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Hopefully he has learned from his past mistakes and truly makes good on this opportunity. His production and the money make sense, so I guess it's worth a shot. If I was a GM I probably would have passed. Hopefully Everything Scot evaluated and learned that brought him to the conclusion to sign him turns out well.

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My opinion? When I read the headline about Galette "whipping/beating a woman with his belt", what I envisioned did not match at all what was on the video. When I saw him swinging the belt in a "Get the **** back!!" fashion, I felt he was protecting himself, not trying to instigate violence out of anger issues. And when the woman actually started approaching Galette seconds after he started swinging the belt, I literally said "wtf are you doing, lady?"...I wondered if that was his girlfriend trying to calm him down, or if she was a stranger caught up in the moment and letting her own emotions cloud her judgement..

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Not much is crystal clear from the video, but I think these two statements are factual:

1) JG's attorney is making a huge mistake by claiming its not JG.  The instagram photo eliminates any doubt of JG's identity.

2) JG has issues with the guy in blue trunks and no shirt.


I think this is pretty close to indisputable:

1) the guys in shirts are JG's buds; the shirtless guys are on the other side.

2) he does appear to be warding off the approach of several woman with his belt, but then he clearly pummels a woman in green bottoms with the belt until someone pulls him away.  At the time, he had already beaten Mr. Blue Shorts pretty bad; the only other male near him one of his buds.

3) after the belt whipping, the fight seems to be breaking up, but Mr. Blue Shorts decides to go beat up a woman, who I assume was with the Shirt Team.

4) Mr. Blue Shorts is separated from the woman by a couple of JG's friends; by the time JG gets there, two women seem to be wrestling on the sand.

5) Another woman (I think - she's wearing a girlie top) with a black top and short hair gets in JGs face and JG lays her out with a full swing.


Context could be important for this - which is why I think JG's lawyers contention is so destructive to his case.  I can't say I'd really believe an explanation now.


Also, as I have discussed in previous threads, Roger Goodell has put every player in a bad position by meting out punishment based on his perception of potential public outrage.  If one of the women goes public, she can pretty much say whatever she wants about the brawl.  So I imagine this will be settled "out of court".  If so, he could avoid any suspension.

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My opinion? When I read the headline about Galette "whipping/beating a woman with his belt", what I envisioned did not match at all what was on the video..

Yes, I don't understand how this is being called domestic violence. Seems based solely on it being a woman, ignoring actions against men and ignoring all context.

It would be like if I were defending my wife from a mixed-sex group of assailants and was being accused of domestic violence.


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What i see in the video are more examples of why beach fights look like drunken bums stumbling all over the deck of a rolling ship.

No one can stand up, much less throw a punch.


Other than that, i don't care what else is on the tape.

I watch the Redskins hoping to see winning football, not give out merit badges.

Every team has incidents. and past teams that we measure "character" against have had incidents.  But there's no cameras then to record it all.


what if we had videos of Warren Moon high-speed chasing his wife across the midwest with a gun?
Would he be in the Hall of Fame?


or closer to home,, imagine the outrage when the chummy relationship between local police and Sonny Jurgensen AND Billy Kilmer came to light..  a relationship that allowed them to be pulled over drunk and sleep it off in the jailhouse with no charges?


I live down near Solomons Island. Back in the day the Hogs were politely asked to NEVER COME BACK they caused so much ****.


We got a video of a football player in a fight.

So what?

I also see video of him smashing quarterbacks... lots of it. 

Which is the only reason i even know his name.


for anyone worried about his character, you can do this when he gets a sac k:
Cheer: HOORAY for the sack even though i  still am morally obligated to point out Junior Gallette is a nasty person who i do not support even though i am cheering his assistance of my favorite team who's name offends some people."
The last part is obviously optional, but i figured if you need to sleep at night, may as well cover the bases.




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I'd love to see some of your responses before he signed here.


Ok, smart guy. I may not have posted of late until he was signed (and probably about other things.)  I am concerned about what some teammates said about him and his Twitter rant by-girlfriend-proxy. The video was not very concerning to me at all, especially when compared to how it was framed.  It's not domestic violence, it's not "abusing women" or any such.  So, while I'd rather people not get involved in those sorts of scuffles, I know that there are times when maybe you can't avoid it because someone has decided they want to scrap (or not leave when they've been told to leave, etc.)

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Not much is crystal clear from the video, but I think these two statements are factual:

1) JG's attorney is making a huge mistake by claiming its not JG.  The instagram photo eliminates any doubt of JG's identity.

