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New Parking Lots/Policies for 2015


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If they're going to have only one lane coming into the Redzone lot on that access road next to the sports complex its going to be a big issue.  I've gone out that way a few times and it was fine (skins were getting beat so half the stadium had already left), but I wouldn't want to try to get in there with 500 other vehicles at 7:00am. Guess we'll see, really hope I'm wrong, I can't imagine the team wouldn't have looked into upgrading that small road. Right? Right? Right......

"7:00am"?? That's only an hour before they're going to open the gates.

Who the hell gets there that late?? :)

Seriously, we're usually on Redskins Rd between 6:30 and 7:30am, and are often one of the first dozen vehicles in line. The road doesn't begin to back-up, beyond, Brightseat, until we've been there for a while. I can't imagine 500 vehicles lining up on any road, leading into the stadium, at 7:00am, even for a lot that opens at 8:00....

At least I hope not!

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  "7:00am"?? That's only an hour before they're going to open the gates.

Who the hell gets there that late?? :)

Seriously, we're usually on Redskins Rd between 6:30 and 7:30am, and are often one of the first dozen vehicles in line. The road doesn't begin to back-up, beyond, Brightseat, until we've been there for a while. I can't imagine 500 vehicles lining up on any road, leading into the stadium, at 7:00am, even for a lot that opens at 8:00....

At least I hope not!


If it's all tailgators, who tend to arrive the earliest (of course), and now the majority of them are all jammed onto one road, instead of 3 separate larger entrances, I can see this becoming a problem. But like I said, I'm sure the organization looked into this before triggering this plan, after all it would be pretty dumb not to.

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Okay let's see if we can make sense of this.




As we can see, in the upper left of the red lot, it says entry/exit via Belle Haven Dr.


Looking at this, I thought that unnamed road was Belle Haven Dr., but it is not.  It is simply a driveway.  My bad.  Belle Haven is a road to the west which we can't see on the team map.  I think the team should have made this more clear. 


The truth is, apparently, the red lot cannot be accessed via Belle Haven Dr., at least not directly. 


Belle Haven is used to get to Sheriff which is used to get to the driveway which is used to get to the red lot. 


It looks to me like that road we see in the upper corner of the red lot, which doesn't have a name on mapquest, is simply a driveway which leads up to the lot.  However, whether that driveway has a name or not, I am certain that driveway is the one that is to be used to enter and exit. 


Take a look at it on www.mapquest.com (type in fedexfield in the location box).


You can see there doesn't appear to be a road where the team says there is one, but if you switch to satellite, there is indeed a paved road right where it's supposed to be.  It appears to be a driveway, and it appears to me to be two lanes wide.  It connects the lot and Sheriff Rd. 


The team is not going to run vehicles through the sports complex lots (other than that driveway) as they have done in the past.  All vehicles will use the driveway you see there on the team map and on mapquest. 


Now... as far as turning LEFT (that is, taking Brightseat to Sheriff), yes, it's very possible there will be somebody there denying you your left turn, unless you get there real early like me.  That makes sense.  The team can't close a public road, but they can certainly block you from turning left into that driveway, forcing you to learn to come in the long way next time.  I know that in the past, if you were on Sheriff heading towards Redskins Rd. you were denied the right to make a simple right turn onto Redskins Rd.!  You had to drive straight across the intersection, passing right by the stadium to your right!  Seems dumb, but they are forcing you to learn to NOT use Sheriff near Redskins Rd. on game day.


Again, arriving early solves all problems. 

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If it's all tailgators, who tend to arrive the earliest (of course), and now the majority of them are all jammed onto one road, instead of 3 separate larger entrances, I can see this becoming a problem. But like I said, I'm sure the organization looked into this before triggering this plan, after all it would be pretty dumb not to.

True,but we tailgaters will adapt and get it figured out.

Hell, I might even attend my first preseason game, in over 10 years, just to check it out. Kinda like a "shakedown" tailgate. We're so obsessed with tailgating, that we'll probably take a ride down there, and scope it out, before the preseason.

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Mark, that's a good point.  That driveway appears to be the road that we have always taken when exiting after the game.  I have always assumed that it was part of the Sports Complex but don't know for sure.  The Park's website says that Harvey Rd is the main entrance to the Park, and even tells people coming down Sheriff to take a left onto Harvey at the light.  So a left into the Park is possible, and the satellite image seems to show a route to the lot from Harvey, but that is not the road that has been used in the past after the games. 

