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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2


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Dudes, thanks for the advice!  setup a rush class yesterday, chicom w/ long barrel and reflex, lightweight, scav, dexterity, some c4 and a few emps.  dawg that thing does work!!  not to mention the chicom is probably the best sounding gun in the game.  I love the sound of the burst, its so nasty.  first game with it i went 27-6, using only uav, counter uav, vsat. 


anybody else spam EMPs?  those things are assist machines.  :)

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Dudes, thanks for the advice! setup a rush class yesterday, chicom w/ long barrel and reflex, lightweight, scav, dexterity, some c4 and a few emps. dawg that thing does work!! not to mention the chicom is probably the best sounding gun in the game. I love the sound of the burst, its so nasty. first game with it i went 27-6, using only uav, counter uav, vsat.

anybody else spam EMPs? those things are assist machines. :)

EMP's always. Only way to take out sentry guns and AGR's. That and the hit markers tell me when someone is there. Love 'em.

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Now I want to use the Chicom again. They need more of the interesting guns like the Chicom, HAMR and Executioner. Loved getting those guns gold. Ok maybe not the Executioner.

If right now I had to choose one setup for TDM, it would be the MK48 with Acog and quickdraw, with the mini sentry gun as my secondary (the KAP40). I feel too powerful with that setup. The Kap40 is insanely great. I'd take it over a ton of PRIMARY weapons when I put Extended Mags on it.

Oh and I switch to an EMP class when enemy sentries or guardians are out. I rarely run those streaks because of EMP grenades.

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Treyarch has always made superior maps



How long have you played the cod series? Recently Treyarch did well with a few BO2 maps, but over the life of CoD its not even close. They usually have  2-3 REALLY good maps per game, but the rest of them tend to absolutely suck or be below average.


IW was responsible for Crash, backlot, District (city Streets), Crossfire, Terminal, Highrise, Favela, Estate, Quarry, Sub base, arkaden, bootleg, dome, hardhat just off the top of my head for some of the greats.  IW maps have historically transfered to 5v5 SnD league play much better than Treyarchs (especially WaW).


The Chicom is one of my favorites, I ran a pretty similar setup to Springfield.


does the Poverty Station 3 still get maps way later than the 360?  That's an unfortunate deterent from getting a PS4 if M$ still has a lock on that.


Glad to hear you are still tearing it up double.  If I can break away from BF3 for a little while I might have to join you for some games on new maps.

Been playing since cod 2, but never played 3

Best maps ever include dome (w@w), asylum, courtyard, firing range, summit, nuketown, hangar, wmd and Havana

Iw maps are all often clones of other maps they have made.

This is all opinion, and I never play snd so that may have an effect on my rankings

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WMD?? Yikes!

I didn't play W@W, and I really should pick it up one day, but I think the quality of maps is about even. Firing Range is the best map ever, IMO, but Aftermath is the worst. Downturn from MW3 is probably second-worst, and Karachi/Rundown sucked in MW2. Showdown is the only bad map in COD4.

Cracked, Crisis, Kowloon, Turbine and Drone. Vomit, piss, snot, crap, puss. Treyarch can really make a bad map. Sheesh. Like I said, Aftermath tops them all.

Treyarch does make some very good maps though. Their map packs tend to be better as well. But COD4 almost has a perfect set of maps, and MW3's were made well too. MW2's were kind of bland in comparison though. Best map was Terminal, and I'd take a ton of other COD maps over it.

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I loved WMD. Perfect for assault rifles.

I can guess you didn't play world at war.....dome was the best map ever....courtyard and asylum right behind it.

I do agree and have always said that treyarch also makes some of the worst maps...but iw always seemed to use the same formula.

