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New Member saying hello...


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Just wanted to say hello to everybody on here. I have been a frequent visitor to this site for years and finally decided to join. Looking forward to talking Redskins football with you all and all other forms of tailgate nonsense.

Welcome aboard.....:cheers:

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Just wanted to say hello to everybody on here. I have been a frequent visitor to this site for years and finally decided to join. Looking forward to talking Redskins football with you all and all other forms of tailgate nonsense.

Welcome aboard!

Your frustration of not being able to respond to people (which is why you signed up) will be replaced by the people who will now respond to you.


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Just wanted to say hello to everybody on here. I have been a frequent visitor to this site for years and finally decided to join. Looking forward to talking Redskins football with you all and all other forms of tailgate nonsense.

Welcome, and enjoy! HTTR! Hail Victory!

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