations and doing it in a subtle enough way would be the trick... though certainly nothing something above the level of state-actor (they're incredibly resourceful, creative, and have endless funds.... they do plenty that make the rest of us go 'wtf...')

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2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

Agree on the whole usability vs security crisis we are going through.  Did we ban all our electronic machines or just the WinVote models?  I noticed we don't use those in Hampton Roads and can't find where we banned them all. Not calling you out, just making sure.

i think they banned a certain model and approved another, but there was not enough time for them to be widely distributed.


At my polling place, they had 1 electronic machine and everything else was by hand. In the past they'd have 3-4 electronic machines. The line was understandably longer than usual this past election because of the shortage of devices.


I don't know anything more about it than that, unfortunately.

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