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How would you call the game Monday?


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Do what they don't expect. Come out in 3/4 wide and run hurry up. Try to build a quick lead. Try more trick plays and misdirection. Throw a minimum of 8 screen passes.

On D run blitz every play. Stick with it.

Special Teams go for it on 4th down the first couple of times then when we do line up to punt fake it. On kickoffs do what 31 other teams do. Kick it as far and as hard as u can. No squibs.

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On offense:

-5 wide formations

-Screen passes to running backs



-Bootlegs with moving pockets

-Bring back the Read option, even if only for 2-3 plays.


On defense:

-Lock up Haslett in a broom closet during pregame

-Blitz all game

-Hit Kaepernick as often as legally possible


On Special Teams:

-Not let them see the field except on kickoffs.

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On offense we need to run it. Thats our strong suit. I'd like to see some quick throws early in the game - bubble screens, slants and throws to backs to build the confidence of RGIII and get him in a rhythm before we start taking some shots deeper off play action. 


On defense I'd build an 8 man box to slow their running game, scheme the rush and blitzes to keep Kap in the pocket and use some press man and single high and dare Kap to throw it deep to beat us. He has not been throwing the ball well and I want to put the game on his arm not his legs. Thats probably exactly the same approach the 49ers will take against our offense as well!!

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o The 49ers offense has been struggling. Which allows our offense to be a little more aggressive, knowing a stalled drive won't put us down by a bunch of points quickly like it does against a more high powered opponent.

o Coming in we don't have any favorable match-ups player for player. But they're starting 2 back-ups RCB Brock and LDE Eddie. Our gameplan should involve attacking these 2 players along with back-up OLB Skuta.

Starting the game we should do what we do best: run and read-option. Our secondary goal early in the game is to get Griffin in rhythm with some easy passes.

I think our best match-ups will be our 3rd/4th WRs against either a LB or their 4th/5th CBs (because their 3rd CB is now their 2nd CB).

I like the opening gameplan from the Vikings where they mixed runs with easy passes: 1 middle screen for the RB, PA-WR screen, 2 movement passes, and 2 short passes on crossing/rub routes for 1st downs. They didn't start the game with downfield playaction that we've seen early in games this season. Rather they tried to get Griffin in rhythm first and he responding with a fine game.

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On Offense, it's screens to Garcon and hand-offs to Morris. Read option WILL work against over-pursuing 49ers, but so will good ol' fashioned play action. I'd also call several pump-fake plays for Robert, to get separation before a screen the other way.


On Defense, this is a tough one. San Fran is a rushing team at its core, and they'll look to assert the run game early. I would commit to stopping the run, hopefully through a weak lane I noticed on film. I trust Rak and Kerrigan to bring down Kaepernick in the flats.

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On offense, I'm going to go against the grain. I think that you come out passing.  Don't come out running. 


I'd spread them out, and try and get some 1-1s, and hit some quick throws. I'd also use PA early, see if you could get a chunk play, like they tried to do against the Eagles with Paulsen down the field.


The problem with running early is that the 'Skins running game eats up clock, but doesn't generally put up a lot of points.  I'd start by trying to establish the passing game.  The run will be there when they need it.  But getting Griffin into a groove early would be a good thing.


After establishing the pass a little bit (hoping that they can, if they start 1-6 or 1-7 passing, this strategy would not work. And I'd be a dummy.  And the "Run the ball police" would call to have me fired.) then they should be able to run.  And use the run to set up the pass.


In Minnesota, the Vikings came out with 8-9 man fronts, and said, "Though SHALT NOT RUN." And Griffin was able to pass them out of that look.  Only to have Morris run them back into it. Then, they couldn't take advantage late in the passing game.


I think that's the approach you go with here.  Except, this time, make them pay. :)


On defense, stop Gore, and Pray Collin has another bad night.


