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Yahoo Sports: Josh Morgan takes one of the worst penalties in NFL history, costs Redskins a chance at overtime (and related news)


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according to espn 980 , which i listened to on the way home from the game, it was reported within 20 minutes from the end of the game it wa reported that he was concussed.... and had i been the coach, after watching that hit looped 50 times on the jumbotron, i would have known this kid is most likely concussed.... it was a BAD hit that didnt get called and should be cause of a hefty fine

I don't remember them making much of the play on TV. I could have forgotten, as there were a lot of vicious hits in this one. It was one ugly game that is for sure. The scab refs couldn't keep the cheap stuff under control at all. It seemed like there was going to be a fight after every play.

Good to know the team reported the injury, bad news is he is injured. If he has a concussion, we will likely have to sit him for a while. I'm pretty sure the NFL has guidelines about that now.

If he really had his brain rattled, I should probably stop calling it a brain lock. I knew it was something to do with his brain. I just couldn't believe it when it happened.

I do hope he is okay though.

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It was reported on the radio. I don't know if he has officially been reported to the NFL. It was 1 of the last plays on the next to last drive. It was replaced over and over on the jumbotron I stood in the stands in disbelief that it did not warrant a flag. My immediate reaction to the bonehead play in the stands was to cut him immediately. However hearing the report on the radio on the way home from the game I realized he may not have been in his right mind.

At this point I am more concerned about the fact that a head coach would put that kicker out there trying to make a 62 yard field goal. Obviously I am concerned about Morgan however I am more concerned about a head coach with out brain trauma who makes a decision like that

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It was reported on the radio. I don't know if he has officially been reported to the NFL.

Ah. Got it now.

It was 1 of the last plays on the next to last drive. It was replaced over and over on the jumbotron I stood in the stands in disbelief that it did not warrant a flag. My immediate reaction to the bonehead play in the stands was to cut him immediately. However hearing the report on the radio on the way home from the game I realized he may not have been in his right mind.

Sounds reasonable to me. It will be interesting to see if they list Morgan as concussed on the injury report. If he really got his brain rattled, then they need to worry about his safety.

At this point I am more concerned about the fact that a head coach would put that kicker out there trying to make a 62 yard field goal.

Little know fact: Billy Cundiff holds a conference record in college, having kicked a 62-yard field goal for Drake University in 2000. Not saying he had much of a chance, but it was a better chance maybe than people think. 4th and 16 is slim odds too.

Obviously I am concerned about Morgan however I am more concerned about a head coach with out brain trauma who makes a decision like that

Well assuming he had a concussion: If the coaches knew, they should not have had him on the field. If the players knew, they should have told the coaches. It is possible he tried to hide it, happens all the time.

Hopefully he is okay. It will be interesting to see if he is on the injury report this week.

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It was reported on the radio. I don't know if he has officially been reported to the NFL. It was 1 of the last plays on the next to last drive. It was replaced over and over on the jumbotron I stood in the stands in disbelief that it did not warrant a flag. My immediate reaction to the bonehead play in the stands was to cut him immediately. However hearing the report on the radio on the way home from the game I realized he may not have been in his right mind.

At this point I am more concerned about the fact that a head coach would put that kicker out there trying to make a 62 yard field goal. Obviously I am concerned about Morgan however I am more concerned about a head coach with out brain trauma who makes a decision like that

That's pretty serious business. Especially now with the league enforcing that strongly. Because it's all about player safety. That's why we have D3 refs out there...


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It actually does' date=' and players of Morgans caliber are perfect for sending a message to the rest of the boy's, zero tolerance to anyone who deliberately costs you a game for nothing more than showing the world what a tough guy he is, when you put your pettiness before the team your gone, or you better be irreplaceable talent wise.[/quote']

I'd like a modern example of when something like this has worked.

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Chris Russell ‏@Russellmania980

Fan insanity! MT @DanHellie: #redskins WR Josh Morgan said he received death threats and threats to his family on twitter after rams.

Whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves. This isn't EPL soccer, fellas.

No offense GHH ; )

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I certainly hope that when he steps out onto the field this coming week against the Bengals that he is welcomed warmly & not booed because he made a mistake. We are a better fanbase then that & after the preseason Booing of Rex Grossman, it has me worried that this will happen. We should not boo our own team for any reason & I hope this doesn't happen.

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I certainly hope that when he steps out onto the field this coming week against the Bengals that he is welcomed warmly & not booed because he made a mistake. We are a better fanbase then that & after the preseason Booing of Rex Grossman, it has me worried that this will happen. We should not boo our own team for any reason & I hope this doesn't happen.

Good call, I hope it doesn't happen as well. I won't be attending the game, but Im certainly going to be at skins fans club here in Raleigh.

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I certainly hope that when he steps out onto the field this coming week against the Bengals that he is welcomed warmly & not booed because he made a mistake. We are a better fanbase then that & after the preseason Booing of Rex Grossman, it has me worried that this will happen. We should not boo our own team for any reason & I hope this doesn't happen.

