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Official Fallout 4 Thread (all platforms)


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I got it off a torrent yesterday. The only issue I have is the keyboard stops responding in game. Have to exit and open it. I'm running a gtx660 paired with i7950 and 16th ram.

I never got into fo3, but I also didn't go very far into the game, just a slow start. I'm liking 4 much better, will give it more hours than I did 3. If I get into it I plan on getting it on steam with the season pass.

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Dude, i still need to download it...so the chance of me getting anytime in tonight isn't looking good.

Only took me 4 minutes to download the game from Playstation Store....but nearly an hour to install. Talk about a rough wait

The rest of the world can wait. ST needs to play some fallout, goddammit

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School Day done... check.  Gamestop run... check.  Soda, beer, dinner, snacks... check.  Time to unwrap the package!


Nice!  Sit back, relax and let the Fallout take control :)


Been avoiding the forums due to spoilers, but I'm hearing there are updates coming through to fix some bugs already.  Good thing I guess, i don't mind sitting idle for 2-3 inutes while the game is fixed. 

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Probably won't get into the game until after Christmas.  For anybody who has started playing, is the gunplay indeed different than in previous versions?


Yes.  it's like an actual FPS (Call of Duty, Battlefield) where your crosshairs get bigger (less accurate) the faster you are moving.  I've only wrecked dudes with a pistol and shotgun so far, but it feels great.  much better than New Vegas did, and NV was better than FO3.  


Whatever crew of guys Bethesda hired from Bungie (Destiny) to create/program the gun mechanics, they were worth it.  So much smoother than NV and 3.  

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Yes. it's like an actual FPS (Call of Duty, Battlefield) where your crosshairs get bigger (less accurate) the faster you are moving. I've only wrecked dudes with a pistol and shotgun so far, but it feels great. much better than New Vegas did, and NV was better than FO3.

Whatever crew of guys Bethesda hired from Bungie (Destiny) to create/program the gun mechanics, they were worth it. So much smoother than NV and 3.

I didn't know Bungie made Destiny. Dang! They did all the Halos up to Halo Reach, too. I know you're a Playstation cat but Halo WAS the Xbox man. That game is so boss.
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Yes. it's like an actual FPS (Call of Duty, Battlefield) where your crosshairs get bigger (less accurate) the faster you are moving. I've only wrecked dudes with a pistol and shotgun so far, but it feels great. much better than New Vegas did, and NV was better than FO3.

Whatever crew of guys Bethesda hired from Bungie (Destiny) to create/program the gun mechanics, they were worth it. So much smoother than NV and 3.

Ok, you don't have to talk to me like you're trying to explain video games to your grandmother. I know what an FPS is.

Seriously though, I'm getting really tempted to just dive in.

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Ok, I have it on Xbox 1.

The good: no issues for me. No stuttering. I notice a dropped frame rate naybe once or twice. It's beautiful. It's not a drastic change over past fallout games, so it's familiar. The changes are helpful. Its by far my second favorite game behind Destiny. Destiny gets the edge because it's a social thing. The gunplay is much improved, but still not on par with Destiny or even CoD, but again, a game can't be perfect.

The Bad: it's cool that everything is useful, but it's too much. There is too much crap to collect. And it is actually useful. The crafting requires a lot of stuff. You need a big ass backpack or something. The graphics are not blow you away graphics. They are great, but again, it's a huge open world and there has to be some give and take.

Overall, love and couldn't recommend it more.

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