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Seahawks' (Norfolk, VA-Native) Safety Kam Chancellor Inspired by The Late, Great Redskins' Safety, Sean Taylor!


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I have no issues with Cam Chancellor...at least what I know of him. His teammate is a clown however..great player, but a classless clown.


I wonder how much Sean would have been flagged/fined in todays NFL. I went back and watched a lot of highlights, he delivered lumber with his shoulder below the neck plenty...but he had a few out of bounds plays. r.i.p

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Someone needs to show Cam the crap his fan base spewed after Sean Taylors murder. I hope Cam has a long healthy life, I wish all Seahacks fans who mocked ST, the Bills fate, 4 Superbowl losses, not in a row. This year and next in a row. Followed by 4 Superbowl wins for our Skins, then 2 more SB loses for them West Coast Pigeons.


Drink my P Seatle fans, you are not worthy of eating my used TP.


HTTR............. :P

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Kam can play...But he's no ST....Sean was a once in a generation talent on defense, that with the way the game is currently played we may never see again. I feel privileged to have watched him play. I'm glad to see someone on the Hawks defense play without running their fool mouth, but to compare him to Sean is like comparing Orakpo to reggie white

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