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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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Westbrook is a great player and he sure can take over a game sometimes, but it really is too bad he is such a chucker.   It seems like he scores his 25 points by taking 25 shots most of the time.  


When KD is out, he really should be more of a distributor and feed Dion Waiters, I guess.


For the millionth time, Russ has to shoot a ton or nothing can happen on offense for OKC. They have no set offense. There is no space and pace game there. It's Russ creating chaos or Durant creating mismatches. And Durant has missed a ton of games.


Westbrook is doing everything Rose did when Rose won the MVP .... except doing it better.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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Did anyone watch/listen to Kobe on the Grantland Show?


I caught the tail end of that. Love him or hate him, Kobe is interesting. I'm enjoying his end of career honesty, particularly when he's disclosing something like that vetoed Detroit trade. 


He had a recent interview with Klosterman for GQ where he was asked about the whole having no friends thing. His answer was both different from what I was expecting and also more thoughtful: 


So how much are you willing to give up? Have you given up the possibility of having friends? Do you have any friends?

I have "like minds." You know, I've been fortunate to play in Los Angeles, where there are a lot of people like me. Actors. Musicians. Businessmen. Obsessives. People who feel like God put them on earth to do whatever it is that they do. Now, do we have time to build great relationships? Do we have time to build great friendships? No. Do we have time to socialize and to hangout aimlessly? No. Do we want to do that? No.We want to work. I enjoy working.

So is this a choice? Are you actively choosing not to have friends? 

Well, yes and no. I have friends. But being a "great friend" is something I will never be. I can be a good friend. But not a great friend. A great friend will call you every day and remember your birthday. I'll get so wrapped up in my ****, I'll never remember that stuff. And the people who are my friends understand this, and they're usually the same way. You gravitate toward people who are like you. But the kind of relationships you see in movies—that's impossible for me. I have good relationships with players around the league. LeBron and I will text every now and then. KG and I will text every now and then. But in terms of having one of those great, bonding friendships—that's something I will probably never have. And it's not some smug thing. It's a weakness. It's a weakness.

Do you miss the idea of having a great friendship?

Of course. It's not like I'm saying, 'I don't need friends because I'm so strong.' It's a weaknessWhen I was growing up in Italy, I grew up in isolation. It was not an environment suited to me. I was the only black kid. I didn't speak the language. I'd be in one city, but then we'd move to a different city and I'd have to do everything again. I'd make friends, but I'd never be part of the group, because the other kids were already growing up together. So this is how I grew up, and these are the weaknesses that I have.

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I've said it before, on any other team we'd all be talking about how amazing Westbrook is. Few guards these days can physically dominate a game. It would help if he just called himself a 2 guard like Harden does. Then the talking heads could ooh and ah about how he's the best passing shooting guard in the league.

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When KD is out, he really should be more of a distributor and feed Dion Waiters, I guess.


For the millionth time, Russ has to shoot a ton or nothing can happen on offense for OKC. They have no set offense. There is no space and pace game there. It's Russ creating chaos or Durant creating mismatches. And Durant has missed a ton of games.


Westbrook is doing everything Rose did when Rose won the MVP .... except doing it better.



Yes he has to shoot in that offense.    If he hit a higher percentage, he would be the clear MVP this year.


But he doesn't, because a lot of the shots are horribly forced.  A lot of that is on Scott Brooks for have a bad heroball offense, but some of that is on Russ for shooting lots of shots that suck even for heroball.

By the way, Westbrook has put up a 30/10/8 over the last ten games on 50 percent shooting. It's insane.


The last ten games he has been spectacular.   No doubt.

I've said it before, on any other team we'd all be talking about how amazing Westbrook is. Few guards these days can physically dominate a game.


I thought we were all talking about how amazing Westbrook is, right now.    :huh:

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Looks like Rose will (most likely) be back this season. Since they can't repair it, they'll just take it out.


I hope modern medicine advances a lot in the next few decades because he's gonna be in so much pain 10-20 years from now. It kinda makes me sad honestly. He's a good guy. 

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Wizards fans depressed about the death spiral of our team.

Bulls fans depressed about Rose.

Heat fans depressed about Bosh.

Lakers and Knicks fans depressed about the whole season.

Is there anyone in this thread aside from Predicto actually enjoying this season?

Been a ****ty last 8 months (with the exception of finding Whiteside and getting Dragic), but ive enjoyed watching the growth of guys like Lilard and Curry, and the emergence of Wiggins and Davis, and the Hawks.

Being a fan of a contending team for so long, you kind of get tunnel vision, caring about nothing else other than your team ,and getting through the necessary evil that is the regular season, with enough juice to take it up a notch in the playoffs.

This year is the first time in maybe 5-6 years that ive taken a vested interest in watching other teams play. Hopefully the playoffs deliver, and someone stops Lebron and the Cavs, who seem to be getting better and better.

My hope is that Bosh rebounds from this, and is able to come back, and we can make one last championship run next year.

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Wizards fans depressed about the death spiral of our team.

Bulls fans depressed about Rose.

Heat fans depressed about Bosh.

Lakers and Knicks fans depressed about the whole season.

Is there anyone in this thread aside from Predicto actually enjoying this season?



I was enjoying it until last night, when it once again became clear how damn good Lebron James really is.  Now that Cleveland has a full roster, watch out.  

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The Cavs greatly improved their roster during the season so it's not just chemistry that causing their improvement. In fact, It's too early for their chemistry to be there so they will continue to improve. Shump and Mozgov upgraded their defensive ability on the outside and in the paint. With that much talent they don't need great defense.

If I had to guess I'd say Cleveland will be getting at least one title in the next two seasons. Lebron will then be named a saint of the down trodden and basketball. Players of the future will bend knee in the shrines of St Lebron to beg his favor.

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I was enjoying it until last night, when it once again became clear how damn good Lebron James really is. Now that Cleveland has a full roster, watch out.

Curry couldn't hit a shot in the 2nd half. Warriors cut it to 9 in the 3rd and 4th quarter but they just missing shots. Curry airred a 3 yesterday, definitely not his night.
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Yep, Mozgov and Shumpert were really important acquisitions. Being able to play LeBron and Love at their real positions instead of at PF and C is enormous. Getting rid of Waiters was also big--addition by subtraction. And for right now, JR Smith is a positive.

The East has also hit the wall. Wizards are cratering. The Bulls and Raptors are treading water and can't match their talent level. And it looks like Atlanta is coming back to reality.

But a lot can change in two months. For all we know, Cleveland will hit the wall in some way too. Doesn't look like it right now, but it also didn't look like Atlanta was ever going to lose again a month ago. An injury to Kyrie Irving or Kevin Love would really change their fortunes. And it's still the truth that neither of those guys have played a whole season or made the playoffs before. Their bodies will have to experience that grind for the first time, and the first time is always a shock for everyone.

I like a team from the West this season. I'm leaning towards Golden State but I still have a weird feeling that Dallas is going to go off on one of those inexplicable runs. Cleveland gets it's first taste of the postseason and maybe wins a couple series. Then this offseason they get most of what they want and gear up to make a true run for next year. That's their year. Then major changes happen in 2016 with a work stoppage looming somewhere in that time frame.

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