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Schefter: Colt McCoy to start Sunday vs Colts


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I don't know how the players really feel about Robert, but back in 2012, when we were watching epic Robert, I used to cringe when the fans chanted "RG3...RG3...RG3.." after we scored a TD or made a big play on offense.  It was elevating him above the team.  It's one thing to go "Heluuuuuuu" or "Cooooooooooooley" after they make a play, but our idiot fanbase pretty much replaced "Hail to the Redskins" with "RG3" chants that went well beyond what normal players get.  I'm sure that eventually got on other player's nerves after they grind out a long TD drive, only to hear "RG3" chants throughout the entire stadium.

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I keep hearing how poorly Robert has played the last two years........Robert played well overall last year from the Lions-Vikings game....the 7 game stretch where Jordan Reed was mostly healthy.



glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. 

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I don't know how the players really feel about Robert, but back in 2012, when we were watching epic Robert, I used to cringe when the fans chanted "RG3...RG3...RG3.." after we scored a TD or made a big play on offense. It was elevating him above the team. It's one thing to go "Heluuuuuuu" or "Cooooooooooooley" after they make a play, but our idiot fanbase pretty much replaced "Hail to the Redskins" with "RG3" chants that went well beyond what normal players get. I'm sure that eventually got on other player's nerves after they grind out a long TD drive, only to hear "RG3" chants throughout the entire stadium.

If our players are more worried about fans chanting a players name instead of winning games than we have more issues than I originally thought...

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well then everything should be gravy from here on out. right? We got rid of our potential franchise QB but its okay because even though he had one of the best rookie seasons in history he sucks.

I think I understand the concern about best hope, and highest possible upside ... but honestly DG ... I am having a hard time appreciating your arguement.  Can you tell me what signs you would use as indications that he is going to become a good to great QB?  Also can you tell me what if any signs you would accept that he isn't or isn't going to anytime soon.  Not being sarcastic or wanting to get into a pissing contest I just plain don't understand why you are holding on so tightly to the concept that Griffin will be a QB that a franchise ought to be build around considering how he has played for the past season's worth of games.

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Teams have lived with diva quarterbacks before. The Packers had to deal with Brett Favre and persevered. The Steelers had to deal with the petulant, aloof and snippy Rothlisberger and they are persevering and prospering. Why do folks think RG3 is beyond reproach in DCland?

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Teams have lived with diva quarterbacks before. The Packers had to deal with Brett Favre and persevered. The Steelers had to deal with the petulant, aloof and snippy Rothlisberger and they are persevering and prospering. Why do folks think RG3 is beyond reproach in DCland?

uh, those guys are good?

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I keep hearing how poorly Robert has played the last two years........Robert played well overall last year from the Lions-Vikings game....the 7 game stretch where Jordan Reed was mostly healthy.

Maybe 3 of those games were good. You cannot possibly think he played well against the Lions. One offensive TD all day which came off a 30 yard run from Morris. Robert had an INT and a lost fumble. Two more fumbles that we got back.
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Or maybe at the beginning of the season he was showing RG3 how to do a 7 step drop and RG3 said "Na, dog that ain't me, this is how I play take it or leave it, else I will get my boy Snyder to fire yo ass. I make football exciting"

why is it pathetic?

It shows what you really think of Griffin. And its pathetic. Its actually something else but I'm not even going there.

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Against Oakland, he led us on ONE touchdown drive (that started at near midfield). One score came off a pick 6, the other started in Oakland territory and consisted of two plays, a screen to Helu and a run from Helu.

It shows what you really think of Griffin. And its pathetic. Its actually something else but I'm not even going there.

You can go there. I'll go there for you. As someone who is not in the Griffin camp, I'd prefer if others on that side of the conversation not sound ignorant and racist.
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Teams have lived with diva quarterbacks before. The Packers had to deal with Brett Favre and persevered. The Steelers had to deal with the petulant, aloof and snippy Rothlisberger and they are persevering and prospering. Why do folks think RG3 is beyond reproach in DCland?

Here's why.

1. He can't read the field

2. He can't recognize the blitz

3. He doesn't throw to open wr's and seems to think they're covered when they're not

4. Jumps in the air sometimes at the end of his drop instead of planting and throwing.

5. Makes the online look worse by moving backwards

6. Can't anticipate or throw into tight windows.

7. Tries to scramble when he doesn't need to.

On one of his best plays against Minnesota, a long deep ball to Jackson, he had perfect protection, pulled the ball down and wanted to scramble when there was no need to. For some reason he stopped his premature scramble, re-set and threw a perfect ball and hit Jackson. That time he got away with it.

