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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2


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I popped in MW3 just for kicks.  I was ruining peoples hopes and dreams.  37 kill streak.  Didn't lose a match for an hour.  I'm thinking, ok - I'll give blops another chance.


Maybe I suck at Blops....


maybe it was a bad connection thing.....


.......lets see what happens....


yeah.  spawn in and get hammered all game.  no hit markers.  9-23 getting spawn camped.  My kills came from random grenading in all directions when I didn't immediately die LOL.  Switch lobbies and more of the same.  WTH is up with blops dudes?  There isn't that much (IMO) difference between the games, yet I OWN on MW3.


Is it a mental thing?

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Good job youngchew, seems like you've taken a big step lately. 39-1 with 15 caps and support streaks is legit pub stomping. Dat Skorpion...

I've surpassed 100 kills a few times but the deaths have been in the teens at best. Got something like a 105-50 game on Nuketown. My best game so far was like 85-4. Back when the PDW actually worked. Or maybe it was the pre-pussified MSMC. Anyway, my highest kills ever was 125 in Cod4, my best game ever was a 54-1 regular TDM in MW2.

Lately I've been trying to get good with the Peacekeeper, thinking with its great range that it can maybe replicate the old MSMC. Just can't seem to get on a roll with it, it literally sucks up close. Worse than several regular ARs. Feel like I'd have a better chance hipfiring the MK48.

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You ps3 people need to hop on and join us for some HC KC carnage.

dawg....my friend dragged me into hardcore today. i was FRYINGin a game of dom. 20-3, 9 caps athalftime. 2nd half i run to B, hipfire spray the skorpion and kill 2 of my teammates. BOOTED lol. ****ing hardcore man!!

@ stroker man, thanks dude. i wish i was half the slayer you are. im really loving the non-lethal killstreak setup. my spm and kd are skyrocketing

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@ stroker man, thanks dude. i wish i was half the slayer you are. im really loving the non-lethal killstreak setup. my spm and kd are skyrocketing

You're on the right track man, I haven't had a game as good as 39-1 in dom for a while. Just keep building confidence and sharpen your senses. Big kill totals are all about anticipating spawns and attacking them with good technique.

This game is bull****. You will die from bull**** lag compensation, a lot. You will get sniped with the Remington and KSG, and shot dead point blank over and over with bolt action sniper rifles. But if you learn to take it with a grain of salt, and beleive in rushing spawns at 100%, you will hit huge kill totals eventually.

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got 19 kills with the lodestar with one use on carrier (great kill streak for the map).


it's beyond unrealistic when I get several hitmarkers and somehow get quickscoped. I got quickscoped through a wall yesterday, with full life and no body part showing on the killscreen. what kind of sense does that make? rewarding of bad players is quite annoying.

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got 19 kills with the lodestar with one use on carrier (great kill streak for the map).


it's beyond unrealistic when I get several hitmarkers and somehow get quickscoped. I got quickscoped through a wall yesterday, with full life and no body part showing on the killscreen. what kind of sense does that make? rewarding of bad players is quite annoying.


I'm really hoping the next gen CODs improve stuff like this. The multiplayer can be so fun and yet mind numbingly frustrating within seconds of each other.  

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okay so ummm....without going into too much detail, can somebody try explaining how to quickscope?  i hardly ever snipe in COD (less than 10 sniper rifle kills total in blops 2), but I've always wanted to learn how to QS.


I've messed around in practice mode with sniper rifles, using quickdraw and stuff...playing against easy level bots.  I can't hit anything.  :(

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This game was awful. Will still play MW3 here and there but I think I'm done with COD.


Battlefield 3 is what i'm playing now and I don't think it will change once BF4 comes out on next gen.

Yeah these maps are too little too late, but they do look cool.  just picked up BF3 again yesterday, the 360 crew has been playing that recently.  Before that we were all on MW3 mostly.  I do need some more BF3 people to play with if anyone is interested.


I do look forward to trying out Ghosts, BF4, and titanfall.

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okay so ummm....without going into too much detail, can somebody try explaining how to quickscope? i hardly ever snipe in COD (less than 10 sniper rifle kills total in blops 2), but I've always wanted to learn how to QS.

Just start sniping alot, get quick in general with killing people, no matter how long you aim down sight. Just put time in and you'll get plenty of opportinties where you'll have to quick scope. Whether it's someone rushing you or some dude running by quickly that you try to pick off. Just get shots off, doesn't matter if you miss. Get a feel for sniping and you will learn to trust the auto aim feature to get you kills.

Serious quickscopers use laser sight to shorten the time it takes to ADS. Personally, I don't put that much emphasis on it. Always gone about sniping the traditional way, with a badass sidearm for close engagements. Nothing beats the XPR + Kap40 for me.

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Everybody was voting for S&D yesterday. Played around 10 games of it. Worst games were 1-5 and 3-4. No big deal as I pitched shutouts in a couple others (8-0 and 10-0 respectively). A 17-1 game got cut in to pieces in theater, so here's a 17-2.

I may be having a change of heart with the Peacekeeper. That setup was with silencer, EOTech sight and quickdraw. Thing was doing work for me in all game modes. Quickdraw + dexterity is great in general.

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The Peacekeeper is like that girl that pisses you off enough that it gets to the point where you wanna **** her. This gun is hilarious. With quickdraw and dexterity, gunfights become so much fun. It's hard to blame anything but yourself when using that combo. The Peacekeepers range is also pretty funny to behold. Definitely a rival to the MSMC.

5 enemies against just me in Search:

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clutch bro.  LOL @ the window camper.  that last guy had no chance with the uav up LOL.  you're making me wanna give the keeper of peace another try...


i like your KS setup as well, i've been running the exact same thing lately :)

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Well, the new map pack drops tomorrow for 360. Time to say farewell to the Uprising-only mode. No more firing range and vertigo all the time...two of the best maps in the game. This map pack better be ****ing legendary. It's got summit, so it's off to a good start. We'll see.

And yeah, uav+ hunter killer+ lightning strike is a very reliable way to rack up kills.

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