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The Brexit Thread

No Excuses

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FILTERIS/EUROMEDIATIONS latest buzz/web/social network :



For the record Filteris predicted the Brexit, Trump winning the social network buzz (quantitative) 53.5% vs Clinton 46.5%, Clinton winning the qualitative 29% vs 21%. Filteris was the only one which predicted the loss for Sarkozy during the first round of the republicans primary and the win for Fillon.

They got it all wrong concerning the socialists primary though and the % of votes for Fillon during the primary.

Their method is not to ask questions that direct the answers, not to make random adjustments to which the pollsters must inevitably bend to. On the contrary, the methodology of Filteris Euromediations makes it possible to capture and analyze public opinion on social networks and to identify certain trends in the short, medium and long term.

FWIW one of the board member and shareholder is a friend of Fillon's brother.


Edited by FrFan
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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

I can't tell if Melenchon is brilliant and onto something revolutionary, or just a total ****ing nutjob.

The later one, he's a raging commy who enjoys listening to himself on any big stage. If  you're making more than $35,000/month he'll rob you with a 90% tax.

He wants an increase in public spending of €173 billion over five years and an investment plan worth €100 billion !

I almost forgot he is using holograms to appear on stage at the same time in different locations.


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The European commission expects Britain to pay its estimated €60bn (£50bn) in liabilities in euros, leaving it to risk the currency markets at a time when the pound has been weak, according to a paper seen by Politico.


It also expects the UK to cover all the relocation costs associated with the two EU bodies currently based in London, the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority.


“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other union bodies,” a draft of the European commission’s detailed directives for the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, says.


The UK’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro”, it adds.


All of this was easily predicted.

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On 4/19/2017 at 9:02 AM, FanboyOf91 said:
Most incompetent Opposition Leader ever?

His an old hard-line Marxist and anti-British. Even the Greens aren't anti-British so he would oppose alliances with them and others due to ideological grounds. 

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1 hour ago, FrFan said:

French idiots have selected the son of Hollande, welcome back to the 4th republic.

Highly debatable...


Not sure a Melenchon/Le Pen would be a better thing though.


Just came back from overwatching my local voting office. 354 people on the lists. 290 voting... That's huge, even in a small village like mine (480 people or so).

Results are quit scary on themselves as they went this way:

Le Pen: 86 / 30.38%

Melenchon: 54 / 19.08%

Fillon: 47 / 16.60%

Macron: 42 / 14.84%

Dupont Aignan: 26 / 9.18%

Hamon: 13 / 4.59%

Poutou: 6 / 2.12%

Lassalle: 5 / 1.76%

Asselineau: 2 / 0.7%

Arthaud: 2 / 0.7%

Cheminade: 0 / 0%


As you can see in a small village, contestation is huge as basically people voting Melenchon and Le Pen are quite the same. Heck, someone like Dupont Aignan does twice the score of Hamon. Which should tells us that a lots of people are voting against Europe here. That's more than 50% here.


Political leaders can call to vote whoever they want, people are not forced to follow them in any way.


If you take a closer look at the whole list of candidates, most of them are just scrubs and not really worth it. The only guy that used to look like worth it got nailed by his spouse and some costly suits... Talk about him being an idiot, especially after the campaign he did...


Maybe we're idiots, but we only had to chose between idiots as well so you shouldn't be surprised that the winner is an idiot...

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Le Pen's Russian financial backing is much more in the open than Trump's was.  Hopefully that fact hits people hard.  If I was French, I would be outraged at the possibility that someone whose financial backing is Russian in origin could be leading the country.  You are beholden to whoever finances you.  Le Pen is not beholden to the French people.


It is my hope that the runoff polls showing a big win for Macron hold and Europe can turn the tide back against Russia and it's grey war.

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3 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Le Pen's Russian financial backing is much more in the open than Trump's was.  Hopefully that fact hits people hard.  If I was French, I would be outraged at the possibility that someone whose financial backing is Russian in origin could be leading the country.  You are beholden to whoever finances you.  Le Pen is not beholden to the French people.


