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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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On November 18, 2016 at 4:43 PM, youngchew said:

Bottom video has me thinking.  Random, mostly rhetorical, question.  Is there a difference between "he's still resisting" and somebody starting to panic because they fear for their life? 


Which party is expected to react well has always been the issue.  Terrified people, especially frightened people that are actively being hurt, can not be reasonably expected to react calmly and shut down self preservation instincts.  If you punch a person in the face they aren't going to stand perfectly still and wait for you to issue commands unless they are the victims of horrible long lasting abuse.  Yet that's essentially what is expected of the general public. 


Laying still and covering your head or curling up into a ball in response to repeated blows is something that would send an UFC ref flying in to establish the fight is over and prevent injury to the defenseless fighter.   In the world of law and order, it's resisting arrest and justifies further beating. Your hands are supposed to behind your back, which is the last place your instincts compel you to place them when being hit.  That we consider reasonable, incredibly.    


Police officers however enjoy an entirely different standard.  In their case fear justifies essentially any violent reaction.  It need not be something as serious as enduring a dog mauling while a mob beats them with sticks either.  Grabbing your ID unexpectedly, perhaps in anticipation that the officer will ask you for it, can be more than enough reason for a police officer to claim you scared him and justify killing you.  


The end result is a system that excuses abuse by design, intentionally or otherwise.

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3 hours ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:


Unless you are comfortable watching a guy getting shot in the back and killed as he RAN AWAY and then having his dead lifeless body getting handcuffed for some reason .... do not watch the above video. 

I thought this was the one where the officer shot the person in the back and then blatantly planted the gun but that was a diff one. That one was that old officer with no training who was like a senior volunteer. 


He didn't plant the gun, but he did plant his taser next to his body to try and support the lie that Scott had taken it from him and he felt he was a danger to other citizens. How in the world can a jury not come to a consensus on that?! 


Oh yeah, it's South Carolina. That's why. 

Edited by Gamebreaker
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I knew this would happen. The so-called justice system has empowered police and prosecutors to the point that for poor and/or Black people in this country, this is a police state. The constitution is little more than a pathetic joke nowadays.


I made a similar point to Destino's a while back when the NY cop choked Eric Garner to death. It is physically impossible NOT to struggle when your airway is cut off or if you even think that is or is about to occur. Breathing is such a basic survival need that your body immediately goes into fight or flight overdrive.This is something any clinician can tell you. Any judge that ruled that a person has to not only lay still but put their hands behind their back for it to be considered not resisting arrest should be required to demonstrate his/her ability to do it. Sadly, judges aren't subject to this type of law enforcement behavior or in many cases even to the laws they're supposed to uphold.

Edited by The Sisko
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On November 18, 2016 at 0:37 PM, Gamebreaker said:

Nothing is going to happen to this guy. He didn't turn his bodycam on until after the incident. Ridiculous. What is the point of having bodycams if officers can just turn them on and off at their own discretion? He claims she kicked and knee'd him in the groin and that is why he straight punched her in the face.Of course, there is no proof of this because his bodycam was off. 

Without measures to severely punish cops that tamper with them, they serve only to prove the cops didn't do anything whether that's true or not and to assure the public that adequate systems are in place. They serve pretty much the same purpose as police review boards and other bodies that "investigate" claims of excessive force.

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4 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:

So Michael Slager is going to get away with murder because one juror has no problem whatsoever with shooting unarmed, defenseless black men in the back. Our Justice system at work. 


Well, the prosecutor could always re-try the case.  Maybe there are 6 more videos of the poor guy getting shot in the back and getting the taser planted on him?  Maybe that might result in a conviction?

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42 minutes ago, Major Harris said:



yeah, me too.


i hate the history of these racially charged incidents in brooklyn, baltimore, ferguson and other backwoods redneck places.


You forgot Selma.


BTW, it's Xmas parade season.  Are you going to be able to maintain your sanity with all those road closings?  I know that's a really, really big deal for you...road closings, that is.

Edited by TryTheBeal!
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14 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


You forgot Selma.


BTW, it's Xmas parade season.  Are you going to be able to maintain your sanity with all those road closings?  I know that's a really, really big deal for you...road closings, that is.

Lol I'll be fine.   I actually even c nudged a bit on my stance to what you're referring.   I wasn't as right as i thought. 


Sorry I forgot selma.   My intent wasn't to indicate that cities outside of the deep south have a monopoly on these things. 

Edited by Major Harris
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2 hours ago, Major Harris said:



God i hate these statements. 


Funny, I don't recall you defending Florida when damn near everybody lambast that state over stuff like this. 

3 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Well, the prosecutor could always re-try the case.  Maybe there are 6 more videos of the poor guy getting shot in the back and getting the taser planted on him?  Maybe that might result in a conviction?

 Somehow I feel like re-trying this case isn't going to happen. Definitely possible, but I don't see it. 

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11 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:


Funny, I don't recall you defending Florida when damn near everybody lambast that state over stuff like this. 

 Somehow I feel like re-trying this case isn't going to happen. Definitely possible, but I don't see it. 



Wow.   You got me there.   Thanks for pointing out this atrocious hypocrisy. 

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On December 3, 2016 at 0:24 PM, Major Harris said:

yeah, me too.


i hate the history of these racially charged incidents in brooklyn, baltimore, ferguson and other backwoods redneck places.

Not sure if you're just being sarcastic but either way, I think you're right. The post Reagan war on drugs so-called justice system operates in pretty much the same fashion no matter where you are due to max minimum sentencing laws, cronyism among police and prosecutors, the ability of lawyers to assure all or almost all white juries with impunity, and the SCOTUS' ruling that the only way to prove racism in law enforcement behavior is a direct admission or statement to that effect on the part of the accused officer/agency.

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Former Corrections and Sheriff Dept Officer beaten in a department store because he "fit a description" by three officers. Later on, these officers find the actual suspect on the roof of the building. Lanier is released without a single word, not even an apology, for the beating he took. 


Lanier says they only stopped beating him while he was handcuffed because bystanders started recording it. Yeah, blue lives matter....until you take the uniform off. Now you're just black. 

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