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Strange Events in Your Life (YES THIS IS THE OFFICIAL THREAD)


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edit- Didn't mean for this to be so long for a not terrible interesting story, sorry. 

This is a bit strange, just was really freaky for me. When I was 15 I was on a canoe trip on the New River with a church camp group. The last night of the trip we were camped on a beach right here: http://goo.gl/maps/cjmQb


We were all in open air “tents,” just plastic mats on the ground with a tarp over our heads. The beach was maybe 50 yards long with a huge boulder in the middle of it that backed right up to the woods. There was a steep bank going straight up at the tree line, so essentially the boulder split the beach into two distinct areas. The instructors/chaperones set up their camp site on the left side of the boulder, and the rest of us over on the other side without a direct line of sight to them.


I was having trouble getting to sleep that night. It started raining hard and the rain drops hitting the sand kept spitting little bits of mud up on me since I was toward the edge of the tarp. After probably an hour it stopped raining but I was still slightly damp and covered in mud/sand so sleep remained elusive.


As I’m lying there I hear something moving around in the woods. No big deal, we’re in the wilderness and there are animals. But I keep listening and it seems to be slowly getting closer and closer. I make a point to clear my throat/cough loud enough that it should alert the animal to the fact that there are people there. It stopped for a minute, then continued to move closer. At this point I’m starting to get a little concerned. What animal just walks right up to a campsite? I take out my swiss army knife in case I need to defend myself from a rapid animal with the 2.5 inch blade.


Finally I hear the noises from the woods come right up to the beach, within 20 yards of where I was. I can’t see anything because it is overcast, but I can tell it came onto the beach right over where the boulder was. My senses are on full alert and I was practically holding my breath. There was complete silence for about an extremely tense minute and suddenly from on top of the boulder comes the ear splitting scream that was drawn out and lasted probably 5 seconds or so. I can’t remember the exact noise now but at that time it might as well have been the sound the Nazgul makes in Lord of the Rings.


The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end and I’m sitting as still as possible for probably another 5 minutes before I hear whatever it was start to walk back into the woods. It slowly retreats back up the side of the mountain as I sit there scared out of my mind. I looked around and couldn’t tell if anyone else was still awake. Needless to say, I didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. The next morning I asked a few people and they had not seen or heard anything. I had been alone in my terror.


The best I figure, the thing was probably a bobcat screaming at us for invading its territory. Didn’t sound exactly right based on the clips I’ve heard on youtube though, so I still consider it somewhat of an uncertainty.


TL;DR – was camping, mysterious animal invaded campsite and scared the **** out of me. 

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My mother, step-father and I are walking in the woods behind their house in Vienna.  I was 13 or 14; we all come to an old house or barn in the woods.  It's in shambles, the house looks like it was built in the 50's and abandoned.  We are deep in the woods, there aren’t any houses or roads or anything within 15 or 20 minutes of walking.


So at one point my mom and step-dad are in the house and I'm outside looking at it from the path we walked up. I can't see either of them.  Then suddenly I hear the sound of running to my left.   The sound is coming real fast towards me, I look and there are two big-ass black or brown dogs running at me.  They start barking.  They were coming so fast that they are right on me as I look towards the sound.  I'm scared, I put my hands over my head and crouch down.


The dogs split and run around on both sides of me, they don't stop they keep running and barking and are gone as fast as they appeared.  I'm so freaked out I'm shaking, I honestly believed they were going to kill me. 


I stand up, my folks come out from around the house.  I ask them if they heard the dog barking and they say no.


Even as I'm writing this, I don't know if the dogs were real or if I imagined the whole thing.  It was very surreal.

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The best I figure, the thing was probably a bobcat screaming at us for invading its territory. Didn’t sound exactly right based on the clips I’ve heard on youtube though, so I still consider it somewhat of an uncertainty.


TL;DR – was camping, mysterious animal invaded campsite and scared the **** out of me. 



Perhaps a vixen's scream?


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So, my wife's family farm has two really weird things that sound silly, unless they are happening to you...at night....for the first time...


Party Time:


Across the hallway from the master bedroom is what used to be the parlor where the family would entertain up until the Great Depression (it is now used as another bedroom). Between 11:30 and midnight, if the house is quiet, one can be laying in bed in the master and hear distinctly what sounds like laughter and conversation from the parlor. The best way to describe it is what it would sound like when I was a kid in bed and hearing my parents talking in another room.  It is obviously people talking, but you cannot make out any words.


If you leave the room and come back in, you will not hear it again that night. If you turn on anything that makes sound (like a window AC unit) you will not be able to hear it (too low of volume). You cannot hear it in any room but that one, including the parlor, and only during that 30 minute time frame. It happens with other people in the house, or when one is alone. And people have reported hearing it going back at least 60 years.


