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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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CNN projecting Trump as the winner as well.

How the hell did the guy that called Bush a liar and put himself against the Pope manage this? He's got a teflon quality that's scary. He was a joke but now...


Did you read that poll visionary posted, a few days back? 




Trump's support in South Carolina is built on a base of voters among whom religious and racial intolerance pervades. Among the beliefs of his supporters:


-70% think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the State Capital, to only 20% who agree with it being taken down. In fact 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and 38% who aren't sure. Overall just 36% of Republican primary voters in the state are glad the North emerged victorious to 30% for the South, but Trump's the only one whose supporters actually wish the South had won.


-By an 80/9 spread, Trump voters support his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. In fact 31% would support a ban on homosexuals entering the United States as well, something no more than 17% of anyone else's voters think is a good idea. There's also 62/23 support among Trump voters for creating a national database of Muslims and 40/36 support for shutting down all the mosques in the United States, something no one else's voters back. Only 44% of Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United States, to 33% who think it should be illegal. To put all the views toward Muslims in context though, 32% of Trump voters continue to believe the policy of Japanese internment during World War II was a good one, compared to only 33% who oppose it and 35% who have no opinion one way or another.



I'm amazed he didn't get 60% of the vote. 

I think the scenario that sinks Trump is if everyone but Rubio and Cruz drop out. Rubio would gain most establishment votes while trump and Cruz split Carsons. But Bush has tons of money and is unlikely to drop soon, and winning creates momentum which benefits Trump.

If you follow that link in visionary's post, the poll actually asks who wins, when people drop out. I think what it says is, if it's just a three way race, Trump still does OK. But if it's a two way race, against either Rubio or Cruz, he gets flattened.

I think only way Trump gets the nomination, if Rubio and Cruz both stick around till Trump has an insurmountable lead.

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CNN projecting Trump as the winner as well.

How the hell did the guy that called Bush a liar and put himself against the Pope manage this? He's got a teflon quality that's scary. He was a joke but now...

Most underrated and misunderstood campaign.

People are going to be asking how he became president. It's going to happen infront of everyone and none of us are going to understand wtf happened.

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My snarky thought for the night...


In the 20th Century, the GOP's greatest Presidential hero was an actor. Is there any surprise that in the 21st century it's a reality star?


I suppose not, but, I mean, I was hoping we could get 60 years of competent governance before the popular but terrible, media Pres. showed up.

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Glad Rubio is falling.  I want him, and his Bush-Neocon entourage out.  Hopefully he ends up 3rd here and then his failure to close will push him to 3rd in Nevada.


Edit: Blugh, now he's back in 2nd.  Fall to 3rd dangit.


3rd wouldn't hurt Rubio with no real establishment competitor....unless they embraced Cruz. :P


pressure on the also rans is gonna get intense

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A few thoughts. Obviously Jeb! is done. Rubio not winning or get 2nd place convincingly kind puts a damper on that Haley endorsement. Not sure another 3rd place "isnt" second loser speech will help. I thought Cruz would kind of roll in SC.

Keep on thinking how Reince rarely if ever mentions Trump. He's so fixated in Clinton. If Trump or Clinton wins, he's done. What happened to that 2012 autopsy? The complete opposite is ruling their primary.

As far as Clinton/Bernie and Nevada. I thought it would be closer or even a Bernie win. Read that older women showed up out there.

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Looks like the same tactic social justice groups use frequently.

1- Say something be it a loaded question, a inflammatory claim, or make an accusation.

2- Wait for an impolite reply.

3- Once you find it, use it to paint all those that disagree with you as being anti-women or anti-x race or anti-whatever you need.

4- Have your fellows immediately (and publicly) "believe" you while claiming to have similar experiences.

5- Anyone that asks for proof or points out that a few angry comments is not representative of anything should immediately be labeled as something ugly and accused of silencing or invalidating your experience.

It's similar to the right wing news outlets use of "previously reported" to manufacture news. Where one show or online source makes a baseless claim, then the rest of them talk about a previously reported story. Works like a charm.

In both cases it makes creating narratives without needing any evidence or truth easy enough. Respective sides of the aisle eat it up with little skepticism.

Hmmm, maybe.  

I've seen a lot of liberal activists complaining about 'Bernie Bros'.

(not quite sure of the details other than that they're supposedly aggressive and rude to anyone questioning Bernie, but there seems to be quite a bit of bitterness towards them)


And then there is this....


Dolores Huerta says she was shouted down with ‘English-only’ chants from a Sanders crowd


With primary season in full swing, political news has begun to settle into some expected patterns. The assumption is that most of the big surprises that remain will come from voters, delegate counts and perhaps some unforeseeable candidate scandal.


To that end, there are plenty of stories that put Republican Donald Trump's supporters on record as raucous, not ashamed to use their fists and spit and other not-so-nice things against their political opponents.


The most vehement supporters of Democratic Party contender Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) frequently come in for some reasonable comparisons, even if they insist that they are just too progressive for Trump supporter-style antics.


Well, something just happened in Las Vegas that might really and truly challenge that. Dolores Huerta, longtime civil rights and farm-labor activist as well as a confidant of the late Cesar Chavez,  tweeted this Saturday night from a Nevada caucus location:

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ya gotta look at the spreads and where the voters likely migrate....Rubio and Cruz are enough ahead all three also rans votes together might not beat him



just one's would put either Rubio or Cruz close to winning


Kasich pretty much killed Jeb.

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The Sanders charade is over.

Not a chance. He has huge grassroots support and is raking in small donations. He's going to play out his hand. It's always been a long shot, but Bernie is rolling on.

Hillary is gonna top him in South Carolina.

Probably, but my money says the margins there will shrink just like they did in Nevada. Remember Clinton had a 25 point edge in Nevada a month ago, and she only won by 4 or 5.

Let the Trump/Clinton showdown commence. Her head is gonna explode. What the hell will we be watching.

Trump will start losing when the bottom of the GOP ticket drops out. Bush just announced he is suspending his campaign, his votes will go to Rubio.

As for Hillary, in the not unlikely event that she wins the nomination, I'm casting a protest vote. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Jeb is suspending his campaign.

At least something good happened today.

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Seems not enough Bernie supporters showed today. Young voters earn their rep again. All the talk of grassroots needs to produce better.

Jeb! donors can push money to Rubio now. Eventually he needs to win somewhere though. Good money after bad. Nobody knows how to attack Trump on the primary level.

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