I'll certainly be cheering and giving the Shanny death eye to anyone in my vicinity that boos. The fact that we even have to think about that possibility is sad as hell.

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Good call, I hope it doesn't happen as well. I won't be attending the game, but Im certainly going to be at skins fans club here in Raleigh.

I have a friend who's going to the game who was really upset & asking for Morgan to be cut & all that jazz. I gave him my opinion on the subject, but then asked him to please don't boo when he comes out. It's classless & shows no support for our home team. And that if he saw/heard anyone else booing him, to push them down the stairs.

Booing=classless; Pushing someone down a flight of stairs for booing=pricelss. :D (j/k)

---------- Post added September-19th-2012 at 12:44 PM ----------

I'll certainly be cheering and giving the Shanny death eye to anyone in my vicinity that boos. The fact that we even have to think about that possibility is sad as hell.

I couldn't agree more. I hope you are very influencial person & can get fans in your area riled & loud.

It's what 2 decades of losing has brought on. There's any entire generation of fans who have grown up around opposing team fans that were terrible fans to begin with. Cowboys & Eagles fans, for starters. I didn't used to despise Steelers fans, but now I can't stand them either for their souchiness.

But they have seen how the rest of the Leagues fans respond to things & think it's ok to boo your own team. It's not.

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I'd like a modern example of when something like this has worked.

Disciplining someone or cutting someone? As far as disciplining, most modern example is Stephen Jackson for spiking the ball -- unless he really sustained a groin pull on that spike, which would be hilarious, but is not very believable. Much more believable that Fisher was disciplining Jackson, and used a pre-existing slight groin injury that wasnt really effecting Jackson as a way of keeping a media controversy from brewing. I could be wrong tho, I freely admit Im just speculating on that...

Cutting someone, for 1 stupid play on the other hand, is not effective. It just makes the coach look vindictive. OTH, cutting someone who has a history of stupid plays, is part of the coaching job description,

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I'll certainly be cheering and giving the Shanny death eye to anyone in my vicinity that boos. The fact that we even have to think about that possibility is sad as hell.

Umm, why, this isnt wee-wee league football, what are you afraid Morgan's feelings might be hurt? If so, he shouldnt be in the league, period.

Ive only booed the home team once, I proudly booed my ass off at the entire team for their performance on the 1-year anniversary of ST's death against the Giants. They deserved that.

But in general, I recognize booing as ineffective at getting players to play better. However, there are always going to be some boo-birds, some people cant help themselves, so I fully expect to here some booes for Morgan this Sunday.

I suggest you not confront anyone about booing unless you;'re TRYING to start a fight, some people happen to believe that at the cost of $200/ticket, they have the right to boo players that cost their team games, mix in some alcohol and youve got a recipe for troubles. Just sayin bro, careful bout correcting other fans, some people dont take kindly to that...

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Umm, why, this isnt wee-wee league football, what are you afraid Morgan's feelings might be hurt? If so, he shouldnt be in the league, period.

Ive only booed the home team once, I proudly booed my ass off at the entire team for their performance on the 1-year anniversary of ST's death against the Giants. They deserved that.

But in general, I recognize booing as ineffective at getting players to play better. However, there are always going to be some boo-birds, some people cant help themselves, so I fully expect to here some booes for Morgan this Sunday.

I suggest you not confront anyone about booing unless you;'re TRYING to start a fight, some people happen to believe that at the cost of $200/ticket, they have the right to boo players that cost their team games, mix in some alcohol and youve got a recipe for troubles. Just sayin bro, careful bout correcting other fans, some people dont take kindly to that...

Booing your own team for a lackluster performance, I can understand that. There's a difference here. We're not talking about booing the team for playing poorly when we know they can be better.

Booing a player for doing something stupid in the heat of a battle is bad form. Unless it is a week to week issue in which the player never seems to get it thru his thick skull that he's costing the team points/games or they simply don't care (ie. Haynesworth).

While I can certainly understand your opinion on booing being that you're in Philly & it is commonplace there to boo even the likes of Santa Claus, it isn't so common or as generally accepted in the DC area. Not even in "wee-wee football."

And anyone who denies that booing your own team doesn't have an affect on the team is fooling themselves. It's not about hurting feelings, it's about gaining support. If that support wasn't needed, then homefield advantage would be a farce & wouldn't exist. Home teams use that energy from a supportive crowd to help boost them emotionally in an often emotionally driven game. If your home crowd is booing you, it's more difficult to want to get up emotionally for the game, & in turn, that affects your performance. Or can affect it, not necessarily always does.

For some people, it drives them to play harder & better. For others, it is demoralizing.

---------- Post added September-19th-2012 at 01:20 PM ----------

BOO the replacement Refs. Don't boo our players.

That I can agree with

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