2) JG has issues with the guy in blue trunks and no shirt.

Agree with both...though I might revise it and say the guy in the blue shorts has issues with Galette lol...blue shorts guy seems to be the aggressor, at least at the point where the video starts. Who knows what happened before then.


I think this is pretty close to indisputable:

1) the guys in shirts are JG's buds; the shirtless guys are on the other side.

2) he does appear to be warding off the approach of several woman with his belt, but then he clearly pummels a woman in green bottoms with the belt until someone pulls him away.  At the time, he had already beaten Mr. Blue Shorts pretty bad; the only other male near him one of his buds.

3) after the belt whipping, the fight seems to be breaking up, but Mr. Blue Shorts decides to go beat up a woman, who I assume was with the Shirt Team.

4) Mr. Blue Shorts is separated from the woman by a couple of JG's friends; by the time JG gets there, two women seem to be wrestling on the sand.

5) Another woman (I think - she's wearing a girlie top) with a black top and short hair gets in JGs face and JG lays her out with a full swing.


Context could be important for this - which is why I think JG's lawyers contention is so destructive to his case.  I can't say I'd really believe an explanation now.

I actually think a lot of what you described is disputable, unfortunately. For starters, I'm having a hard time determining "buds" in terms of shirts and skins. Could be bystanders trying to get thing under control.

What I saw in the video:

- Yelling/screaming, with blue shorts guy--fists in the air--keeps approaching Galette who seems to alread have the belt in his hand

- Blue shorts guy starts hitting--and connecting--on Galette

- Galette starts hitting back with the belt

- Woman in green shorts starts joining in on the fight between Galette and blue shorts guy...guy in white shirt appears to do the same

- Cameraman inexplicably starts filming the sand lol...

- When the camera is back on the action, woman in green shorts if retreating, her back towards Galette

- Galette is now swinging wildly at everyone, and everyone seems to be retreating--skins, shirts, women, men

- Galette turns and starts half-jogging out of the screen on the right

- Woman in green shorts immediately starts approaching Galette again, looking like she's verbally confronting him and yelling, smacking her hands together at Galette as she gets close to him

- Galette starts swinging the belt at the woman in green shorts...looks like two blows are landed

- Woman in green shorts briefly (very briefly) turns to avoid being hit (doesn't work), then turns and starts towards Galette, landing punches on his back

- Guy in white shirt from earlier gets Galette to stop and walk away, walking behind him and looking back at the woman as he does

- Looks like a shirtless guy chases down a woman, she falls over, and he stands over her, hitting her

- More yelling, screaming and throwing punches by both men and women, with other people trying to break the **** up...I don't think Galette is in the video at this point

- Galette re-enters the video, and literally by himself breaks all that **** up lol...he's tossing people aside, throws a punch (not sure if it connected but a guy was on the ground afterwards...not sure if he was hit or lost his footing in the sand), he separates the last of the people fighting and then starts walking away...very surreal, that scene

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I'd love to see some of your responses before he signed here.


My response would have been the same...I abhor misleading headlines--that's my issue--and this one had a doozy of a misleading one. You'd expect to see Galette standing over a woman cowering on the floor in the fetal position, "pummeling" her with his belt for not making the mash potatoes the right way or changing the TV channel without his permission lol.


This video is controversial enough without those types of headlines. Echoing what Bang said, the video is less damaging to me than the twitter rants (unless is really was his gf saying all that stuff). When the woman kept getting closer and confronting him and smaking her hands together in his face, he should have just walked away instead of swinging the belt some more. Outside of that, though, it's clear that a beach brawl was already in progress when the video started and we have zero clue as to what went on before.


My brain doesn't turn off simply because the player is on another team.

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Fair enough Cal.

And I agree, the Twitter stuff, the fights with teammates, etc. is what concerns me a bit more.

I'm very concerned about him in this town in terms of the prevalence of trouble making opportunities and the media in general.

Ok, smart guy. I may not have posted of late until he was signed (and probably about other things.) I am concerned about what some teammates said about him and his Twitter rant by-girlfriend-proxy. The video was not very concerning to me at all, especially when compared to how it was framed. It's not domestic violence, it's not "abusing women" or any such. So, while I'd rather people not get involved in those sorts of scuffles, I know that there are times when maybe you can't avoid it because someone has decided they want to scrap (or not leave when they've been told to leave, etc.)

No need to get all hyped up.

