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New Parking Lots/Policies for 2015


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I'm pretty familiar with the new Red Zone parking lot.  I've been tailgating there for several years now.  You're right.  The exit will support two lanes of traffic.  My concern is that the mouth of the entrance where the road meets the parking lot is cordoned off by a chain link fence and gate.  That chain link fence blocks access to the exit to the two furthest left lanes.  They have to merge right in order to gain access to the gate.  There are 12 lanes total.  Before we had 3 exits.  Two at one end of the lot and the one exiting to Sheriff Rd.  Now there is only the Sheriff Rd exit.  The choking point is going to be at the back of the lot with all twelve lanes merging into two lanes trying to get out the gate.  Traffic grinds to a real stare down halt as cars try to inch in to merge.  They'll need more attendants controlling the traffic at the exit and hopefully they will redesign it.  


On the issue of safety...a few years back I had a conversation with an officer that patrolled the lot.  He warned me not to leave any items unsecured in my truck bed b/c individuals were going through holes in the fence and walking off with coolers and such.  I relayed my concerns to FedEx officials and since then the wood fence has remained in repair.  

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It's true the red lot will have only one exit, and that exit will be only two lanes.  And I suppose on the surface it seems to be potentially worse when you consider you had more exits in previous years.   But consider this:


1)  You are avoiding all the other Stadium traffic.  Once you clear the lot, you're out. 


2)  Since the spaces are twice as large as they were in previous years, the maximum number of vehicles that will fit in the lot will be only half as much as previous years.  Eyeballing the lot on the map, it appears to be no bigger than about twice the size as other lots (e.g. Green E).  But since the spaces are twice as big, it will hold about the same number of vehicles as a lot half as large.  How many lanes are exiting Green E?  I believe it's two, and it might be one.  So it seems to me, exiting the red lot won't be any worse than exiting the Green E lot, or any other lot on the stadium grounds.  In fact, I think exiting the Red lot will be better than, for example exiting the Green E lot, because Green E is competing with the traffic from all the other lots to get off the stadium grounds once they successfully exit the lot.  MHO. 

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