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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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The arrogance is on full display in Burns right now. Members of PPN and other "militia's",(many from out of state apparently),showed up for scheduled protest in front of the Courthouse in Burns. Guess they want the Sheriff and county judge gone along with the FBI. Among other things. According to reporters,about 150 of them showed up. They were met by a large number of county and town residents who stood between the courthouse and the militia protesters.  That number grew to over 300. Shouting back and forth started and 1 deputy had to get between a local and one of the founders of PPN.  The residents and other counter protesters have made it clear via signs and chants,that the militia needs to stand down and leave town. The militia protesters response was to hurl insults back at the residents. Calling them sheeple and such. They've decided not to leave the courthouse area until the counter protesters do. It's a mess and adding stress to an already stressed out town. 

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No. Not one bit. That or I'm a rotten person too. I'm watching a live feed from someone who's a militia member I believe. The stuff they're yelling is vile at times. A few members of the militia have picked up bullhorns and are now using those to shout down Harney County residents and other counter protesters. They're saying that Lavoy's blood is on their hands. They are conspirators to his death. "You're numbers are dwindling ours are growing."  Just called the citizens yelling go home "Bootlickers." 

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It very well could be. There are protesters there who are not members of a militia,(a few of them citizens),who are a bit taken aback by some of the actions of the "Patriots". Those folks will try to instigate for sure. Hearing reports that a group of PPN have surrounded a small group of Burns Citizens counter protesters. Unsure if true,but that right there would be these guys in a nutshell. The Burns residents have shrunk in numbers a bit,but they have to go back to work apparently. There's a bit of a lull right now as people from both sides mingle a bit. I personally believe it's only a matter of time before somebody does something stupid. 

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No. Not one bit. That or I'm a rotten person too. I'm watching a live feed from someone who's a militia member I believe. The stuff they're yelling is vile at times. A few members of the militia have picked up bullhorns and are now using those to shout down Harney County residents and other counter protesters. They're saying that Lavoy's blood is on their hands. They are conspirators to his death. "You're numbers are dwindling ours are growing."  Just called the citizens yelling go home "Bootlickers." 


These bullies have reputations to save.  They showed up armed and talking all kinds of tough, but as soon as things got real the bullies were all about "we need all the facts."  Accurate information was suddenly crucial to people backing pretend judges?  Feds called their bluff and they folded, while all their pretend soldier buddies back home watched.  So now they're back to puffing out their feathers again and looking to shift the focus off themselves by blaming local residents. 


Someone needs to find an excuse for law enforcement to chase them out. 

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Well. So far so good. Things have settled down a lot. See if anything pops up a little later. 


Meanwhile. Cliven "The Clueless" Bundy is back at it. Working with the "Harney County Committee of Safety",(it was formed with the aid of Ammon Bundy before the militants took the refuge over).




Here we go We the people are apparently taking over a bird refuge again & arresting French bankers #Oregonstandoff

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Am I the only one who hears "safety committee" and thinks "lynch mob"?

And I also have to say. For a while there, I was hosting a debate within myself, trying to decide whether to mentally think of these folks as Occupy Wall Street or Westborrogh Baptist Church, or as ISIS. But lately, I've been wondering if there's another organization which might be a better analogy, for them.

I'm wondering if it might be a better analogy, to think of them as the Klan. The secrecy. The intimidation. The arrogance.

I'm not necessarily saying the racism. (Although somehow I'm just assuming there's a lot of that, too. I just don't think it's their primary objective).


Funny you should say that seeing as how this just happened here...


Top Ga. lawmaker criticized for Klan comments

A state lawmaker’s take on Civil War history and rise of the Ku Klux Klan has been met with condemnation from Democrats and calls for House Speaker David Ralston to discipline him.

State Rep. Tommy Benton’s comments...in which he railed against threats to Southern heritage he described as “cultural terrorism.” Benton said calls to remove Confederate flags and monuments are made by people who misunderstand Southern history, including the role of the Ku Klux Klan, which was reborn as a national organization in 1915 in a ceremony atop Stone Mountain.

The Klan “was not so much a racist thing but a vigilante thing to keep law and order,” he said.

“It made a lot of people straighten up,” he said. “I’m not saying what they did was right. It’s just the way things were.”


Hell, I guess if you can rebrand the Confederacy as fighting for freedom vis-à-vis states rights, you can rebrand the KKK as being about law enforcement. The response? No censure, no loss of committee leadership. However the House Speaker did say the KKK was a terrorist organization that operated against "Americans". See, the KKK was equal opportunity. And as is the case with libruhls today, their hatred of the poor oppressed White male knew no bounds. So see, that's why we need those heroic freedom fighters out there in Oregon braving a severe lack of snacks and the indignity of limited cell phone usage, not to mention no interwebz. O-BOMMUH!! Does your tyranny have any limit?

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Alot of the food and water was taken by their fellow Patriots on their way out of the refuge when things went down last week. Before that,they had a dildo burning fire apparently. 


News for the day. Yep. The 4 are still there as far as everyone knows. Been damn cold out here in the West,(especially up there),so that help them think things out. :)  Ammon Bundy's lawyers withdrew  their appeal for him to be released with another judge this a.m.. Go figure.  He also hasn't backed down from his original stance about the refuge either. 






