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The "War on Women"


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I think conservatives would naturally support and ty to promote traditional roles for women in society. This may mean different things for different people.

I'm sure it does.

I think women should be able to be stay-at-home mom's if they WANT to. And it frustrates me that it's so rare for families to be able to afford that as an option anymore. I know a handful of dads who work their butts off, and don't go to Skins games and the like so their wives can stay home. I admire them deeply for doing so, and I admire those women for taking on the toughest job in the world (and worst paying.)

That being said, I also know a lot of hard-working, professional women who do both. And they have my admiration as well, because they're working TWO full time jobs while getting paid for one. My ex works 50-55 hours a week, picks up summer school work, and maintains her (and my kids') household by herself. Even during our worst moments, I made sure she understood how grateful I am for that. There's no way in hell I could do what she does. (Though I'll have an opportunity to share responsibilities again soon as we put our family back together when I get a job down there. But that's for another thread.)

Ultimately, my position is this. I respect stay-at-home moms. It's a highly admirable thing to do, and I'm sure their kids are better off as a result. But anyone who says flat out, "a woman's place is in the home" is the worst kind of idiot.

---------- Post added May-12th-2012 at 05:54 PM ----------

I do, too. He probably did it because he's white.



Nah. It's other people being oppressed this time. ;)

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I made my statements quite plain. No need for gymnastics. What you want to do is play lawyerly rhetorical tricks. To many woman, Republican politicians are coming at them from all sides. They are attacking their ability to make personal decisions, they are attacking their ability to make a fair income, they are attacking their ability to get equivalent protection.

How many laws have the Republicans pushed to try to prevent insurance from covering viagra? It's not that hard to see that the GOP is going after a policy that woman should find repressive and unfair.

How many laws are the Republicans pushing mandating that insurance cover of viagra? Republicans are not and haven't pushed programs that exclude contraception coverage, they just oppose forcing people to provide it (Just as I'm sure they would oppose forcing people to provide viagra).

As for the unequal pay bit. Women are paid 77% of what men are paid, but did you know men work an average of 4 hours a week more than women (Which takes away a little over half the discrepency). Did you know men largely gravitate toward higher paying jobs (Oil Field workers, engineering, etc) and the vast majority of qualified women that actually apply for these jobs are in fact hired? Did you know that women hired at the same time as men in the same profession and like positions on average are paid more? What is your solution? That all jobs types be paid equally? That men and women get paid the same amount at the end of the day no matter how many hours each worked?

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How many laws are the Republicans pushing mandating that insurance cover of viagra? Republicans are not and haven't pushed programs that exclude contraception coverage, they just oppose forcing people to provide it (Just as I'm sure they would oppose forcing people to provide viagra).

As for the unequal pay bit. Women are paid 77% of what men are paid, but did you know men work an average of 4 hours a week more than women (Which takes away a little over half the discrepency). Did you know men largely gravitate toward higher paying jobs (Oil Field workers, engineering, etc) and the vast majority of qualified women that actually apply for these jobs are in fact hired? Did you know that women highered at the same time as men in the same profession and like positions on average are paid more? What is your solution? That all jobs types be paid equally? That men and women get paid the same amount at the end of the day no matter how many hours each worked?

I was seconds away from posting something very similar to this. But I'll watch your guts spilled all over the floor of the internets instead. lol

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I'm sure it does.

I think women should be able to be stay-at-home mom's if they WANT to. And it frustrates me that it's so rare for families to be able to afford that as an option anymore. I know a handful of dads who work their butts off, and don't go to Skins games and the like so their wives can stay home. I admire them deeply for doing so, and I admire those women for taking on the toughest job in the world (and worst paying.)

That being said, I also know a lot of hard-working, professional women who do both. And they have my admiration as well, because they're working TWO full time jobs while getting paid for one. My ex works 50-55 hours a week, picks up summer school work, and maintains her (and my kids') household by herself. Even during our worst moments, I made sure she understood how grateful I am for that. There's no way in hell I could do what she does. (Though I'll have an opportunity to share responsibilities again soon as we put our family back together when I get a job down there. But that's for another thread.)

Ultimately, my position is this. I respect stay-at-home moms. It's a highly admirable thing to do, and I'm sure their kids are better off as a result. But anyone who says flat out, "a woman's place is in the home" is the worst kind of idiot.

Yeah it's tough. The stay at home mom's job is tough, and spending the whole day without adult interaction is tough. Best wishes to you, hope everything works out for the best!

