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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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I feel like ex-Seals will only make things worse legally for these guys. The more trained people they throw in there, the more "military" this whole thing becomes.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that not a single former (or current) SEAL is going to be parachuting in there.  (At least, not on their side.) 

Now, have they exchanged tweets with twits who have claimed to be SEALs, and are en route? That, I'd believe.

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An example of some of the push back from other members of PPN towards higher ranking guys for not doing anything last night. Definitely NSFW


I can understand angry guys position. No one likes a bull****ter that puffs up and talks tough only to run when things go badly. I'm glad they did so, obviously, but I'd have preferred they didn't play at pretend revolutionary at all. The radical talk and show of force emboldens others and promoted this kind of dangerous revolutionary garbage.

I'm sure it's fun to get together with buddies and play with guns while pretending to champion a noble cause, but this isn't a game. These guys should take up LARPing instead.

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The sheriff was pretty torn up about having to kill that guy.

I like that despite not reporting any police injuries he still declared that it ended badly. We need more of that. Everyone surviving is good, breaking the law does not make killing someone good outside of the most extreme circumstances.
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Now things get ugly. ;). Apparently Ted Nugent said this yesterday? 





blm epa irs esa usfw doj jackboot criminals


Then this in response today. 





Side note: Now and forever, conservatives should never forget: a bunch of little girls came to the refuge to sing, but Ted Nugent didn't.
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Ted Nugent hasn't been a net positive for the human race since he got an achievement named after him in Gears of War back in 2006.

I'm old. I'm thinking it was about the time he came out with Stranglehold. ;)

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someone should turn this into a call of duty mission

Battlefield Hardline was an interesting take on cops and drug enforcement, I wonder if they'd do Battlefield: Supremacy.


Create a fictional FBI agent who was a young guy during Waco.  Then bring it to the Bundy ranch in 2014 for some cut scenes, with the guy being a midddle-aged agent then bring it to Malheur.  You've got a car chase mission already set up.


Points get deducted for killing anyone unless certain conditions in game are met.

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I was thinking more along the lines of turning it into a drinking game rather than a video game.



Drink when someone invokes the Constitution

Drink 2 when someone invokes the Constitution for something it totally does not say.

Drink when someone says "patriot."

Start chugging when someone claims an FBI raid is imminent, don't stop until a raid actually happens or you finish your beer.

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Standoff At The Malheur Refuge: Day 26 Updates

UPDATE: (1:02 p.m.) The FBI and Oregon State police have shut down large portions of Highway 205 in Harney County, Oregon, around the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. As OPB’s John Sepulvado reports, heavily armed FBI agents are stopping cars.

“Once the cars are stopped, agents who look dressed for Baghdad, not Burns, Oregon, order all occupants out one by one,” Sepulvado said.

“FBI snipers atop armored cars point their scopes and tell travelers to raise their hands. Then Oregon State Police run background checks on the people trying to leave the refuge area. Meanwhile, FBI agents take control of these travelers’ vehicles to drive about 500 meters. There, another group of guards have the people wait.

“Once everything is clear, the cars are released back to the driver – and are free to go. But not return.”



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‘There has to be retribution’: Bundy family says slain Oregon protester unarmed

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s family condemned the death of an Arizona rancher who they say was unarmed with his hands up when he was shot dead by authorities during an arrest Tuesday of leaders of an armed group that has been occupying a federal wildlife refuge in rural eastern Oregon.

Authorities did not immediately identify the man killed, saying only that an adult male died in a confrontation with standoff leader Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, and his followers during a traffic stop Tuesday afternoon along U.S. 395 outside of Burns, Ore.

However, Ammon Bundy — who was arrested along with seven other people, including his brother Ryan Bundy — told his family in Nevada that the man killed was Robert "LaVoy" Finicum of Cane Beds, Ariz., according to a Bundy family spokesman.



Cliven Bundy was not available for further comment Tuesday night, but the family spokesman said the Nevada ranch militia members would seek to avenge Finicum's death “very soon.”

“There has to be retribution,” Steve Bundy said. “But we’re not going to ruin the element of surprise.”

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