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Do people really think Gruden benched him just because he struggled in two games?  I don't think he would do that to the QB he thought was the best on his roster to start the season, and the guy he awarded the starting job to as soon as he came back from injury.  The fact that RG3 was sent to the bench implies that something more than just a few bad games occurred.  Either the locker room was going insane or RG3 was getting worse on the field and the coaching staff just didn't feel that he could run the offense at all at this point.  Might even be some issues with him and the coaches.  Point is I find it hard to believe Gruden made this move without good reason. 


Maybe so, but there's also good reason to keep him in, namely that we should be sure that he isn't the answer before moving on.

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Maybe 3 of those games were good. You cannot possibly think he played well against the Lions. One offensive TD all day which came off a 30 yard run from Morris. Robert had an INT and a lost fumble. Two more fumbles that we got back.


He played very well in the Lions game.....the fumble was a fluke play...the INT was Garcon's fault.....he also had a dropped 65 yard TD by Aldrick. 


In that 7 game stretch,  he played well or very well against the Lions, Bears, Chargers & Vikings.....he played ok against the Raiders & Cowboys.....he played below average against the Broncos.......and in most games he played, he had a bunch of dropped passes.

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I think I understand the concern about best hope, and highest possible upside ... but honestly DG ... I am having a hard time appreciating your arguement.  Can you tell me what signs you would use as indications that he is going to become a good to great QB?  Also can you tell me what if any signs you would accept that he isn't or isn't going to anytime soon.  Not being sarcastic or wanting to get into a pissing contest I just plain don't understand why you are holding on so tightly to the concept that Griffin will be a QB that a franchise ought to be build around considering how he has played for the past season's worth of games.

Am I holding on so tightly? I said many times I think the Gruden-Griffin marriage is over.


Now, the question you want to ask me is why do I disagree with giving up on Griffin?


My answer is simple.

20 quarters into a new offense is too soon to give up on a potential franchise QB.

Especially one has physically gifted that has actually shown high level success in the NFL.


I am not judging him on the past season's worth of game, which if we're objective was mediocre not poor, I am judging Griffin based on this season with Gruden.


I look at this season as blank slate and therefore a good place to start is with expectations.

What are the year 1 expectations for Gruden?


I didn't expect a run at the playoffs this year because this team has far to many holes.

I expect Gruden to develop Griffin and the other QBs.

I also understand that development process in the WCO doesn't happen over night there are ups and downs.

So the task in Gruden during year 1 wasn't to try and win as many games as possible the task was to develop players but specifically the potential franchise QB.


How long should that evaluation process take?

Well lets say we just drafted a rookie QB he would be given the entire season no questions asked right?

But Griffin isn't a rookie although considering he's playing in a scheme he's closer to rookie then a vet.

So let's say we should consider Griffin a 2nd year player which is actually kind of close because he did miss an off season of development and only had 1 off season in this offense.

So lets Griffin situation is equivalent to a 2nd year QB.

And at some point we have to mention Griffin's rookie year success, which has to earn him some cache that most 2nd year potential franchise QBs lack.

How long is the leash for 2nd year potential franchise QBs without the cache of Griffin? Would you say its more or less then 20 quarters?

Heck, almost every game of Blaine Gabbert's career has been equal or worse then Griffin's most recent games (which btw are the worst games of his career) how long do you think Blaine Gabbert received before his team moved on from him? Do you think it was more or less then 20 quarters?

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Against Oakland, he led us on ONE touchdown drive (that started at near midfield). One score came off a pick 6, the other started in Oakland territory and consisted of two plays, a screen to Helu and a run from Helu.

You can go there. I'll go there for you. As someone who is not in the Griffin camp, I'd prefer if others on that side of the conversation not sound ignorant and racist.


im done with this thread. Keep slurping RG3, and do everyone a favor and follow him to his new team when he leaves.

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Griffin has played worse the longer Gruden has called plays for him. It is evident to me that Gruden doesn't have a good handle on what plays Griffin's likes. Think about the Vikings game, Griffin's best game with Gruden, it was during a short week. You know that during a short week teams usually stick with the same gameplan from the week before. So, Griffin's best game under Gruden came with a gameplan designed for Colt McCoy. But if Gruden is certain Griffin isn't his guy, he's successfully proven that to me.


