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HTTR 24-7.com; Addressing Some Concerns About Robert Griffin III Before He Starts Against The Buffalo Bills


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— Don’t Believe (Most Of) The Hype

A frequently asked question on just about every major National Football League television program (whenever they can stop talking about what dumb crap the New York Jets are up to for five minutes) is “Will Robert Griffin III perform as well or exceed Cam Newton’s numbers?”

And usually the analyst answer with a certain level of double talk. “Well it’s unfair to think RG3 is going to do what Cam Newton did,” they’ll say on one had. Then they’ll quickly turn and say some variation of “But the real expectation is of the fan base and this organizations. The Redskins have to win now. How long will Shanahan be able to try to turn this around? Will they be willing to build around him?”

No one wants to compare Robert Griffin III to Cam Newton. But they do want to, in a way, make it about our fanbase. And our fan base (and our ownership’s) willingness to let him grow. Really, everyone’s expectations of Robert Griffin III are high. It’s hard not to be. After what Cam Newton (and to a lesser extend, Andy Dalton) did last season, after the success that Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco and Mark Sanchez had, after Sam Bradford was the Offensive Rookie of the Year, there’s a certain expectation that Robert Griffin III comes in and does what they do.

And there’s an expectation that if somehow he doesn’t do that, then heads will roll.

Some of the hype over Robert Griffin III is RG3′s own doing. He’s seemingly all over the T.V, all the time; in commercials for Subway, Adidas, Gatorade. Avoiding Griffin has been a hard thing to do, and the more media exposure he gets, the more hype he gets.

Think about it; when’s the last time you saw a story about Andrew Luck? Anywhere? It’s like Griffin was the first overall pick.

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We have to keep reassuring ourselves tha this is a rookie in his rookie year and this season will be his opportunity to grow. With growth will come a number of ugly mistakes. But I'm willing to set aside my big ****ing glass of koolaid to prepare myself for a decade of winning. ;)

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I think some fans will overreact - because that's simply who they are. But then others are soo excited to see what RGIII can do (I can't recall if I have ever heard so much buzz surrounding the first pre-season game) that they may, mistakenly, take what they see on Thursday (good or bad) as an accurate picture of what RGIII can do in this offense. I think the comparison between Gabbert's and Cam Newton's pre-seasons last year is spot on and should help fans keep things in perspective. Good article.

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I'm excited about him, but i'm realistic. All of my friends like to give me a hard time and say he hasn't done a thing yet and he could be a bust. But, I basically tell them all, I'm looking for an 8-8 season with glimpses of greatness. I want him to show that he's capable of being a superstar in the league and has the ability to run the NFC east for the next decade

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I expect more from him than I would of any other rookie QB, because of the hype, the notoriety from all his current air time, what we gave up to get him, his potential and the tools that have been placed around him.

If that's unfair, so be it. Nobody expected squat of Dalton last year, because he went to the Bungles at a later pick and their team isn't very good. We are the Redskins, we have a solid D and O talent and gave up several picks to get him.

It's a different situation. I expect him to be a rookie and I've said before I expect a lot of bonehead plays because of it, but I also expect stats, wins, more points and mostly, to consistently see improvement.

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I expect more from him than I would of any other rookie QB, because of the hype, the notoriety from all his current air time, what we gave up to get him, his potential and the tools that have been placed around him.

If that's unfair, so be it. Nobody expected squat of Dalton last year, because he went to the Bungles at a later pick and their team isn't very good. We are the Redskins, we have a solid D and O talent and gave up several picks to get him.

It's a different situation. I expect him to be a rookie and I've said before I expect a lot of bonehead plays because of it, but I also expect stats, wins, more points and mostly, to consistently see improvement.

You expect more from RGIII during the season? Or during the upcoming pre-season game(s)?

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It's a different situation. I expect him to be a rookie and I've said before I expect a lot of bonehead plays because of it, but I also expect stats, wins, more points and mostly, to consistently see improvement.

I'm talking about preseason in particular. I do think it's a little unfair to think he's going to rescue us in one season, but so be it; don't want another one of my threads to devolve into an altogether futile fight, ya dig? Lol.

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I'm talking about preseason in particular. I do think it's a little unfair to think he's going to rescue us in one season, but so be it; don't want another one of my threads to devolve into an altogether futile fight, ya dig? Lol.

In the preseason No, I don't expect much. I meant more through the season.