I support women's right to choose... To choose staying at home if they want to, but that would mean a household should be able to survive on a single salary. To choose having a child when they want to - but that would mean easy access to contraceptives.

"War on women" is a political stunt... Having said that, I do not think that GOP policies are good for women, good for most people, or are moral. Keeping taxes low on job creators is not the way to grow jobs or to raise middle class salaries. Reducing investment is not the way to improve education or infrastructure. Fighting a single moral issue is an abortion of morality. You can call that war if you like. Dems are not much better. I do support reducing the regulatory burden, but by streamlining instead of removing needed protections.

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Given most of the woman I've loved and lost in my life, both American and English, there's ZERO way I'm going to war with the female race.

Unless I maybe have Bin Laden like connections to disappear from the face of the Earth until they calm down.

*Observation of this kind of War: From personal experience with a particularly feisty female, skillets hurt. Like a lot. :mad:


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You started a thread asking about a war on women on a message board with less than 10 regular posters who are women. You aren't going to get an accurate representation of their perspective here.

It's not about quantity. It's about quality.

---------- Post added May-12th-2012 at 06:28 PM ----------

Given most of the woman I've loved and lost in my life, both American and English, there's ZERO way I'm going to war with the female race.

Unless I maybe have Bin Laden like connections to disappear from the face of the Earth until they calm down.

*Observation of this kind of War: From personal experience with a particularly feisty female, skillets hurt. Like a lot. :mad:



That's why I always scratch my head a little when a woman talks about rules of engagement in an actual war. I've fought with my share in my lifetime. And believe me, they don't have any. :silly:

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I think conservatives would naturally support and ty to promote traditional roles for women in society. This may mean different things for different people.

The song "Under My Thumb" comes to mind when I hear the term "traditional roles for women in society," a very patriarchal society if you please, and that hasn't changed. Women may be a majority of the population and electorate, but how many women presidents have we have, how many sitting US senators (more than 50?), how many sitting Representatives (more than 218?), how many sitting Supreme Court justices (more than 4?), how many sitting governors (more than 25?) and so on. I think you see my point here. It's still a man's world and you sound like you want us to return to the bad old days of the 50s before women's liberation freed women from the yoke of domestic servitude. And from the statistics above, we still have a long way to go, and when women's access to healthcare, birth control and other aspects of reproductive freedom, equal pay etc., is curtailed, someone is blocking our progress. No thank you.

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The song "Under My Thumb" comes to mind when I hear the term "traditional roles for women in society," a very patriarchal society if you please, and that hasn't changed. Women may be a majority of the population and electorate, but how many women presidents have we have, how many sitting US senators (more than 50?), how many sitting Representatives (more than 218?), how many sitting Supreme Court justices (more than 4?), how many sitting governors (more than 25?) and so on. I think you see my point here. It's still a man's world and you sound like you want us to return to the bad old days of the 50s before women's liberation freed women from the yoke of domestic servitude. No thank you.

I think you completely misread what he said. As in "I think conservatives..."

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How many laws are the Republicans pushing mandating that insurance cover of viagra? Republicans are not and haven't pushed programs that exclude contraception coverage, they just oppose forcing people to provide it (Just as I'm sure they would oppose forcing people to provide viagra).

As for the unequal pay bit. Women are paid 77% of what men are paid, but did you know men work an average of 4 hours a week more than women (Which takes away a little over half the discrepency). Did you know men largely gravitate toward higher paying jobs (Oil Field workers, engineering, etc) and the vast majority of qualified women that actually apply for these jobs are in fact hired? Did you know that women hired at the same time as men in the same profession and like positions on average are paid more? What is your solution? That all jobs types be paid equally? That men and women get paid the same amount at the end of the day no matter how many hours each worked?

Glad to see you got the Republican talking points down. Too bad you missed the Maddow presentation where she refuted those little statistics.

Did you add in the hours that women work at home for no pay, cleaning, cooking, childcare for no pay? No, I didn't think so.

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Glad to see you got the Republican talking points down. Too bad you missed the Maddow presentation where she refuted those little statistics.

Did you add in the hours that women work at home for no pay, cleaning, cooking, childcare for no pay? No, I didn't think so.

Guys don't do anything around the house? News to me.

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But aren't conservatives trying like heck to return us to the bad old days? I don't want to go back there, it was very painful.

All I'm saying is that alexey shouldn't be put on blast. That's not his opinion. He was sharing his opinion of someone else's opinion.

