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Predict when new head coach is announced


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Of course, it depends on who we wind up hiring, especially as coordinators of playoff teams can't be interviewed (I think) until the team's season is finished.  Here's a list of when the new coaches last season were hired:


McKay (SD): 1/15/13

Reid (KC): 1/4/13

Chudzinski (Cleve): 1/10/13

Trestman (Chi): 1/16/13

Kelly (Philly): 1/16/13

Marrone (Buff): 1/6/13

Arians (AZ): 1/17/13

Bradley (Jax): 1/17/13


Also, here's when recent Skins coaches were hired:


Gibbs 1: 1/13/81

Norv: 2/2/94

Marty: 1/3/01

Spurrier: 1/14/02

Gibbs 2: 1/7/04

Zorn: 2/10/08

Shanny: 1/5/10


What's your prediction for when the Skins will have a new HC?

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I would say it will be between (1/13) to no later the middle of the month 1/15. Could be later if we interview one of the teams with a coach on its bye week and still have interest in him. Then we won't be able to interview them again until they are knocked out of the playoffs or win the SB.

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Zorn was hired late because the Skins were in the playoffs that year. Snyder was dead-set on both Gibbs and Shanahan so it was just a matter of striking the deal. I'm not certain but I believe he was dead-set on Marty and Spurrier too. It seems that Jim Zorn was the only coach that wasnt the owner's shoo-in first choice.

Best thing for the team would be for a couple of candidates to acutally... you know, distinguish themselves. Instead of Snyder just letting the pants tingling point him to one big name guy.

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Best thing for the team would be for a couple of candidates to acutally... you know, distinguish themselves. Instead of Snyder just letting the pants tingling point him to one big name guy.

Agree completely that this is the only time besides zone that we will be looking at more than one candidate. That being said it will be Allen, Brown, and Campbell making the decision on the next coach.

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Well, Baylors Bowl game is New Years night, so that leaves Thursday/ Friday at the earliest to contact him. 


So maybe we can introduce Coach Briles over the weekend or early next week?  :D


Regardless of whom, as Bruce alluded to in his presser, it needs to be done as quickly as possible with the off-season looming and everything that entails. 



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Bruce mentioned time quite a bit in his presser. Unless we're targetting a coach with playoff connections, I think it will be resolved early January (before the  6th). It also seems that the days of the "five year plan" are long gone. The new coach will be expected to turn this ship around asap. 

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On my BD 1/13



when we re-hired Gibbs on my BD i was sooo happy lol


Total aside, but save for bagging 'the trade', wasn't that just the happiest day in the last 22 years since the last Lombardi when news broke Coach Joe was coming home?


Man, folk were lining the approach to Redskins Park just to get a glimpse of him in his car. REAL belief was restored for the first time since he left that the clown show was over and we'd be Lombardi bound again under the best man this franchise has ever employed. 


Happy, happy days to be a Redskin in that euphoria. 



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Haslett will be announced as HC Jan. 28. After all viable candidates have taken positions with better franchises or emphatically turned us down to stay QB coach at Marshall.

Too many coaching openings in the league.

Not enough serious candidates for the positions.

Its a Danny thing to do.

He has already been retained. There is a reason that happened.

I ignore the NFL for the foreseeable future beginning Jan.28.

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