From Jail, Bundy Calls On Federal Government To Leave Harney County

On Tuesday Bundy issued a statement through his lawyers, again asking the remaining occupiers to leave but doubled down on his call to rid the land of the federal government.

He advised the FBI to leave the county immediately and for the government to turn over the land.

“The Harney County Sheriff should cordon off the refuge as the citizens work on returning these lands back to the people of Harney County and the State of Oregon as prescribed in the constitution,” Bundy said. “It is simple: The land belongs to the people.”



*Click Link For More* 

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Alot of the food and water was taken by their fellow Patriots on their way out of the refuge when things went down last week. Before that,they had a dildo burning fire apparently. 


I know that first thing is true.


I hope that second thing is true.  Do we have a link?  I really want to know.  A quick google search yielded nothing.

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Some light reading. ;)  


The video in question made its rounds big time during the first 3 weeks of the occupation. Militia and sympathizers bought it hook,line,and sinker of course. Just as it was intended I believe. Oh and Ken Ivory stepped down today. Go figure. 





Rolly: Video’s claim that BLM sparked devastating Oregon fires goes up in smoke

Rep. Ken Ivory's American Lands Council seems to be taking a page out of The Center for Medical Progress' playbook, releasing a misleading video to demonize an entity the right-wing hates.

In the case of The Center for Medical Progress, the undercover video, made by two operatives who have since been indicted by a Texas grand jury for alleged misconduct in the affair, purports to show Planned Parenthood officials negotiating to sell fetal body parts for profit.

The video was found to have been heavily edited, with quotes taken out of context. The same grand jury that indicted the two who made the video found Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong. Investigations in 11 states reached the same conclusion.





Graphic: The hidden connections of the Sagebrush Insurgency Where a sprawling network of actors find common cause.

 the armed occupation in Oregon’s high desert unfolded in January, it initially looked like little more than a widescreen version of the flare-ups we’ve seen in the West ever since the Sagebrush Rebellion erupted in the 1970s: “oppressed ranchers,” anti-federal rhetoric, and even stoic cowboy-hatted heroes to ride to the rescue. But a closer look — and the occupation’s violent culmination — revealed a bigger, more sinister problem than your run-of-the-mill local-control scuffle.

For starters, precious few locals (or even ranchers) were among the couple dozen occupiers of the Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The lead occupier, Ammon Bundy, may look the part, but he actually owns a truck-fleet maintenance business in Phoenix and a McMansion in Emmett, Idaho. At one of his press conferences, Bundy said that he wasn’t just sticking up for “the ranchers, the loggers and the farmers,” but also the “auto industry, the health-care industry and financial advisors.” That remark, which ignored the federal largesse those industries receive, revealed the crusade’s true scope.



How dangerous are some of these "Patriots?" Caught another one. 





Tampa man had explosives, bomb-making materials








The federal agency’s former lead domestic terrorism analyst says it bowed to political pressure and may have left America more vulnerable

Daryl Johnson has been battling extremist groups for two decades. He got his start in the field in 1991, when he worked on counterterrorism for the U.S. Army. In 1999, Johnson left the Army for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, where he was a subject-matter expert on violent antigovernment groups. In 2004, officials at the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approached Johnson to take a key post as the senior domestic terrorism analyst. He accepted and, for six years, Johnson led a team of experts on domestic extremist groups.

While at DHS, Johnson and his team wrote the April 7, 2009 report, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." The report, which was intended for law enforcement only, was quickly leaked and caused a firestorm among some on the political right who accused DHS of painting all kinds of conservatives as potential Timothy McVeighs. In fact, it had merely pointed out that some domestic extremists focused on single issues like immigration and abortion and also noted that extremists were interested in recruiting military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Its analysis of the causes of the surge of right-wing radicalism — the election of the nation's first black president and the economy, among other things — still seems completely accurate and is in line with similar findings by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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I don't think I want to find out what kind of results a Google search for "burning dildo" gets. :)



Ok.  I have to do it.


Folks, this link is to a cartoon.   It is Not Safe For Work due to adult humor.   If you view it at work, you do so at your own risk.  Nevertheless, I post the link as a public service, because it is entirely, 100 percent on point to the subject of burning dildos.


(and really let's be honest, how often does that happen around here)?



Edited by Predicto
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Ok. I have to do it.

Folks, this link is to a cartoon. It is Not Safe For Work due to adult humor. If you view it at work, you do so at your own risk. Nevertheless, I post the link as a public service, because it is entirely, 100 percent on point to the subject in discussion

(and really let's be honest, how often does that happen around here)?


Maybe I missed the metaphor? That is highly likely but I don't understand what solo dragon sex has to do with this

Edit never mind you were referencing Larrys post not the overall situation.

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Ok.  I have to do it.


Folks, this link is to a cartoon.   It is Not Safe For Work due to adult humor.   If you view it at work, you do so at your own risk.  Nevertheless, I post the link as a public service, because it is entirely, 100 percent on point to the subject of burning dildos.


(and really let's be honest, how often does that happen around here)?




I am hereby withdrawing your appointment as President of the United States.

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