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Arriving early cannot be emphasized enough.

Serious tailgaters know this and plan accordingly.



Yea but some of us have had kids in the past 2 years (1 is going to be 2 in less than a month, and the other is 8 months) and cant leave at 6am any more to go tailgate. Which sucks because I probably wont be able to tailgate with the group Ive tailgated with the past few years because they want to goto the redzone lot, and I hate the damn thing lol 

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Yea but some of us have had kids in the past 2 years (1 is going to be 2 in less than a month, and the other is 8 months) and cant leave at 6am any more to go tailgate. Which sucks because I probably wont be able to tailgate with the group Ive tailgated with the past few years because they want to goto the redzone lot, and I hate the damn thing lol

I feel ya...been there, done that.

Our Grandkids are older than your kids. They grow up so fast...

Hopefully this reshuffling will allow for easier arrival of folks who wish to park within the 2 hour to 90 minute range before a kickoff.

Yes, we're all extreme around here, but some people can't tailgate before EVERY game.

I hope that your right.

Fans should be able to pull into the lots, with the expectation of finding a spot, and not having to arrive 3hrs before the game to do so. I really, really hope this helps solve some of the traffic issues.

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I hope they are planning on modifying that entrance/exit. Imagine funneling all the cars in that lot through a gate that only allows for two lanes of traffic. And I do mean funnel. Each lane of the lot all heading in the same direction at the same time. I'm just going to fire up my grill and relax. It's going to be a real CF.

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I hope they are planning on modifying that entrance/exit. Imagine funneling all the cars in that lot through a gate that only allows for two lanes of traffic. And I do mean funnel. Each lane of the lot all heading in the same direction at the same time. I'm just going to fire up my grill and relax. It's going to be a real CF.

I hope so too. On Redskins Rd, even with 6 lanes, when the lots open, it's madness...like a scene from the Road Warrior, with the weaving and lane changes

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I don't know - I guess I see the glass half full.


How many lanes are there entering Green E?  I think it's one or two, isn't it?


What about the other lots?  I think it's one or two.


What about the Red lot?  It's two. 


I don't see it being terribly worse than any other lot, although granted, the red lot is a big lot. 

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Fans should be able to pull into the lots, with the expectation of finding a spot, and not having to arrive 3hrs before the game to do so. I really, really hope this helps solve some of the traffic issues.

Agreed. There's no reason patrons should be trapped in cars, unable to park because careless tailgaters are blocking vehicle lanes, and selfishly consuming multiple spaces. Not ES people of course, but we've all seen it, particularly at the primetime games. Having parking attendants to assist with the process once vehicles are past the entry gates also makes a huge difference at other stadiums I've visited. Hopefully we can now enjoy that here.  

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I don't know - I guess I see the glass half full.


How many lanes are there entering Green E?  I think it's one or two, isn't it?


What about the other lots?  I think it's one or two.


What about the Red lot?  It's two. 


I don't see it being terribly worse than any other lot, although granted, the red lot is a big lot. 


Honestly, I am concerned about that access road that runs to/from Sheriff Road.  I've exited out of the stadium on that road several times now from the red lot, and it reminds my of the asphalt path that runs in back of my house. I seem to recall that it was only one lane of vehicles exiting.  I'm not sure that it can handle two lanes of traffic, but I'm sure the team has checked it out. 



Because it would be pretty dumb to hang a new parking plan on a road that not designed to handle the volume of traffic created by the plan.  I mean, its not like they just had an intern sit down for half an hour and determine that this would work, or failed to go out there to look at this mystery road. I mean, an NFL franchise would never leave any important decision (I realize this isn't the NFL draft or anything) in the hands of someone who wouldn't do some basic fact finding and investigation prior to making this sort of decision. Right?

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Yea but some of us have had kids in the past 2 years (1 is going to be 2 in less than a month, and the other is 8 months) and cant leave at 6am any more to go tailgate. Which sucks because I probably wont be able to tailgate with the group Ive tailgated with the past few years because they want to goto the redzone lot, and I hate the damn thing lol 


Jeff ... trust me when I say I'm torn here.  I love the spot in H-3 but, with the inclusion of the parking location on the pass, it creates an additional hurdle for those acquiring on the aftermarket ... (not enough to just get an Orange pass)

I got some more information during my trip to Redskins Park this afternoon and will get that out on the H-31 Facebook page.

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I would hope so, but we are talking about the Dan Snyder Redskins.......