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Think about it; when's the last time you saw a story about Andrew Luck? Anywhere? It's like Griffin was the first overall pick.

This is 100% true and really ****ing weird. I understand the attention that RG3 is getting, but I really don't get how Luck has just completely fallen off the map. What happened to all the "next Peyton" stuff? Why does it seem like Luck was something like a second-round pick when it comes to media hype?

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Great read! I find myself to be a very level headed fan for the most part, but this has even helped me temper my expectations.

We must not lose sight of the simple fact that we are (Fans) frustrated with how the Redskins have been for a very long time, but this is Robert Griffin's rookie year and he needs time to become a franchise QB.

Now go out there and throw for 2 TD's in your first two NFL series

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This is 100% true and really ****ing weird. I understand the attention that RG3 is getting, but I really don't get how Luck has just completely fallen off the map. What happened to all the "next Peyton" stuff? Why does it seem like Luck was something like a second-round pick when it comes to media hype?

It's funny, because I've been asking that question on Twitter all day and now he's on NFL Network, lol.

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This article makes a lot of assumptions, like what's going on inside Griffin's head when he drops back to pass and hold the ball too long. Not saying its a bad read, but gets a little too freely towards giving excuses as to why he's had some bad practices.

It's not giving excuses for what's going through his head. It's what the guy said he does.

“Sometimes in practice I try to err on the side of not throwing the ball into coverage a little too much,” Griffin said. “Our defenders know what’s coming at them. In a game things will open up a lot more and I’ll get the ball out of my hands. It comes with time. You have to learn when to run and when not to run and when to throw the ball into the dirt.”

Griffin will have to speed up his play fakes a little bit, especially behind a line that could have three starters sidelined (and one rookie starter).

But Griffin said he is confident in his reads.

“It’s just about knowing where you need to go with the ball,” Griffin said. “I’ll see [in games] whether things open up a lot more with the pass rush or whether things get clogged up a lot more. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. By no means am I looking to run a lot in the preseason or in this first preseason game.”

It's also what smarter guys than me like John Keim and Rich Campbell have saying they think is happening, and also what jives with Rex Grossman has said.

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Don't have any concerns other then injury.

I have a hope though.

My hope is that people/fans/media judge the quality of his play and the skills he displays as opposed to looking at the stats.

Pre-season stats don't mean squat.

Only the coaching staff/team knows how much or if they gameplanned.

No one except the team knows what their objectives and goals were for the game, for the unit, or the players on the field.

Are they evaluating whether the back-up LG can pull?

Are they evaluating whether WR X can beat press without gameplan help? etc ad nausem.

Given that the objectives are not known judging preseason performance based on stats is kinda empty.


I'm especially annoyed about how Luck has essentially been given a pass.

I hear about how the Colts don't have any talent on offense, which is an utter falsehood.

I hear about how the team is terrible, like the Panthers were worse.

The very same media that sold Cam as an inferior prospect and touted him as either a bust candidate or utterly ill equiped to be good right away..are given the 'best prospect since Manning/Elway' a pass?

They heap expectations on Griff. (and imo rightfully so because i think Griff was the better prospect)

But, yet there are very few expectations on Luck.

Its a head scratcher.

Logic would think that based on the evaluations/predictions Luck should have no problem matching or surpassing Cam's rookie season because Luck is far and away the better prospect right?

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I think that part of the issue with a lot of people's expectations for RGIII, and the team as a whole, is time.

The last time we were relevant on a regular basis was 20+ years ago. Since then, the game has changed and so has the way we get our news about it. The league is all about the pass, and the coverage of the game is all about the instant news. We no longer have to wait for the 6 o'clock evening news, or tomorrow's paper, to find out how the kid's looking in practice. A poor throw in camp is reported on 12 seconds after is happens, not hours later.

Then, we see some rookies come in and either have success in the numbers (Newton) or lead their team unexpectedly to the playoffs (Dalton). The Aaron Rodgers approach doesn't fit much anymore. Owners/coaches/players are all working with a different kind of timetable than was normal before. We want/need instant gratification. We want our news, and we want it 12 seconds ago.

As fans, we've watched other teams achieve great things with rookies. With the RGIII-hype, some seem to expect the same. Add to that the fact that he has his face on so many different products (one of the few things that are still the same 20 years later), and people see the "next big thing" and expect on-field results to match.

Robert Griffin III is a rookie. Expect him to play like one. If he happens to exceed those expectations, well, lucky us.


