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Official Fallout 4 Thread (all platforms)


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I've finished the game, and I have to say one thing about Fallout style games is that once I've finished the main story I just can't get excited about spending time (and in this case money) poking around the world again.  I'd rather just play a game I haven't played before.  Maybe if I didn't have a big backlog of unplayed games on Steam I'd feel different.


I don't regret buying Fallout 4 at all, but I much prefer the way I handled Skyrim.  I was able to get it for $9.99 with all the DLC included on a Steam sale a few years after release.  That way I can play the DLC on the first play through and not really have to worry about that dilemma, plus it's way cheaper.

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Fitzy, is this your first Fallout game?  It's nothing like FO3 or FO:NV.  


As much as I love Fallout and will defend the series, the storyline was pretty weak compared to previous Fallouts.  It's like Bethesda tried to appeal to more people by making FO4 more of a pure shooter, and much, much less of an RPG.  :(


Seeing as how there were 21 factions in New Vegas I believe, the previous Fallout game could play so differently depending on the decision you made, so it was absolutely worth it to play through 4-5 times.  With so many factions to side with or destroy, you'd get quests that would never pop up in a previous play through.  Fallout 4 seems to be pretty vanilla, and there are only what...4 factions in the game?  :(


I'm on my 3rd character now, but after I'm done with the Far harbor DLC, I"m not sure if/when I'll pick up this game again :(  I still Play FO3 and FO:NV on my ps3

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There were only 3 factions in NV that you could "join" (including yourself/Yes Man).   There are 4 in Fallout 4.  Plus you have the non-joinable factions like the Raiders, Gunners, Forged, Diamond City, Goodneighbor, Bunker Hill, Atom Cats, and on and on that will treat you differently based on your actions (so akin to the Boomers or Khans).


I played NV through probably 9 times.  There was still new **** on the 9th run through.  I expect the same with 4.


I am on my second run though on 4, I will just say that it is 85% different because this time i am evil, choosing a different faction to side with, and my character build is focused on energy weapons and big guns.

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Yeah I played 3 and NV all the way through. Even though there are new things to see the gameplay eventually gets repetitive for me.

I thought Fallout 4 was a very good, worthwhile game, with 3 and NV being great.

I have literally over 20 games in my Steam account (and it may be as high as 60 or 80) that I haven't played or haven't finished yet because of the crazy sales Steam runs. Some of them are just little indie games (like my brother bought me the game David because, you know, my name is David) but others are big titles like Mass Effect and two of the Batman games. In the limited time I have to play video games these days I'd rather get to those before I play a 2nd Fallout build.

That's all I'm saying. Not that I would never play again, just knowing that I might not end up doing so, I'd rather have the DLC up front and considerably cheaper. I do have an itch to play a fully melee character for my next play through, whenever it happens.

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reviews for Far Harbor are off the charts. all the big name gaming sites are saying this DLC has "changed the game."

I'm having a blast so far. the map is enormous. the DLC options/quests can literally change the ending of the game if you playthrough again. lots of content.

if you have fallout 4 already, get this dlc. not sure howucb it is now, though. it was just $15 before April 30th but is a lot more now. still worth it, imo

bring plenty of radaway, you're gonna need it

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About 10 hours into Far Harbor, loving it.  Based on how few locations I've discovered compared to how large the map is, I'd say I'm not even 30% through the island yet.  Some really nifty settlements out there.  


Not a spoiler, but:


There are things deep in the fog of the Harbor that make behemoths look like rad roaches...

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I've read that an outside group is making a stand alone DLC for Fallout 4 based on Seattle called Cascadia. Supposed to be just as big as Far Harbor, but no word on when it's coming out 





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