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SFGate - House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack


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No Tailgate post on this?

I mean, I know it is an old Washington DC trick to release bad news on Friday afternoon so that it doesn't get any media attention, but it appears to have been particularly effective this time.  


The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee.

The panel voted Thursday to declassify the report, the result of two years of investigation by the committee. U.S. intelligence agencies will have to approve making the report public.

Thompson said the report "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

That conflicts with accusations of administration wrongdoing voiced by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), whose House Government Oversight and Reform Committeehas held hearings on the Benghazi attack.

Stevens, who grew up in Piedmont, and the other Americans died when Libyans attacked the consulate on Sept. 11, 2012. Among the Intelligence Committee's findings, according to Thompson:

-- Intelligence agencies were "warned about an increased threat environment, but did not have specific tactical warning of an attack before it happened."

-- "A mixed group of individuals, including those associated with al Qaeda, (Moammar) Khadafy loyalists and other Libyan militias, participated in the attack."

-- "There was no 'stand-down order' given to American personnel attempting to offer assistance that evening, no illegal activity or illegal arms transfers occurring by U.S. personnel in Benghazi, and no American was left behind."

-- The administration's process for developing "talking points" was "flawed, but the talking points reflected the conflicting intelligence assessments in the days immediately following the crisis."





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Don't worry.  I'm sure that Darrel Issa's entirely different investigatory committee will keep on the case.   


Besides, I'm not sure the story is accurate.  After all, I went to Fox News, the Daily Caller and Breitbart but I couldn't find anything on this story.  Nary a peep, and it has been 4 days.  For some reason, it's only being reported and discussed at places like the Washington Post, The Week, MSNBC, Gawker, and other leftist media shills.   So it's probably a lie.

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Incompetence is almost never deliberate. Not sure that was the case here but I'm unsure what opinion needs to be changed after reading that article.

I mean, I guess there is a fringe out there that believe Obama and Clinton deliberately got our diplomats murdered, but I doubt they read sfgate.com

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Incompetence is almost never deliberate. Not sure that was the case here but I'm unsure what opinion needs to be changed after reading that article.

I mean, I guess there is a fringe out there that believe Obama and Clinton deliberately got our diplomats murdered, but I doubt they read sfgate.com

Fringe is a nice way of saying "a whole lot of Rightwing Tea Party voters".

I now know why I could never be President, because it just occured to me that if I were the President that as soon as I saw the House vote result I would have called the WH Press Corp into the Press Room just to tell Faux News and the Tea Party to go get £€#%¥!!!

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Incompetence is almost never deliberate. Not sure that was the case here but I'm unsure what opinion needs to be changed after reading that article.

I mean, I guess there is a fringe out there that believe Obama and Clinton deliberately got our diplomats murdered, but I doubt they read sfgate.com

A vast majority of the GOP believe Obama and the administration actively covered up Bengahzi. 84% - this is not a "fringe" belief. This is main stream GOP politics.

This report destroys that claim.

"Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

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A vast majority of the GOP believe Obama and the administration actively covered up Bengahzi. 84% - this is not a "fringe" belief. This is main stream GOP politics.

This report destroys that claim.

"Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

84% claim that Obama and his Administration clearly covered up Benghazi.  What they believe does not necessarily correspond to what they say.  In fact, I suspect that they do not believe most of what they state.

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A vast majority of the GOP believe Obama and the administration actively covered up Bengahzi. 84% - this is not a "fringe" belief. This is main stream GOP politics.

This report destroys that claim.

"Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

They (Issa) won't ever give up.
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A vast majority of the GOP believe Obama and the administration actively covered up Bengahzi. 84% - this is not a "fringe" belief. This is main stream GOP politics.

This report destroys that claim.

"Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

I guess the cover up aspect is relevant good point

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