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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Trump ratchets up the level of his trolling:


"I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go!"

I just don't get how so much of the electorate stands with Trump. I mean, I understand the anger and frustration with government, but he's such an obnoxious windbag and bully. He's the epitome of the ugly American. In fact, he's worse than most stereotypes of the ugly American.

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I Just Got “Push Polled” by Hillary Clinton’s Nevada Campaign

I’m about to tell you a disturbing story which helps explain why Hillary Clinton could end up as the 2016 Democratic Party nominee over Bernie Sanders.

Mudslinging works. That’s because some mud usually sticks, no matter how filthy or detestable it is. We all say we hate “going negative.” Then, we eat it up. No one gets out of a spirited political race with a bleached white suit.

From Nixon to LBJ, from to Daley to JFK, from Bush swiftboating Kerry to Bush bullying McCain in South Carolina — history has taught us one simple and indisputable fact. Election victories often come down to doing whatever it takes to win.

The Hillary Clinton campaign now appears willing to resort to just about anything — including using underhanded campaign tactics in order to reverse the national tide turning against her in the four early primary states (and state caucuses). It’s readily apparent that her campaign has begun deploying one of the sneakiest tricks of political survey methodology. It’s called “push polling.” If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, I’ll get to that a bit later. Meanwhile, by all accounts Bernie Sanders continues to run what’s generally been a positive campaign without attacking his opponent. I’ll eventually explain why Clinton’s troublesome practice of establishment politics as usual could be the difference in gaining the nomination, unless more people rise up and express outrage against these disputable practices.

. . .

And another story about the push polls from Hillary, with audio. (This dirty tactic is straight out of the Karl Rove playbook): http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/recording-suggests-hillary-clinton-backers-testing-attack-lines/story?id=37027124

And this business today: http://usuncut.com/politics/clintons-campaign-just-got-busted-impersonating-union-nurses-in-nevada/

Clinton's Campaign Just Got Busted Impersonating Union Nurses in Nevada

. . .

She's playing dirty.

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I have been insulted&shut down  by his fans as an older female Bernie supporter I'm worried about treatment of women
6:14 PM

Hmmm.  I see people complaining about this on twitter a lot.  

Not being a Democrat myself, I'm curious how widespread this is.

I will say it's a bit disappointing considering Bernie himself is a pretty nice guy.


The Bernie supporters on here seem fairly polite, if a bit over-enthusiastic at times.


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The Bernie supporters on here seem fairly polite, if a bit over-enthusiastic at times.


Well some of them do.

Suspect you're right.

And I sure assume it would help Warren's career, too. The impression I get is that the biggest knock on her is lack of experience or exposure.

No I think that is the second biggest knock. She has same problem as Hillary (but not to the same extreme), in that she stretches the truth a bit.


OMG that outfit it just hit me. She's Dr. Evil.

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Your first article looks like a legit complaint.

The later one is an intentional fraud.


Clinton's Campaign Just Got Busted Impersonating Union Nurses in Nevada


No, they didn't "get busted impersonating Union Nurses". 


They "got busted" wearing red t-shirts. 


Your article actually contains photos of the shirts. 


What Hillary's staffers were wearing: 



Note the Hillary campaign logo, and the slogan "I'm with her" on the shirt.

Now, the article claims that these shirts were "nearly identical to the shirts NNU nurses wear on the campaign trail with Bernie"



(Note that the one on the right, who is labeled as an NNU member, is actually wearing what look like scrubs. But the one on the left might be a Union Nurse, too, and is wearing a shirt that's "nearly identical", if your definition of "nearly identical" means "the same color".


(I love it when web sites don't just lie, they actually show you the proof that they're lying.) 

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Looking more and more like a close Hillary win in Nevada, but the delegate totals will be close. Not bad considering this race had 20 point margins a few weeks ago. As one pundit said, Nevada looks like less of a fire wall of a fire speed bump.

The oligarchs' anointed one hasn't won the nomination yet.

