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If there is one thing we learned today....

Ignatius J.

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itis that ramsey is not ready for prime time....

I think benching him would be a mistake, but he's too young to be expected to carry a team very far. It took a green backup to come in and show ramsey that he needed to stop playng afraid.

I hope ramsey realizes soon that he has to make the throws. I'd rather see the ints frankly. Just looking at ramsey's line it is obvious that he is too afraid of the bad play. He's holding the ball too long because of it.

I just hope snyder is smart enough to keep this team intact another year. This offense does not need anything but time.


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Great post DB. This is a game on PR unfortunately. He was getting locked into one WR (LC) and ignoring everyone else. Add in the holding-the-ball-too-long thing, and the shoddy protection from the RBs/TEs and his problems really come to the surface.

I agree with you... its time to take a deep breath and give this season over to finding out who can play without doing stupid ****, and who cant. Keep those who can, and find players who can in the off-season.

Oh, and get a freaking passrush.

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I am Patrick's number one fan, but this thread is correct. I feel bad for him because of the huge expectations, but the fact remains that he's a qb with 12 starts under his belt being asked to carry a team that can't give him pass protection longer than normal. He's not making the quick decisions needed, and I don't fault him, he's young. He's going to be a star, but it's still early.

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I'm noticing that too, and I wasn't really expecting it. He really does get locked onto LC, but I think that's just another thing to be chalked up to his inexperience.

I don't know if I can blame him for looking to our best player on offense, but when the opposing D's take away coles, It's almost like his eyes glaze over, and then to quote madden....



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So true

Green QB Hasslebeck knows the all out blitz is coming and lobs a pass that coles should ve ran under and caught and this is a way to punish the blitzing defenses

Ramsey will audible waste time then hang on to the ball forever knowing the line cant contain all of the blitzer

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Taylor Jacobs is a player. It's says a lot about this offense when he has had so few touches this year. This is not the Fun & Gun that I've watched for ten years. Yes, you need to make adjustments but Spurrier can't even rely on basic offensive plays aside from the WR screen.

I thought Aikman's comments about the OL not helping Ramsey up said a lot. The OL does not have a lot of pride.

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Ramsey will make his mistakes. But a lot of those mistakes are on Spurrier.

The audibles? That's on Spurrier. If your QB is incapable of calling an audible.... you don't let him. If your QB is incapable of calling the correct audibles.... you don't let him. If you QB is incapable of communicating of audibles because of the noise on the road.... you don't let him.

How F*CKING retarded do you have to be to not recognize that ultimately you have to work with what you have and put the players in the best position to execute?!?!?

Stop with the goddamn audibles already! Ramsey and the offense don't even look like they're on the same page yet with even the basic plays. Seems like the only play they can execute with any consistency is the damn WR screen.

You wanna blame those sacks and pressures on the QB?

Count how much time Ramsey has back in the pocket. Here's a clue... there isn't a pocket.

By the time he's finished his 5 or 7 step drop there's a defender there to meet him. If the offensive line isn't surrending pressure... they're allowing defensive linemen to push them back and close passing lanes.

You want to know why he's locking onto receivers? Because he doesn't have time to make any reads.

Ramsey couldn't get his feet planted for any passes today. Just watch him the tape. It's sickening.

Ramsey was dropping back... throwing up lobs... and then ducking.

There's no reads any more. Until we see the offensive line problems fixed.. we are spinning our wheels in the mud. We're not going to see the type of progression from Ramsey and the whole team for next year.... like this.

Right now.... they have to develop an offensive scheme that's going to protect the QB. That's all this team should be focusing on right now.

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I continue to be baffled as to how a line that purportedly has so much talent can be THIS BAD. That sack where Ramsey broke/sprained his finger, BOTH SAFETIES came completely clean in on him.

What the hell is up with THAT sort of scheme?


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When you bring two safeties you will hit the QB. That's kind of the point of bringing two safeties.

There is only one way to stop the blitz in the NFL, and that is to make them pay for it. Sometimes the line will pick it up, but more often than not, the QB has to simply get rid of the ball down the field into the area vacated by the safety.

Unless you start making those completions, your QB will be gettin up off the field all day long.

Yes, we absolutely need our o-line to do better, but it all starts with ramsey.


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I agree DB, Hasselback took the snap and dropped 3 steps as fast as he could,planted, and released the pass. He got hit, but really, if he only completes 1 out of 4...its a 1st down or more..Patrick is so caught up in the pain of being hit, that he can't see the opportunity of making the plays that come along with it.

And on another subject, one of the things people love to ***** and gripe about SOS, is that he snatches QB's out of the game and puts them back in. Well, that seemed to help PR tonight. I think that if DW had been here instead of Rob Johnson, SOS would have had somebody for PR to watch for a few plays then come back in like he did tonight.

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Die Hard, I completely agree. You can't blame Ramsey at all. Out of the entire game I would say maybe there was 2-3 times I held Ramsey accountable for possibly not doing the right thing, however the rest of the time it is the offensive line not being able to stay with assignments. The defense bailed the offense out as much as possible in the first half and our Offense rewarded them with a total of 6 points...Pathetic.

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There is plenty of blame to go around to everyone on this team. Some fault lies with everyone. RB's & OL missing blocks, Ramsey hold the ball to long, bad schemes. Were the WR's open those times when Ramsey held the ball to long or were they struggling to get open today? Also, we have no play action pass and Ramsey doesn't really try to sell the run. Of course, it would help if we had a power running game as a threat.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

The one thing I learned today?

Before you punch the wood panelling, make sure you know where the studs are!

Anyone know a good orthopedic surgeon? ;)

I feel your pain. I once punched through a window in the midst of the Norval era and my wrist bled profusely. Now whenever people see the scar they think I tried to off myself. :)

About Ramsey, it is impossible for a QB, however seasoned, to feel comfortable in the pocket when he his getting planted virtually every time he drops back. The blame lays solely on the O-line.

We would not be seeing such a poor display from Ramsey if he had more than 2 seconds to survey the field and throw. It all starts up front and they are not doing their job.

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