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What's a man to do? Wife to work for the enemy?


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Please forgive her, for she knows not what she does, but, despite urging, begging and threatening that worked a couple of years ago when she turned down an offer at the same firm, it appears the wife is set to take a job with a new law firm in Minnesota. The firm? Well, it's the one representing the Indians against the Redskins on a PRO BONO basis.

The good news is I've promised her if she takes the job, since it's in her group, I will be a very difficult party guest when meeting the people responsible for this outrage. I will continue to work against it, but, if I fail the best I can do is promise to show up to every firm event with Redskin gear :).

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Here's where principle might matter. No way you lose a trademark because SOMEONE MIGHT be offended. Then the doors open to people being offended by any and every last thing that comes to their minds. It's already happened.

And no way she should go to work for that firm. They probably represent communists and child molestors pro bono too.

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At the Christmas party Art, wear your Redskins jersey

I also have this really cool Redskins hat that has a flashing light around the Redskins emblem too. My mom got it for me at Christmas from one of the TV shopping channels, QVC or HSC I believe.

You need to try to get one of those too :D

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Art, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'll do both.

:laugh: :cry:

And, apropos of nothing, as if I needed any further reason to like the hell outta Brit Hume, today on Special Report he stated that he was a Redskins fan. Smart man, that Mr. Hume. :)


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Damn, that bites.... Art, I think, on these grounds, you can legally lock her in the basement and make her wear Redskins paraphenalia. What, that's not legal..........."OK, HONEY, I'll be right down with the keys.....who knew?!" :)

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Wow.....one of the most knowledgeable and dedicated Redskins fans wife is going to work for the law firm representing a case against the Redskins. Crap, Alannis Morisette was right, "Isn't it Ironic....don'cha think?" Damn you devil-woman, damn you to hell!!!:evil:

What the hell is next? Art's next family reunion being held in Texas Stadium?:doh:

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Are you kidding? This is GREAT news!

We've now got one of our people in the enemy camp ... and it's Art. :)

Clear your consience Art. You've got a rare opportunity to work on these people from the inside. I know you won't let us down. :)

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