Her firewall held up. Her chances of holding off Sanders has significantly increased because it did. I think Sanders would have had good shot of taking the nomination if he had won in Nevada now they're not so good.

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Your first article looks like a legit complaint.

Oh it is a legit complaint. The second link has audio of Hillary's push poll. Just downright dirty.

No, they didn't "get busted impersonating Union Nurses".

They "got busted" wearing red t-shirts.

Fair enough. Maybe you're right. I'm not concerned to dispute the point about the t-shirts with you. The push polls are my big complaint.

I think we all know Clinton is so crooked she could hide behind a corkscrew. Stay tuned for many more stories like this in the coming weeks.

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Hmmm. I see people complaining about this on twitter a lot.

Not being a Democrat myself, I'm curious how widespread this is.

I will say it's a bit disappointing considering Bernie himself is a pretty nice guy.

The Bernie supporters on here seem fairly polite, if a bit over-enthusiastic at times.


Looks like the same tactic social justice groups use frequently.

1- Say something be it a loaded question, a inflammatory claim, or make an accusation.

2- Wait for an impolite reply.

3- Once you find it, use it to paint all those that disagree with you as being anti-women or anti-x race or anti-whatever you need.

4- Have your fellows immediately (and publicly) "believe" you while claiming to have similar experiences.

5- Anyone that asks for proof or points out that a few angry comments is not representative of anything should immediately be labeled as something ugly and accused of silencing or invalidating your experience.

It's similar to the right wing news outlets use of "previously reported" to manufacture news. Where one show or online source makes a baseless claim, then the rest of them talk about a previously reported story. Works like a charm.

In both cases it makes creating narratives without needing any evidence or truth easy enough. Respective sides of the aisle eat it up with little skepticism.

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First wave exits (50% men, 50% women): Trump 34m, 26w. Cruz 25m, 26w. Rubio 22m, 24w. http://www.cnn.com/election/primaries/polls/sc/Rep
7:01 PM


Trump finished last (7%) among Repub voters who said top quality was shared values. But he won 77% of tell it like it is voters.

7:07 PM


73% of South Carolina Republican voters say they support temporary ban on Muslims entering US.
7:08 PM


Trump won voters who decided early. Rubio won voters who decided in last few days. Cruz won voters who decided today.
7:13 PM

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For what it's worth, I believe that W's famous smear of McCain, in SC, was a fake poll. 


Just going from memory, but I think what happened was that a telemarketer W supporter phoned likely primary voters, and asked them "Does the news of John McCain's half-black love child change your vote?" 


(The McCains had, years before, adopted an orphan from South America.) 

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Trump playing down expectations, tweets he would be happy with one vote victory. This could be interesting.

saw it on CNN just now.


Here's the tweet:



People (pundits) gave me no chance in South Carolina. Now it looks like a possible win. I would be happy with a one vote victory! (HOPE)

7:05 PM

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A bunch of Bernie supporters are reporting issues on the ground in Nevada:


Bernie supporters misdirected, miscounts in favor of Hillary, people being allowed to caucus for Hillary without registering (several reports of this), etc.

Maybe they're just being alarmists, but I thought it worth posting.

Edit: You can also find a summary of some of the issues, with photos, video, etc. here:


The Nevada Caucus is a Complete Fiasco

. . .

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BREAKING: NBC News projects Donald Trump as the winner of the Republican primary in South Carolina
7:28 PM



BREAKING: Donald Trump wins the Republican primary in South Carolina. @AP race call at 7:29 p.m. EST. 

7:30 PM


NBC, AP, Fox, and CNN have all projected Trump to win SC now.

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Divided opposition, it will change

Trump Rubio and Cruz all within single digits....then the also rans

But who will drop out and who will it help? Trump, Cruz, and Carson are anti establishment. Rubio, Bush, and Kasich are establishment.

I think the scenario that sinks Trump is if everyone but Rubio and Cruz drop out. Rubio would gain most establishment votes while trump and Cruz split Carsons. But Bush has tons of money and is unlikely to drop soon, and winning creates momentum which benefits Trump.

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