On ST, fair catch everything.  Don't attempt a return.  If it's 4th and less and 7, go for it, if their past their own 40. On punts, kick the ball out of bounds.  Fire Burns at halftime. (before the game if possible.) 

On D it's simple.....well nothing is simple for our D but


Blitz the hell out of them. Make sure Rak and Kerrigan keep outside contain and blitz like crazy up the middle. Only way we will stop them. We sit back and play zone coverage with our LB's we are going to get killed.

The problem with our defense is that teams KNOW that we have to blitz, so they just pick it up, and then go deep.  It's already accounted for.  And the blitz doesn't get home.  It's sad. 

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...I'd spread them out, and try and get some 1-1s, and hit some quick throws. I'd also use PA early, see if you could get a chunk play, like they tried to do against the Eagles with Paulsen down the field.


I would love to see the offense use more spread formations, especially early but they don't do it.

What type of quick passes are you talking about? And when you say use PA early how early/when do you mean?

What would you like to see for the opening script ~10 plays?

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Our only hope on offense will need to suck it up and concentrate on the things that we do better ...

- read option

- play-action

- roll-outs and boots

- Morris

- Garcon

- Griffin runs into space

- Davis (has got to be given a chance ... too legit to sit)


pocket passing plays of any kind (straight back ... relocated pocket)  ... probably a very bad idea.


It'd be nice to see a non-bubble screen to the back ... either back (why not ... Morris doesn't have hands of stone) ... worked into the mix (assuming they can execute it without up-screwing everything)


On defense ... have to take away Crabtree and Davis.  Hall on Crabtree with help deep so he can gamble.  Davis is probably the harder element to counter ... do we have an LB who can cover him?  Maybe Biggers or an extra Safety stepping in for a LB in hi-tendancy TE pass situations (do our coaches have these tendancies?).  I'd consider the occasional CB blitz ... hoping for the sack or the speed to force a throw-away or a bad throw.  Maybe stacked blitz with the OLB and CB on the same side.

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I was keeping my view based in the parameters of our current offense...but if we're not limited to that then.....


We should be a spread formation offense. Why?

To remove defenders from the box and give us numerical advantage plus it gets some of their better defenders off the field. We're already a very good running team. If we spread a defense out and remove players from the box it makes running even easier. AND when a team does try to stop the run the clearly weaken they perimeter coverage AND they can't easily disguise it.


So instead of:





















AND instead of read-option use ZONE-read. Zone read allow us to combine the outside zone play with the bootleg pass play in the SAME play. Griffin can read the backside contain and decide whether or not to boot-keep or hand off to Almo.

Good luck to a defense trying to stop our 5 OL + Griffin and Almo vs their 3 DL + 2 ILB

We instantly have a numbers advantage 7 vs 5 AND we can't still 'option' or not block another defender giving us defacto additional player adavantage so it could be 7 vs 4 if we chose to 'option' a player

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If we're kicking, I'd onside kick to start the game. F it, what do we have to lose?


I'd come out in hurry up, 3-4 wide and read option. We can't play a 3 yards and a cloud of dust with the 49ers.


On D I'd put 9 guys in the box, have D Hall cover Vernon Davis 1v1, and blitz blitz blitz. If we get beat we get beat but there is nothing worse than losing giving up 15 play 8 minute drives.


If it's 4th down and less than 5 inside their side of the 50, I would go for it everytime(unless it's the very end of the game and a FG is all you need to win the game).

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Offense - I'm coming out in spread formations and using quick passes as extended handoffs tonight. I do not like our matchup vs the SF front 7 in the box. I'm probably also trying to run more draws than ever tonight. Try to get their ends and OLBs up field as much as possible to get bodies on Willis and Bowman.


Defense - I'm run blitzing pass blitzing punt blitzing like crazy. Davis is the deep threat that scares me, and while CK is very athletic he doesn't give me a feeling of super escapability for some reason. Their OL is vastly superior to our front 7. We will need to overload them with bodies in both the run and pass situs in order to be successful.

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