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Es Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2013 Redskins Vs. Buccaneers (Final)


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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2013 Redskins vs Buccaneers






Redskins 30 - Buccaneers 12

I don't want to imply that this final preseason game is meaningless, but when asked about who would be playing quarterback against Tampa Bay, coach Mike Shanahan replied, “Pat White will play the entire game unless he goes down. If he goes down, Rex [Grossman] will go in. If he goes down, I’m going in. There’s nobody left.”
This is a noteworthy comment for several reasons. For one thing, I love to see Shanahan doing schtick, which is an extremely rare sight. But, beyond, it just shows how unconcerned the head coach is with this final preseason game and how confident he feels about his quarterback situation.
Pat White isn't auditioning for the third-string job. That's not why he'll be out there. Instead, he is simply a warm body who will be sent out onto the field to fulfill the team's commitment to play this utterly insignificant exhibition match.
The Redskins have already had to deal with their fair share of injuries this preseason. Quarterback Kirk Cousins suffered a mild mid-foot sprain, nose tackle Barry Cofield broke his hand and punt returner Richard Crawford severely injured his knee, prematurely putting an end to his season. Over 20 guys will be sitting this match up out so that they are refreshed and ready to take on Philadelphia week one. The goal for this game is simply to get through it without sending anyone else to IR.
The key storylines are obviously what shirt Robert Griffin III wears during warm ups and if James Andrews dons a fun hat during RGIII's check up. And obviously, as White takes the field, his mission will be to redeem the number 5 jersey in the eyes of Redskins fans.
All kidding aside, it's Redskins football and I couldn't be more excited to be covering it. It's another NFL season, full of excitement and unbridled optimism and I am, as the saying goes, "ready for some football." Bob Hopkins and I will be here covering all of the action live from Tampa Bay. It will be a fun, relaxing evening of
inconsequential football. I recommend pouring a nice tall adult beverage and pretending this is an old school sandlot game.
7:42 PM - Evan Royster for the touchdown. Five plays, 79 yards, one minute and 49 seconds on the drive. They made that look easy. 7-0
7:45 PM - A holding call bails the Redskins out after they give up 105 yards on the kick return.
8:09 PM - Well, Evan Royster looks like he wants to make this squad.
8:13 PM - Kai Forbath connects with a 37-yard field goal. The drive goes 61 yards, 8 plays and lasts 5 minutes and 44 seconds. 10-0
8:18 PM - Chris Thompson with a 69-yard punt return for the touchdown. 17-0
8:30 PM - Pat White may be auditioning for a job playing quarterback for the Bucs. He throws a 37-yard interception, which is returned for a touchdown, never once going beyond his initial receiver Nick Williams, despite having several guys open. 17-6
8:38 PM - Phillip Merling with a turnover around midfield. Definitely impressive.
8:44 PM - After the turnover, which gives them excellent field position, the Redskins have to settle for a field goal. 35 yards, 8 plays, three minutes and 55 seconds. Forbath with a 30-yard field goal. 20-6
8:58 PM - White with a 7-yard touchdown run. 9 yards, 3 plays, one minute and eight seconds. 27-6
9:10 PM - As far as meaningless games go, this one is pretty fun.
9:17 PM - Plenty of good seats still available tonight ...
9:24 PM - The Bucs offense shows some signs of life, but they still settle for a field goal. 10 plays, 65 yards, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Derek Dimke connects with a 30-yard field goal. 27-9
9:37 PM - We've reached that fun part of the final preseason game where it just sort of feels like both teams are phoning in their play calling.
9:41 PM - I don't want to imply that this preseason game doesn't matter, but the reporter next to me is participating in a fantasy football draft right now.
9:44 PM - Kai Forbath with a 47-yard field goal to extend the 'Skins lead. Four plays, 7 yards, two minutes and 18 seconds. 30-9
9:58 PM - Rian Lindell connects with a 50-yard field goal, taking a tiny chip out of the Redskins substantial lead. Nine plays, 48 yards, five minutes and 18 seconds. 30-12
10:06 PM - This Sugar Hill Gang song is really pumping up the 12 people here in attendance at Raymond James Stadium.

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To hear audio from Chris Thompson, click here:

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To hear audio from Evan Royster, click here:

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NoLeafClover's Take

"Operation Patience....Complete. Cleared. To God Be The Glory"

- Robert Griffin III on Twitter

On the message board, certain fans spent a lot of time debating the various merits of keeping Pat White over Rex Grossman. There hope was that this game would be an audition tape for White and that he would make a definitive statement showing he deserved to be here.

That didn't happen. Although White looked good in spurts, including a 7-yard touchdown run, he was inconsistent. Even balls that were caught were often off-target, forcing receivers to work harder than they should to haul them in. White finished the day 13 of 22 with 181 yards and an interception for a lackluster 66.7 passer rating.

Of course, none of that matters. No one will be talking about Pat White tomorrow. All anyone will be focused on is the tweet RGIII posted after the game telling the world that he is, indeed, ready to play week one.

While that is good news for Redskins fans, Mike Shanahan tempered things a bit in his post-game press conference with the following cryptic statement: "I did talk to Dr. Andrews and after talking to him, he's going to approve Robert to play. There's a couple of concerns that he has. I'll talk to Robert over the weekend and let you guys know on Monday."

"What are those concerns?" you may be wondering.

"I'll talk with Robert about those concerns before, obviously, I share with you guys."

So forget about lobbying for White over Rex Grossman. Let the endless speculation about what those concerns are and what Griffin's health truly is begin.

There's a lot to feel good about coming out of this preseason. The Redskins come out of it with a perfect 4-0 record. Not only were they the only NFL team to do that this year, but its a feat they haven't accomplished since 1985. Their breezy 30-12 domination over the Bucs has to leave a good taste in your mouth.