And I actually like it. It very freaky the first time you hear it, even if you have been warned about it. However, after that, it is sort of comforting. It is not creepy-evil type sounds, but what sounds like people enjoying themselves. And after awhile you just start tuning it out the same way one does with a leaky faucet or the house settling.


My wife has said many times that she hears what sounds like a party coming from another room when she uses one of the bathrooms downstairs. That particular bathroom shares a wall with the parlor.


"The Boys' Room"


The "Boys' Room" is an upstairs bedroom in the house. It is called that because it is the room that visiting boys (like my wife's brother and cousin) would stay in when they would come down to the farm. The first time I visited the farm it is where I slept since my wife and I were not yet married and her grandmother was old fashioned when it came to that sort of thing. The minute I walked into the room, I felt nauseous and my skin was crawling. I spent that night in the room, figuring it was just the very greasy dinner we had eaten that day. I slept maybe an hour that night. The next night I spent on the couch in the living room. I just could not enter that room without feeling sick.


I talked to my wife and her mom about it and found out its history. There was a family ancestor who was a bit of a prodigy. He left home when he was 15 to study medicine  in the late 1800's. And like many members of her family, he suffered from "brilliant but crazy." Shortly after leaving, he suffered a mental breakdown and returned home where he later committed suicide....in that room.


We spent last year living in that house, and I think I might have gone into that room maybe 3 times, and only for very short periods of time to check the windows and such before winter and during a really bad storm. No one has ever felt anything out of the ordinary in that room except me, and later my son when he came to visit.

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one on the left (behind me) was the devil


Well ... what did the IT look like? 


Was it the archaic horns, cape and pitchfork?

Was it John Candy devil:



Was it the businessman mogul in a suit?

Was it Ray Wise devil:



Was it the pathetic, pleading, pre-depression, bohemian gypsy of the "Howling Man?"

Was it Twillight Zone devil:



Was it the devil in a blue dress?

Was it temptress devil:




I'm curious because, well, most - if any - of the strange things that have happened in life (thread title), have occurred in dreams. Dreams that became deja vu, that is, dreams which predated tangible events manifesting and unfolded the same, creating an arc in time back to precognitive awareness.


Or, ethereal moments that were more like waking dreams, or dreams as voyages - Milton-esque. And I had an encounter with some figure of importance, a figure I associated, like you, in one of those dream states. But it was a shadowed figure of a human, darkness of shadow obscured the faceless contours. Yet, could somehow still perceive of a smirk, a cavalier grin. 

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It's odd. Trying to picture him/her/it alone and clearly is difficult. When I try to isolate just that one my mental image gets fuzzy.

It was dressed like the other three but there was a red halo around its head that was glowing. It's chin and ears were sharper and it's grin just made you know who it was.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't supernatural or anything, but I've always wondered about Crimmins Lane, which will mean nothing to anyone.  I was reminded of this when I was up visiting my father and walking the dog around the old neighborhood.  Here's a Google map shot for those interested.




The default is where a small radio station is located, but zoom in and go a little bit south.  You will see another very tiny street called Crimmins Lane, which I assume is an extension of the road north where the radio station is.  Once you've zoomed in, click satellite view to see what the area looks like.  Hell, you can drop the little map guy onto the cross street (Overbrook) and get a street view.


Someone explain to me why this little piece of street exists?  If you look at the street view, you'll see that it is about 50 feet long and ends with a broken fence.  The two houses on the corner are both Overbrook Drive house numbers.  There is a gigantic creek/ditch and trees behind the fence, and an open field with satellite dishes and electric wires.  In other words, unlike if a new highway came through, these two pieces of street have never been connected.  Why was the bottom section even built?  It appears to be a completely useless 50 feet of paving with zero connection to the other portion or the radio station.  I want an answer to this very unimportant question dammit!

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Someone explain to me why this little piece of street exists?  If you look at the street view, you'll see that it is about 50 feet long and ends with a broken fence.  The two houses on the corner are both Overbrook Drive house numbers.  There is a gigantic creek/ditch and trees behind the fence, and an open field with satellite dishes and electric wires.  In other words, unlike if a new highway came through, these two pieces of street have never been connected.  Why was the bottom section even built?  It appears to be a completely useless 50 feet of paving with zero connection to the other portion or the radio station.  I want an answer to this very unimportant question dammit!


A lot of time stuff like this are requirements by county and state permits.  Builders have to do stuff like this to conform to permits/etc.

