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How should we attack the Seahawk's defense?


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Anyone know anything about the Seagull's defense and what the best way to attack it is? I keep hearing how their defense has no weaknesses. May be we should keep changing up our offensive strategy so often that we just confuse them and keep the defense on their heels so they lose a step trying to figure out what we're doing. I hope Kyle can figure something out.

I hear their corners are big and physical. Our receivers are mostly small and fast. That sounds good for us, but while they're bigger, are they really slower or are they both big AND fast?

If we can't get into the end-zone, Kai's performance will definitely be important in this game.

This is gonna be a tough one. We gotta be at our very best.

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Their defense can be run on, which plays right into what we do best. We will be able to move the ball on the ground, which will open up gaps for play-action passes to Garçon and Moss.

If Rg3 plays well enough in the passing game to keep them off balance, we will make their defense look old and slow.

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LL was doing a break down where most if not all of the time they have a single high safety playing 20 yards off the ball, and drops back even farther at the snap. The corners play man most the game as well. We have to get our run game going early and use our PA/Post route combination in front of that deep safety that weve had great success with all year. Suck that safety up and take our shots then. Keep them on their heels.

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Actually, they have physical corners (2). I think a heavy dose of read-option, Morris, and Moss/Morgan/Robinson out if three receiver sets is going to set the tone for what we need to do. Read-option has neutralized every d-line we've faced. I don't see anything different happening this game.

I am concerned about RG3's knee. He had a few worm burners the last game which is very uncharacteristic of him. I hope he won't cost the team a win because of his stubbornness. Honestly, I think the pain from his injury is more severe than he is letting on.

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I think RGIII has been getting better each week. Two weeks ago he only had 4 rushing yards, and looked gimpy. Against Dallass, he didn't have his typical burst, but still seemed to have much more mobility. I'm thinking he'll continue to improve.

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They can be run on AP ran 17 times for 182 but AP is no Alfred Morris so I expect about 300 yards rushing ;)

I expect RG3 to be a little better this week we're probably gonna need him to be, but i expect a similar attack as to every week last week is the first time we've seen someone completely sell out to stop the passing but as you saw that just left wide open lanes to run in. I doubt Seattle will be so intent on only focusing on one side of the offense so running early and play action later is probably the way they go.

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this defense will try to take out some of our players out of the game, just like what they did to the 49ers. they will hit hard to intimidate. they will not care about flags or penalties. they will try to hurt us. the offense will have to punch back and hopefully the recievers will maul them with our blocks to help morris/griffin/royster. i hope our defense is fired up and knock out their kick/punt returners and make wilson look like Romo sits to pee.

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They cant take away everything. Our offense has shown that. Im not worried about their D at all. We will have huge chunks in the passing game because of all of the Alf exposure. Plenty of Seahawks fans seem to think we live off of WR screens since we threw them a bunch against the Boys. I hope their D is taking a similar focus because the Zone Read Slant and middle Post will be open all day if so.

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Another play that could kill them with that single high safety is where our TE on the strong side blocks on a stretch PA to his side, he then releases down the line to the weak side running a wheel route. We ran this multiple time when Donovan and Rex were starting, but dont remember running it with Rob yet. It is always wide open as long as the QB gets some protection.

Ill try to find video of it just in case your not sure the play Im talking about.

Here it is:

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Just pound it out and lets test that run D of theirs. They say its great, let them prove it. The only D that has stopped us all season was Pittsburgh. On D, stop Lynch. We've held, AP and Doug Martin, to under 100.Make the kid beat us. Our D while, it gives up passing yards consistently forces turnovers. It'll be a close one though.

Another thing to note, Wow Seattle hasn't had the injury bug anywhere near them this season. Wow they are a healthy bunch.

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Have to send out more than two wr's in a pattern I'm afraid. I love the option and fakes, but two receivers aren't hard to cover with the big physical db's/safeties they have. I trust the gameplan installed and the talent on this team. It will be a battle. get em! hail!

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While I would love to see Aldrick and perhaps 4 wide, I think its a pipe dream to expect to see Aldrick even get one ball thrown his way. He simply was Garcon's backup and can barely get on the field now.

I don't want Kyle to be predictable. I think Seattle will key on Morris. Wouldn't you? And then if true, how do you beat that?

Passing when they expect runs. Its that simple. I just don't think we can expect 200 yds from Morris this week. Dallas played to take away the pass and don't expect Seattle to be so dumb. They will load the box, expect 8, and go tight man on the wideouts and keep a safety back. When they have 8 in the box, I want Robert to be able to audible.

And Kyle, please share with RG3 your first few expected play calls, just in case the headset craps out again. Run run pass should not be kept secret from Robert. Hell, he can probably guess kyle's play calls to start games of late. Even I can, and Seattle can too. He always starts conservative.

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Here is a good article....gives some good breakdowns ( with pics) on what the Seahawk defense does to opponents and how they are successful. I think we'll be ready though. :


the problem with that breakdown... SF does not really run the read option as well as we do.. also even in the breakdowns they show in the article.. the offense was not running read option on the play...

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