We are talking about an owner who planned to fire Norv Turner and hire Pepper Rodgers...signed Fat Albert to a huge contract, kept Vinny C for how many years, etc, etc. etc.....



To channel my inner George Constanza:

With all due respect, I find it very hard to see the logic behind some of the moves you have made with this fine organization.  In the past 15 years you have caused myself, the DC Metro area,  a good deal of distress, as we have watched you take our beloved Redskins and reduce them to a laughingstock, all for the glorification of your massive ego!



Anyways, after MUCH discussion, my brother, nephew, and I got A-Green passes for next year on my brother's account.  We will park near Morgan Blvd. and migrate over to ES.  We'll see how that goes.  I have one pass in my name that I sell to a guy I split my season tickets with.  He currently has a Redzone pass, but may change that.


If anyone is near the stadium, it might be worth it to go over the Sheriff road and see if they have widened that access road.  The fact that the TO has not made any such remarks makes me think not.


Also, if you look at the parking map from 2013, it shows parking in and around the PG County Sportsplex as well as a couple of roads that link up from B3 and the RV lot and go to Sheriff Road.  Those roads are NOT shown on the 2015 parking map.  My guess is that those roads will not be used in 2015.

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grhqofb5 - if you study the photo on mapquest, the Redzone lot driveway appears to be wide enough to handle two narrow lanes of slow traffic.


MarkB - I agree, I don't see the team using that driveway connecting B3 and RV lot, nor should they need the sports complex.  After all, those were used for overflow, and there will be no overflow in 2015. 

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Me and my group, no longer STH, but the 4 years we had them, we tailgated at what is to be the new RedZone lot and always exited Sheriff, sometimes they would have it blocked every once in a while before someone would open the gate by the Sports Complex but some thoughts...


Think this is a good idea as it seemed to be the biggest stretch of underutilized space on Game Day.  We would arrive at 10AM and plenty of room to take multiple spots and throw the football round until at least noon. 


A lot of folks used to come back and tailgate in that lot after the game so can only imagine with all the gaters together, should allow for a little bit of a staggered exit on Sheriff as not everybody will be leaving at once. 


That fence along those townhomes, well, they monitor closely for folks relieving their bladders and it's a small but steep hill.  Hopefully, they have accounted for an increase in Port o Johns because that lot was sorely lacking those resources.


That fence also saw a lot of people hopping it that don't have tickets and really don't have interest in the game but they do have interest in what you may be packing up in your car, a few break ins while we were in that lot over the years.

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Hopefully, they have accounted for an increase in Port o Johns because that lot was sorely lacking those resources.

Bruce bragged about the increased number of portojohns (in general) at a fan symposium last year. He said something to the tune of 'fans had asked for more, and we responded'. Hopefully they'll have that figured out for the TG lot. 


IMO, the porto-potty presence has been about the same for the past decade. Any time you get within 2 hours of kickoff, there's going to be a line, one that can grow to hundreds deep as the game nears; about which time they want you in the $tadium anyway. Sometimes it sure is nice to be a man who can hide between 2 SUVs for relief.

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Honestly, I am concerned about that access road that runs to/from Sheriff Road.  I've exited out of the stadium on that road several times now from the red lot, and it reminds my of the asphalt path that runs in back of my house. I seem to recall that it was only one lane of vehicles exiting.  I'm not sure that it can handle two lanes of traffic, ...



I would hope so, but we are talking about the Dan Snyder Redskins.......




If anyone is near the stadium, it might be worth it to go over the Sheriff road and see if they have widened that access road. 




I had business in Greenbelt today, so I took a detour over to Sheriff Rd.


Yes, indeed, the paved driveway leading to the red lot is plenty wide enough for two lanes of traffic.  I measured 21 feet wide.  You could even squeeze three lanes of traffic if you really wanted to.  Two lanes is easy.  Furthermore, the vegetation / tree line is another six-eight feet from the road on both sides.  They could easily make that driveway wider if they chose to, but there would be no point since Sheriff is only four lanes total, unless they re-routed Sheriff Rd lane traffic to 3 and 1 instead of 2 and 2 (fans will not be permitted to turn right [east] onto Sheriff as they leave the lot). 


Right now there's a steel bar on hinges blocking the road and it has a chain and a lock on it.  Other than that, there is nothing hindering immediate use of the driveway.  I should have taken a pic of it with my phone but I didn't think of it. 

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