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How many laws are the Republicans pushing mandating that insurance cover of viagra? Republicans are not and haven't pushed programs that exclude contraception coverage, they just oppose forcing people to provide it (Just as I'm sure they would oppose forcing people to provide viagra).

As for the unequal pay bit. Women are paid 77% of what men are paid, but did you know men work an average of 4 hours a week more than women (Which takes away a little over half the discrepency). Did you know men largely gravitate toward higher paying jobs (Oil Field workers, engineering, etc) and the vast majority of qualified women that actually apply for these jobs are in fact hired? Did you know that women hired at the same time as men in the same profession and like positions on average are paid more? What is your solution? That all jobs types be paid equally? That men and women get paid the same amount at the end of the day no matter how many hours each worked?


You're missing the point. 90 prcent of insurers cover Viagra now and almost no religious group or business has made a stink. That's despite the fact that Viagra provides no curative or health benefits whatsoever other than improving erections. Clearly, if it were about recreational or spiritual complaints men's sexual drugs would face opposition too

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Not following you Bur, the Catholics clearly object to birth control not sex.

Others like me object to the mandate and bumping it ahead of critical meds


has there even been a effort to restrict federally funded contraceptives?(excluding abortificants)

not much of a war

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twa you sure do do love those GOP/Faux News/Rush/Hannity talking points. In the last year GOP legislators have opposed the Violence Against Women Act, they have repealed equal pay laws in some states and they have made spusal abuse legal. You keep wanting to make this about contraception and you are hell bent on turning this into an abortion thread but the discussion in bigger than you are pretending it is, because the GOP legislators have taken some pretty indefensible positions against equal rights for women. So spare us the act.

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Most would believe its hypocritical, then we would say, take viagra off also.

Not to repeat the madness and make everything for free.

Sex is a choice, normally the first one. Saying it lessons the second choice for some makes it cheaper then find out that 56+% of the people at PP say they were on it.

Lets make the cancer/horrible deases medicine cheaper for those that have an Absolutel necessity for life. And let Walmart handle easy stuff.

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twa you sure do do love those GOP/Faux News/Rush/Hannity talking points. In the last year GOP legislators have opposed the Violence Against Women Act, they have repealed equal pay laws in some states and they have made spusal abuse legal. You keep wanting to make this about contraception and you are hell bent on turning this into an abortion thread but the discussion in bigger than you are pretending it is, because the GOP legislators have taken some pretty indefensible positions against equal rights for women. So spare us the act.

Spare me the Faux bs, I'm more than happy to address the others and already have the equal pay act(which they have issues with that have nothing specific to women)

Are you claiming the violence against women act is about EQUAL rights?

if you don't want abortion or birth control mentioned I would suggest not using opposition to it as proof of a war

Hard to address a post on why viagra is not a problem w/o mentioning what is

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You're missing the point. 90 prcent of insurers cover Viagra now and almost no religious group or business has made a stink. That's despite the fact that Viagra provides no curative or health benefits whatsoever other than improving erections. Clearly, if it were about recreational or spiritual complaints men's sexual drugs would face opposition too

Actually it is you missing the point B. No religious group or business has made a stink about insurance companies providing for contraceptives either. What they they have made a stink about is the plan to force them to provide contraceptives instead of it being just an option as Viagra and many other items are.

---------- Post added May-13th-2012 at 01:33 AM ----------

Most would believe its hypocritical, then we would say, take viagra off also.

Not to repeat the madness and make everything for free.

Sex is a choice, normally the first one. Saying it lessons the second choice for some makes it cheaper then find out that 56+% of the people at PP say they were on it.

Lets make the cancer/horrible deases medicine cheaper for those that have an Absolutel necessity for life. And let Walmart handle easy stuff.

Take Viagra off? It was never "on." There is no mandate to provide Viagra. It is just an option that businesses can choose to pay for under their plans (or not). That is what should happen with contraceptives.

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Spare me the Faux bs, I'm more than happy to address the others and already have the equal pay act(which they have issues with that have nothing specific to women)

Are you claiming the violence against women act is about EQUAL rights?

if you don't want abortion or birth control mentioned I would suggest not using opposition to it as proof of a war

Hard to address a post on why viagra is not a problem w/o mentioning what is

Whip that strawman's arse twa!! You're the one making this ALL about abortion and your first couple pages of trolling proved nothing different, then you got your hand officially slapped and now you've just settled into your normal trolling. Want to see the anti-women legislation then watch the video I linked in the 2nd post of the thread.

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