But please Gruden have an answer. Don't just say Griffin isn't my guy and send him to the bench without having a QB going forward.

And looking forward if Colt fails and Griffin is run off we face possibility of entering next season having burned through 3 QBs including our potential franchise QB. Then won't we look back and say damn 20 quarter seemed like a really short hook in hindsight.


But if Colt McCoy is going to be Gruden's guy? Rock and Roll. I like Colt, always have.

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I keep seeing the Redskins are moving on from RG3. Why's he the backup if they are fine with him. Typically when coaches are done with a QB they are third and/or inactive. Also Kirk has shown himself to be a better back up than starter, so why is RG3 the player we are done with ahead of him?

I don't think he's done, I think Gruden has thrown the gauntlet and communicated some truth. This team is run as Gruden sees fit, even if Dan Snyder is your friend.

RG3 hasn't been abandoned, he's been given the same challenge every player in the NFL faces every day. Prepare better and play better than the guy behind you or he takes your job. Training wheels are off.

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I don't know how the players really feel about Robert, but back in 2012, when we were watching epic Robert, I used to cringe when the fans chanted "RG3...RG3...RG3.." after we scored a TD or made a big play on offense.  It was elevating him above the team.  It's one thing to go "Heluuuuuuu" or "Cooooooooooooley" after they make a play, but our idiot fanbase pretty much replaced "Hail to the Redskins" with "RG3" chants that went well beyond what normal players get.  I'm sure that eventually got on other player's nerves after they grind out a long TD drive, only to hear "RG3" chants throughout the entire stadium.


Yes, my buddies and I sat stunned moments after we won the East (thanks to Alfred Morris, by the way). The team ran off the field elated. The only oddity was that the majority of the FedEx Field fans were chanting RG3!! It was very cringe-worthy and something I've never been comfortable with. 


I was in my mid-30s, so to me that division title represented victory for the Turner, Schottenheimer, Spurrier, Gibbs, and Zorn years. It was bigger than one guy...but so many fans had boiled it down to: We have a new QB, he's now a star. 

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Last year it was Kyle's fault for not doing things to get Griffin comfortable.

This year it's Grudens fault for not developing him.

I don't fully buy that the Gruden and Shanahan offenses are SO different that it's like learning French vs. Spanish. Sure, the terminology might be different, but some of the concepts are the same or at least similar.

Jay Gruden is off the same Walsh coaching tree. Mike Shanahan learned from Walsh. Kyle learned from Kubiac who was Miles OC.

Jay learned from Jon, who is off of the Reid/Holmgren branch of the Walsh tree.

Both offenses are WCO based.

At some point, there's an expectation that a player in his third year in the NFL, with proven coaches who have successfully mentored and groomed other QBs to success (Mike: Young, Elway, Plumber and Cutler; Kyke: Shaub, Gruden: Dalton.) can execute basic concepts consistently.

Griffin hasn't shown that this year. Why, I don't know. But he's the 2nd overall pick in the draft, played 13 games last year, 4 this year, and is regressing every week.

Sometimes the player is to blame. Not the coach.

This is one of those times.

Personally, I hope that he's back next year, and wins an open competition in the off season. He's the most physically talented QB they have. He's had some success.

But he's done nothing in 2 years to prove he should be the guy to build around. And as badly as he's playing now, you've got to try somebody else just so you can evaluate the rest of the team.

Look, I have NO desire to go back into QB search mode again. None. There is a thread on the number of draft picks we've spent trying to fix the QB position.

And I'd prefer to give up on Griffin one year to late than too early.

But this year, there's no benefit in playing him.

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Yes, my buddies and I sat stunned moments after we won the East (thanks to Alfred Morris, by the way). The team ran off the field elated. The only oddity was that the majority of the FedEx Field fans were chanting RG3!! It was very cringe-worthy and something I've never been comfortable with. 


I was in my mid-30s, so to me that division title represented victory for the Turner, Schottenheimer, Spurrier, Gibbs, and Zorn years. It was bigger than one guy...but so many fans had boiled it down to: We have a new QB, he's now a star. 


maybe they were listening to all the fans screaming that we had to have a franchise QB.  You don't put the word franchise in front of someone and then overlook him.  And if you put the weight of the world on his shoulders you better show you appreciate it when he carries it.

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