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Back to gameplay....I've said before I don't vary much. Hardcore tdm, almost exclusively, since cod4. In the last month I have switched to hc kc..land am beasting out. Over 30 kills almost every game...usually close to forty and often over 50. Score per minute of 360+. I need to put some videos up, never messed with it

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I like HC KC the most because its easier to rack up nice kill streaks. I played HC Dom yesterday with a group of 6 and it was just boring. Got A and B, held it and then killed all opposition. Spammed UAV and CUAV throwing out AGR's left and right. It was too easy. Also, tac insert is a must in Dom. Never used it until yesterday but boy did that make things easy.

HC KC is where it's at. Less campers than HC TDM, more intense than HC Dom. Killerbee and I completely run that game mode. His SPM in HC KC is around 430 and mine is creeping up on 440 (if not higher). It's an oddity when the two of us aren't at the top of the lobby leader board before a match starts. I think this causes lots of people to back out of the lobby before the game starts... which can get annoying as hell waiting for people to join the lobby and actually stay in te lobby.

Another reason I love HC KC is the predictable spawn points. If you know where your own people are then you can easily figure out where the enemy will spawn. You don't need a UAV to know where your enemies will be.

Major, are you on Xbox or PS3?

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I'm at 493 spm in KC, and have seen people over 700. Most people with those insane SPMs run full parties all dishing out support streaks. It's all about being possessed over tags like they're B in domination. See a cluster of them and feel the adrenaline. Like Springfield said, racking up streaks can happen in a flash. They're basically "tag streaks" in that game. HCKC is the only HC mode I enjoy. Too bad HCFFA is gone.

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I don't understand why they didn't include more HC game modes in this game. It took months for them to patch HC Dom into this game.

And yeah KC is all about the tags. I don't try to finish with more tags than I have kills though and I try to not steal other people's tags unless they ( a ) died before they could get them, ( b ) there doesn't seem to be anyone around or ( c ) are using a sniper rifle.

I can't stand it when people blatantly steal my tags. I'll usually team kill them for it if I feel like they knew I was there and basically raced me to pick up my tags. Yeah, I'm that douche.

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Also, what I love about HC is a lower amount or grenade kills. Specifically RANDOM grenades. There still grenades in HC but most of them are deliberately thrown. That is until you play Nuketown. A typical 6 vs 6 game ends with only 4 or 5 of the original players. People get grenade happy on the map, even in HC. Dummies.

Claymore is the ONLY lethal to use in HC. So brutal. Random (though specifically placed) claymore ftw.

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One thing I hate about HC is you can't knife or shoot your own teammates without repercussion when they're playing like ****es. In Core, Practically every game that I'm getting crushed, I will repeatedly knife and shoot my teammates who are slacking and camping the most. Sometimes they get the picture and change their approach, which is fufilling from a sort of quasi-mentor standpoint. More often than not though, they just keep camping in the corner of our spawn, eating my knife over and over.

Speaking of missing game modes, what the hell happened to Arms Race? Damn man.

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I have never rolled with es crew, mostly because I only played hc tdm and most people hate that. I have no interest in anything but hc tdm and hc kc but if anyone wants to roll I will be on tonight

The crew doesn't get together for this game. Usually I run solo, or my girl and I team up.

I played 5 games of HCKC just now. Man, it's a blast. Too bad I switched to Sentry Gun, it killed 2 of my teammates which got me kicked from a game I was going to hit 60+ kills on. That **** is stupid.

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I try to put sentries toward the back of the map where it is slightly out of the way. Serves two purposes. One, it will catch enemies by surprise. Two, it's harder to take out with emps.

And yes, I've been kicked because of the sentries plenty of times. I've killed myself with it more times than I can count.

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Killerbee runs swarm. I've seen him hit it without any issues. I run hunter killer when I'm going for 150 kills with no perks or attachments without any problems. A swarm is essentially a whole bunch of hunter killers.

Also, I think that dogs are overrated. I like the kill streaks that are automated but I don't think that dogs are worth the trouble.

I actually kinda like the VTOL though. That one is fun. Just have to be careful with that or the loadstar.

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