It is my hope that the runoff polls showing a big win for Macron hold and Europe can turn the tide back against Russia and it's grey war.

It won't be like 2002 and a big win for the opposing side.


Basically, people from Melenchon and Dupont Aignan are much closer to Le Pen than most people thinks. And I doubt all of those voting for Fillon will be voting against her. Most will probably won't vote, or blank...


I believe it will be much, much, much closer than many thinks. Hate for Europe is huge and if Macron wins 55/45 he'll be lucky.

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1 hour ago, Wildbunny said:

Highly debatable...


Not sure a Melenchon/Le Pen would be a better thing though.


Maybe we're idiots, but we only had to chose between idiots as well so you shouldn't be surprised that the winner is an idiot...

Wasn't talking about those two, we're idiots because we're puting in charge the son of Hollande. He shares the same flaws as his father, no experience, total incompetence. He can't make any choice as a leader should, always wanting to please the opposites. One day he claims to be socialist the next day he looks at you in the eyes and claims he's never been socialist. That makes him a very dangerous person someone that can't be trusted. Most of the people who voted for him did it because they don't trust the other candidates, what an irony/idiocy !

Please watch this very good video on youtube about him.

Look at his supporters they go from commies (Hue), through the ultimate traitor Bayrou, Cohn Bendit,  to republican daggies (Madellin, Villepin), good luck finding a house that will pass your bills ! Welcome to the 4th republic.

We're idiots because we previously choosed the most incompetent candidate (Hollande) because we were sick of the other one (Sarkozy), we're just making the same mistake again.

Idiocy: repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results

The choice we had was to choose the lesser idiot to make us lesser idiots, and that was not him imo. We let the medias dictate. Imagine a couple of years from now if Fillon is cleared by the justice as Sarkozy and Woerth were. :rofl89::silly:

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1 hour ago, FrFan said:

Wasn't talking about those two, we're idiots because we're puting in charge the son of Hollande. He shares the same flaws as his father, no experience, total incompetence. He can't make any choice as a leader should, always wanting to please the opposites. One day he claims to be socialist the next day he looks at you in the eyes and claims he's never been socialist. That makes him a very dangerous person someone that can't be trusted. Most of the people who voted for him did it because they don't trust the other candidates, what an irony/idiocy !

Please watch this very good video on youtube about him.

Look at his supporters they go from commies (Hue), through the ultimate traitor Bayrou, Cohn Bendit,  to republican daggies (Madellin, Villepin), good luck finding a house that will pass your bills ! Welcome to the 4th republic.

We're idiots because we previously choosed the most incompetent candidate (Hollande) because we were sick of the other one (Sarkozy), we're just making the same mistake again.

Idiocy: repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results

The choice we had was to choose the lesser idiot to make us lesser idiots, and that was not him imo. We let the medias dictate. Imagine a couple of years from now if Fillon is cleared by the justice as Sarkozy and Woerth were. :rofl89::silly:


I know all of this mate.

We just haven't had much choice since a long time...

Fillon can be cleared, why should I trust someone that spoke about not being candidate and being suspected in any kind of affair only to deny this months later? You just can't trust that either.

Could we trust Marine? She blames everything on the immigration, and when there's a vote on the European Parliament about the Schengen stuff and strenghening it, Her party then opt to no show for it... That's huge! But nobody talks about that. They all go along with the victimization theory, so there's no way you can attack that because they blame the evil media...

Melenchon? The guy that keep on blaming voting orders for deputees ask those that will represent him as deputee to respect voting orders. That's some nice double talkin' jive as well.


There's only a few guys I could trust in there, Arthaud, Asselineau, Poutou... You just can trust those, they're no liars. They just don't have any kind of idea of how to rule a country... Or they've got some real stupid ideas.


Politics goes where the wind take them.


Sadly, that's just how it works.

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