I just really disagree that this isn't concerning. Especially when taking into account his history.

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No need to get all hyped up.

I just really disagree that this isn't concerning. Especially when taking into account his history.

Recently, I was the one who mentioned Twitter (someone upthread said it first) and how that reflects on him as a teammate. So we all agree that part is concerning, rather than the video itself.

That said, he could be a cheap one year rental while we develop other players.

I wasn't hyped, that's why i said smart guy not something worse haha

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I actually think a lot of what you described is disputable, unfortunately. For starters, I'm having a hard time determining "buds" in terms of shirts and skins. Could be bystanders trying to get thing under control.

What I saw in the video:


- Galette re-enters the video, and literally by himself breaks all that **** up lol...he's tossing people aside, throws a punch (not sure if it connected but a guy was on the ground afterwards...not sure if he was hit or lost his footing in the sand), he separates the last of the people fighting and then starts walking away...very surreal, that scene

Here's a link that matches up his buds, taken from an instagram posted by JG that day, and the people in the video.


I'm pretty sure the guy who breaks up the second fight is not JG.  JG has light shorts on, the guy who breaks up the fight is wearing darker shorts.  JG comes in at the end and pops someone pretty good.  I think it was a woman, but I am definitely not positive about it.


I don't think there is much tolerance for men hitting women with a punch, even if the video shows the woman instigating the contact.  DeAndre Jordan had the same problem - the women clearly punched first, but the mismatch in strength is hard to ignore.  Still, unless someone comes forward and makes an accusation, which I expect would have happened by now, I don't know if the NFL would take any action.

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I'm pretty sure the guy who breaks up the second fight is not JG.  JG has light shorts on, the guy who breaks up the fight is wearing darker shorts.  JG comes in at the end and pops someone pretty good.  I think it was a woman, but I am definitely not positive about it.



The guy trying to break up the fight is the one in the dark shorts lol...the guy who actually does break up the fight is Galette.

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The guy trying to break up the fight is the one in the dark shorts lol...the guy who actually does break up the fight is Galette.

I'm not seeing that at all.  By the time JG gets there, Mr. Blue Shorts has been separated from the woman he was beating on and has been pummeled and pinned to the ground by a member of the Shirts Team (player #5 in the link I provided).  JG pushes someone, then turns around and throws a punch.  I initially thought the recipient of the punch was a woman, but now that I have a clearer video, I think it is a dude (he or she is wearing a one-shoulder black top and white shorts with "AX" on them).  In any case, JG was definitely not "breaking up" a fight, other than by pounding the other side.  This is the clearest video I've found (link).

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I'm not seeing that at all.  By the time JG gets there, Mr. Blue Shorts has been separated from the woman he was beating on and has been pummeled and pinned to the ground by a member of the Shirts Team (player #5 in the link I provided).  JG pushes someone, then turns around and throws a punch.  I initially thought the recipient of the punch was a woman, but now that I have a clearer video, I think it is a dude (he or she is wearing a one-shoulder black top and white shorts with "AX" on them).  In any case, JG was definitely not "breaking up" a fight, other than by pounding the other side.  This is the clearest video I've found (link).


No, the guy in the dark shorts TRIES to break up the fight but he is pulled out of it from behind by another guy. When Galette arrives back at the scene one person has another person pinned to the ground, some of the women are approaching them and throwing punches, with some other women trying to pull them out.


Watch from 0:38...blue shorts guy starts hitting the woman on the ground, the guy in the dark shorts tries to pull him away but another guy comes in from behind and pulls him away from blue shorts guy. Yet another guy in a white top comes in from the left side and starts throwing punches as well (one woman tries to stop him from doing so). Women are still approaching and throwing punches while guys stand around, with at least one starting to throw punches again. That's when Galette appears.

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I'd love to see some of your responses before he signed here.

Like I said in the other thread pertaining to this, I don't particularly dislike the signing but if he has a monster year I'd let him walk. I do not trust this guy, especially with another large contract. Let him be someone else's headache.

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Like I said in the other thread pertaining to this, I don't particularly dislike the signing but if he has a monster year I'd let him walk. I do not trust this guy, especially with another large contract. Let him be someone else's headache.


Depends...if having a monster year leads to a decent payday, he may not take it for granted now if his fall from grace has indeed humbled him. Plus it could be that this environment and these teammates may indeed be well suited for keeping Galette on the good path. Not to mention, the Skins can have clauses built into JG's contract that shields them from a backslide into bad behavior.

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