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History is ripe with "if one variable was slightly different in a particular situation, then the outcome would have been vastly different" scenarios. I have one related to my own heritage: My great-great grandmother lived in Wales in the early 1900's and like many, found the intriguing reputation of America very alluring and appealing. So naturally, she and friend had booked some third class tickets on a large, revolutionary trans-atlantic ship: the ill-fated Titanic. However, a week prior, her friend had became severely ill, and could not make the trip aboard the Titanic. My great-great grandmother decided to postpone their arrival to America a week later?(maybe a month later, can't recall) traveling on sister ship. Anyway, that ship of course did not suffer the tragic fate of the Titanic( and was not the subject of a billion dollar James cameron movie) and arrived safely in America. Whenever my family gets together(its my mothers side) we engage in a somewhat tongue-in-cheeky toast to my great-great grandmothers friend for suffering an illness before they were scheduled to leave- as literally none of us would would be there, surrounding the table, and enjoying each other's company with our existence. Every now and then, it makes stop and think. 

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History is ripe with "if one variable was slightly different in a particular situation, then the outcome would have been vastly different" scenarios. I have one related to my own heritage: My great-great grandmother lived in Wales in the early 1900's and like many, found the intriguing reputation of America very alluring and appealing. So naturally, she and friend had booked some third class tickets on a large, revolutionary trans-atlantic ship: the ill-fated Titanic. However, a week prior, her friend had became severely ill, and could not make the trip aboard the Titanic. My great-great grandmother decided to postpone their arrival to America a week later?(maybe a month later, can't recall) traveling on sister ship. Anyway, that ship of course did not suffer the tragic fate of the Titanic( and was not the subject of a billion dollar James cameron movie) and arrived safely in America. Whenever my family gets together(its my mothers side) we engage in a somewhat tongue-in-cheeky toast to my great-great grandmothers friend for suffering an illness before they were scheduled to leave- as literally none of us would would be there, surrounding the table, and enjoying each other's company with our existence. Every now and then, it makes stop and think. 


Holy ****

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History is ripe with "if one variable was slightly different in a particular situation, then the outcome would have been vastly different" scenarios. I have one related to my own heritage: My great-great grandmother lived in Wales in the early 1900's and like many, found the intriguing reputation of America very alluring and appealing. So naturally, she and friend had booked some third class tickets on a large, revolutionary trans-atlantic ship: the ill-fated Titanic. However, a week prior, her friend had became severely ill, and could not make the trip aboard the Titanic. My great-great grandmother decided to postpone their arrival to America a week later?(maybe a month later, can't recall) traveling on sister ship. Anyway, that ship of course did not suffer the tragic fate of the Titanic( and was not the subject of a billion dollar James cameron movie) and arrived safely in America. Whenever my family gets together(its my mothers side) we engage in a somewhat tongue-in-cheeky toast to my great-great grandmothers friend for suffering an illness before they were scheduled to leave- as literally none of us would would be there, surrounding the table, and enjoying each other's company with our existence. Every now and then, it makes stop and think. 


This reminds me of something similar in my family history. My Grandfather was fighting in the Pacific islands in WW2. He took a bullet in the shoulder but was still able to make it out of the combat zone. While sitting in the barracks he thought he was going to get a pardon to go home, but instead was handed a pistol and told to use his other arm while being sent back out to the combat zone with a sling on his arm and a pistol in his other hand. He took grenade shrapnel in his knee the 2nd time he went out and was finally allowed to come back home.


Anyways, had he not survived either of those two injuries the entire side of my dad's family (he came from a family of 5 kids) and the following generation (my brother and I) would not be here today. Crazy to think about how close you come to never existing

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History is ripe with "if one variable was slightly different in a particular situation, then the outcome would have been vastly different" scenarios. I have one related to my own heritage: My great-great grandmother lived in Wales in the early 1900's and like many, found the intriguing reputation of America very alluring and appealing. So naturally, she and friend had booked some third class tickets on a large, revolutionary trans-atlantic ship: the ill-fated Titanic. However, a week prior, her friend had became severely ill, and could not make the trip aboard the Titanic. My great-great grandmother decided to postpone their arrival to America a week later?(maybe a month later, can't recall) traveling on sister ship. Anyway, that ship of course did not suffer the tragic fate of the Titanic( and was not the subject of a billion dollar James cameron movie) and arrived safely in America. Whenever my family gets together(its my mothers side) we engage in a somewhat tongue-in-cheeky toast to my great-great grandmothers friend for suffering an illness before they were scheduled to leave- as literally none of us would would be there, surrounding the table, and enjoying each other's company with our existence. Every now and then, it makes stop and think. 


That's craziness.  My cousin in India had a similar experience ~15 years ago.  He was supposed to head out of town for business (he runs his own company), and that morning he decided to stay in town instead because the wife had been bugging him about about how little he was at home.  Lo and behold, one of the return flights he was supposed to be on got hijacked and the hijackers took the plane to Afghanistan where they ultimately negotiated the release of some prisoners after a few hours, but not before killing a few passengers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Airlines_Flight_814

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