But it's utterly meaningless.

Preseason games don't count. The 'Skins are now 0-0, just like everyone else. How many of the team's preseason records can you honestly remember from the past five years?

It's nice to see the offense put up points and the defense hold their own against these four teams, but as we've seen plenty of times before, preseason success doesn't necessarily translate into regular season victories.

We can speculate about who did enough to make the team as they make their final cuts to get down to a 53-man roster. But honestly, that seems inconsequential with the fate of Robert Griffin III looming for the Monday opener against Philadelphia.

RGIII is the team captain. He's the difference maker. He's the man who singlehandedly gave fans reason for unbridled optimism with his impressive debut one year ago in New Orleans.

So the only question that should be on your mind right now is: Will Griffin start week one?

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On my way to the airport to go to Tampa I can't believe how bad traffic sucks before 6 AM in the morning.

At the gate an eventful security pass.

I can just feel times gonna pass real slow until time to go to the stadium.

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Anyone who is thinking Rex "throw off my back foot into triple coverage" Grossman has the 3rd string QB job sewn up needs to rethink their analysis.


I can tell by his comments that Shanny WANTS White.  Mark my words, Rex is done as a Redskin.  Youth and speed are the future.  White's the guy.

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Anyone who is thinking Rex "throw off my back foot into triple coverage" Grossman has the 3rd string QB job sewn up needs to rethink their analysis.


I can tell by his comments that Shanny WANTS White.  Mark my words, Rex is done as a Redskin.  Youth and speed are the future.  White's the guy.


As much as I would like that (as White is the only true guy who would be able to run the read option like rg3 does). It is not happening. Shanny will go with the veteran.

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Really, what about Shanny's current rebuilding makes you think that he will go with the veteran?  I see just the opposite trend in his thinking.  Also watch Rex's eyes on the sideline as he observes White play.  Rex is scared he is going to lose his job.


Anyway, my money's on White.  YMMV, we'll see :-)

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Anyone who is thinking Rex "throw off my back foot into triple coverage" Grossman has the 3rd string QB job sewn up needs to rethink their analysis.

I can tell by his comments that Shanny WANTS White. Mark my words, Rex is done as a Redskin. Youth and speed are the future. White's the guy.

Marked. :)
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On my way to the airport to go to Tampa I can't believe how bad traffic sucks before 6 AM in the morning.

At the gate an eventful security pass.

I can just feel times gonna pass real slow until time to go to the stadium.

I know you are excited!  Just make sure to take a moment and soak it all in too!  Enjoy! 


Marked. :)

Um why are you only a 2 star admin?  I guess I took over the 3 star general spot?

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Well, the time is near for the Pat White show; I have been one of the ones that has been rooting for PW aka PassWord to be our 3rd string QB. Rex is cool but I would rather see him as some type of coach or asst. for us. That way he can still give the knowledge but let the young pups develop in our org. I think that if he runs the read option and don't have many mistakes, he is on the squad. If he takes the bad drops and throws int to the sidelines then the writing is on the wall. Rooting for you Pat! HAIL

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Marked. :)

 No need to make a production out of shooting a turkey in a pit with a SAW.  :lol:

I know you are excited!  Just make sure to take a moment and soak it all in too!  Enjoy! 


Um why are you only a 2 star admin?  I guess I took over the 3 star general spot?



Looks and brains always beats age.

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Forgot  :o


Good to see ya, NoLeaf   :)


Hope you brought your heart meds. It's all riding on this one--just note Shanny's doom-n-gloom attitude lately.  :P


Seriously though, burn the no-injury sage on the field before the game and have fun, amigo!

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I know 3 sings 1's praises to no end, but if you think 3 needs 1 to be a successful QB, I call bunk.  Does anyone really think our team needs Rex Grossman to be successful. Maybe when we decide to move Cousins. sure. I do not see that happening before next summer, if not 2 years. While he brings experience to the table, that experience on a clipboard guy is not a difference maker. 


The Pat White Patrol is watching. 

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Let me paint this very plausible scenario:


White puts up 28 tonight on The Bucs doing all those things (escaping the rush, not throwing picks and running) that Rex struggles with.  White runs the RG3 offense to a T.  White displays grit and leadership.  White just wins.


After that Shanny cuts him for worn out Rex?  Pretty good chance Shanny is planning to eventually trade Cousins for a few early draft picks.  When that day comes, wouldn't he want a seasoned White to step into the #2 spot?


P.S., To be fair, if White throws 3 ugly picks, fumbles twice and stinks up the joint, Rex may still have a shot. 

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I actually have no issue if MS decided to keep White at 3. Part that is growing confidence in Mike's decision making in general and part thinking there's more to White's potential that the waste some made him out to be (which i think was understandable). I'm obviously as sure as I can ever be that we're not going to pick Pat over Rex as things stand now. But I am greedy as a pig in these matters. After the last 15 years or so, when I see even a halfway possibility of a serious skill-position talent, I want to keep it somehow and not allow anyone else a crack at them.  :lol:

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There are two issues I have with getting rid of Grossman.


1) If we keep White, we are going into the season with three QBs that have 1 year in the league each.  No veteran presence.


2) Grossman will get picked up.  If John Beck is getting looked at and Linehert is getting signed, you bet your sweet ass Rexy is going to get a job.  And he knows the intricacies of this offense.  If he went somewhere in the NFC that could be a problem.  He may not make the best decisions on the field but he's a very smart QB.


White's fought his way into my heart this pre-season for sure though.  But pay attention to how he plays when the Redskins are behind the chains tonight (2nd and long, 3rd and long).  Not very well so far.  Hopefully he improves tonight.  I have two roster spots open on the 53 (in my opinion) and he's certainly alive in one of them.  Barely breathing but alive.

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