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Good read. The "I just want him healthy" line sums it up for me. Spot on.

Andrew Luck doesn't have any commercials because he drools whenever he's standing.

And I really wish the term "vanilla" would be tossed out of the football vocabulary. When did it start? Ten years ago? Five years ago? It's seemed to have creeped in on me. Much like the "3 technique" or "5 technique" garbage they have now, although I know it goes back further than that. I can understand when you have a new coach, or qb, etc., but some of these teams run the same offense/defense that they have forever. There's a ton of film on them. Again, I understand the concept, I just think it's overrated as hell. Kinda like taking your time to go to bat so the pitcher can walk back to the dugout. It's nice, but it doesn't mean squat.

Maybe I hate "vanilla" because I'm a UNC football fan that had to endure John Shoop for 5 years. :)

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I'm especially annoyed about how Luck has essentially been given a pass.

I hear about how the Colts don't have any talent on offense, which is an utter falsehood.

I hear about how the team is terrible, like the Panthers were worse.

The very same media that sold Cam as an inferior prospect and touted him as either a bust candidate or utterly ill equiped to be good right away..are given the 'best prospect since Manning/Elway' a pass?

They heap expectations on Griff. (and imo rightfully so because i think Griff was the better prospect)

But, yet there are very few expectations on Luck.

Its a head scratcher.

Logic would think that based on the evaluations/predictions Luck should have no problem matching or surpassing Cam's rookie season because Luck is far and away the better prospect right?

...Greenie, I think this is the first thing we've agreed on in a long time, lol.

But seriously. He's the best prospect since John Elway, and yet he hardly gets any press. And as I say in the article, part of it is just that Griffin's offered himself to more hype because he's just been in the media and on TV more. But THE BEST PROSPECT SINCE JOHN ELWAY gets like, nothing. Every day it seems like there is someone from NFL Network at Redskins Park. I don't see Luck anywhere. He's been ghost.

I know the Redskins are always big press, I know Indy is a small market team, sort of, especially with Peyton gone, but I can't even find any beat writers in Indy that have said anything negative about the guy. It's friggin' weird, man.

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We know he has the speed, the arm, the smarts, the commitment and the intangibles but even with all of that, Rome will not be built in a day. And certainly not this year! I think it's important to remember that or realize that. This is not our year! Regardless of what RGIII brings to the table, this team is still in the process of being rebuilt and the same could be said of RGIII's game.

This year is going to be a challenge to the fan base. We're gonna be in a lot of familiar situations (short end of the stick) and some unfamiliar ones ("what's wrong with our franchise quarterback, man?") but it's important to retain some semblance of reality and know that we're not gonna win every game and there's nothing wrong with RGIII that a couple years experience won't cure. We've come this far. Another year isn't gonna kill us!

As far as preseason goes? Get in, get out and don't get hurt. Nuff said.

Oh yeah,... and remember Osaka!

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...Greenie, I think this is the first thing we've agreed on in a long time, lol.

But seriously. He's the best prospect since John Elway, and yet he hardly gets any press. And as I say in the article, part of it is just that Griffin's offered himself to more hype because he's just been in the media and on TV more. But THE BEST PROSPECT SINCE JOHN ELWAY gets like, nothing. Every day it seems like there is someone from NFL Network at Redskins Park. I don't see Luck anywhere. He's been ghost.

I very much agree that Luck is getting a pass on expectations, but he actually has has almost daily interviews on NFLN. I'm actually getting sick of looking at his "aw shucks" grin and hearing his "oh golly garsh" delivery on how he's just taking it slow and heeding the advice of his team mates.

I also think part of the pressure on Griffin is rooted in the pressure on Shanahan after 3 years. The Colts are in "F it" mode. The Redskins need at least 2 more wins this year or it's gonna get awkward.

BTW, really good write-up.

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I very much agree that Luck is getting a pass on expectations, but he actually has has almost daily interviews on NFLN. I'm actually getting sick of looking at his "aw shucks" grin and hearing his "oh golly garsh" delivery on how he's just taking it slow and heeding the advice of his team mates.

I also think part of the pressure on Griffin is rooted in the pressure on Shanahan after 3 years. The Colts are in "F it" mode. The Redskins need at least 2 more wins this year or it's gonna get awkward.

BTW, really good write-up.

I don't see lots of interviews from Luck. NFL Network's on almost all day.

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