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Mike Vick Survey


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Hey everyone,

My fiancé is finishing up her third year of law school and is writing a research paper on Michael Vick and dogfighting. Part of her research is a brief survey. I know that I always love reading the opinions of the posters on ES, so I thought this would be a good place to get some input. If you have a few minutes and wouldn't mind filling out this brief survey, we would really appreciate it. The link to the survey is:


Thanks so much!


UPDATE: Survey is now closed. We ended up with well over 400 responses, so thank you to everyone who participated. As soon as the results are put together, I'll post an update.

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Excerpts from my entry:

6. Please explain your reaction when you found out Michael Vick was involved in dogfighting.

Pretty surprised. It was something different then pro athletes normally get in trouble for. To read and hear how he tortured dogs, and the drug running and spreading STDs and such, was really shocking.

7. Do you think Michael Vick should be allowed to play in the NFL? Why or why not?

No, he and a lot of others, like Plexico Burress and Leonard Little, should never be allowed to play in such a prestigious, high profile public position. Vick is no role model for anybody to follow. We don't allow anybody with a criminal record to work in our public schools. Felons aren't allowed many jobs. What right does Vick actually have to play in the NFL?

9. Do you think Michael Vick's prison sentence was long enough to allow him to pay his debt to society for his criminal activities?

Well, Vick got off early. And it was a sentence for interstate gambling, not animal cruelty or the drug running investigation in progress when the dog torturing story broke everything open. So no, Vick didn't actually pay his debt. But with crowded prisons, my impression is that few actually do.

10. Please add any other thoughts or opinions you have regarding Michael Vick, his involvement with dogfighting and his current position in the NFL.

With stories like this still around:


The only "redemption" involved is Vick's public image, which will never actually be true. And it's not about any resentment. Allowing Micheal Vick right back into the fame, riches, and very same spotlight he had before, runs contrary to teaching our kids right from wrong. Certainly makes it harder to teach about justice, as well.

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Done, and I'm still taking a wait and see approach towards Vick. I think he's only doing these "good deeds" because he's being made to do them as part of his parole. Once the parole is over, I'd almost be willing to bet that all of those speeches and tours he does, ends.

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Excerpts from my entry:

6. Please explain your reaction when you found out Michael Vick was involved in dogfighting.

Pretty surprised. It was something different then pro athletes normally get in trouble for. To read and hear how he tortured dogs, and the drug running and spreading STDs and such, was really shocking.

7. Do you think Michael Vick should be allowed to play in the NFL? Why or why not?

No, he and a lot of others, like Plexico Burress and Leonard Little, should never be allowed to play in such a prestigious, high profile public position. Vick is no role model for anybody to follow. We don't allow anybody with a criminal record to work in our public schools. Felons aren't allowed many jobs. What right does Vick actually have to play in the NFL?

9. Do you think Michael Vick's prison sentence was long enough to allow him to pay his debt to society for his criminal activities?

Well, Vick got off early. And it was a sentence for interstate gambling, not animal cruelty or the drug running investigation in progress when the dog torturing story broke everything open. So no, Vick didn't actually pay his debt. But with crowded prisons, my impression is that few actually do.

10. Please add any other thoughts or opinions you have regarding Michael Vick, his involvement with dogfighting and his current position in the NFL.

With stories like this still around:


The only "redemption" involved is Vick's public image, which will never actually be true. And it's not about any resentment. Allowing Micheal Vick right back into the fame, riches, and very same spotlight he had before, runs contrary to teaching our kids right from wrong. Certainly makes it harder to teach about justice, as well.

I said pretty much all of this. Although I certainly wasn't surprised to hear his name associated with something bad, just the extent at which it went.

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He committed a disgusting act but I still am a fan of him as a player. Glad he has turned his life around and has educated others on his actions to prevent others from committing the same acts.

18 months was enough imo, especially since he is a public figure and had to deal with public backlash.

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I hope Vick throws 3 interceptions every game and 5 against the Redskins. Hail to the Redskins!

Lol, nice.

Is the OP going to put up a summary of what the general findings will be? I have a pretty good idea along what lines his detractors/supporters will fall but I'm interested to hear what level the people who feel vick didn't serve an adequate amount of time are at.

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Thanks again everyone. Once she finishes gathering research, I will gladly update everyone as to the findings. Its definitely interesting to see the different responses. She'll be working on it, so I probably won't have that update for a few days though.

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He committed a disgusting act but I still am a fan of him as a player. Glad he has turned his life around and has educated others on his actions to prevent others from committing the same acts.

18 months was enough imo, especially since he is a public figure and had to deal with public backlash.

Read what he actually did .. Read at what he should have been facing if he was not an NFL Icon, a former number 1 pick and the face of many sporting sponsors ... I think koolblues sign link should be required reading in this case


Vick has not turned his life around - you cannot be that sick in the head to be able to do these things and then get a slap on the wrist and turn around and say "ooops i am all fixed now, please can i have another dog, oh yes and my multi million $$ career and endorsements back because I swear i will never get caught doing this again ... even though i am not sure what i did wrong"

This is a league where you can get suspended indefinitely for indulging in a recreational drug for ****s sake AND Vick misses 3 games ? ???where he was not in prison and over those 3 games he was suspended unlike every other suspended NFL player ever, Vick was allowed to attend meetings and workouts at the Eagles facilities while suspended ...

I cannot see how anyone could support this meat bag ... seriously ... he is not even that great a QB ...

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Read what he actually did .. Read at what he should have been facing if he was not an NFL Icon, a former number 1 pick and the face of many sporting sponsors ... I think koolblues sign link should be required reading in this case


Vick has not turned his life around - you cannot be that sick in the head to be able to do these things and then get a slap on the wrist and turn around and say "ooops i am all fixed now, please can i have another dog, oh yes and my multi million $$ career and endorsements back because I swear i will never get caught doing this again ... even though i am not sure what i did wrong"

This is a league where you can get suspended indefinitely for indulging in a recreational drug for ****s sake AND Vick misses 3 games ? ???where he was not in prison and over those 3 games he was suspended unlike every other suspended NFL player ever, Vick was allowed to attend meetings and workouts at the Eagles facilities while suspended ...

I cannot see how anyone could support this meat bag ... seriously ... he is not even that great a QB ...

Couldn't agree more. OP, I filled out the survey. Let us know how things come together with the assignment.

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Read what he actually did .. Read at what he should have been facing if he was not an NFL Icon, a former number 1 pick and the face of many sporting sponsors ... I think koolblues sign link should be required reading in this case


im sorry but dude sounds butt hurt over this. Vick did a terrible thing, but he is a rich man with good lawyers and negotiated an advantageous charge that included him using his public image to help speak on how bad dog fighting is around America. He was sentenced to two years of prison and got out in 18 months. He also lost millions of dollars and had to file for bankruptcy. I am not defending Vick, but there was more anger over Vick killing dogs then Leonard Little being a drunk driver and killing a mother. A butt hurt dude over a blog isnt going to change my mind on this, thanks for trying even if I didnt ask for more info.
Vick has not turned his life around - you cannot be that sick in the head to be able to do these things and then get a slap on the wrist and turn around and say "ooops i am all fixed now, please can i have another dog, oh yes and my multi million $$ career and endorsements back because I swear i will never get caught doing this again ... even though i am not sure what i did wrong"

with all due respect, this is a terrible thing to say and represents the very bloodlust that you are upset with Vick over with those dogs. Its Easter, Jesus forgave and died for our sins, why cant you?

And Vick didnt get a slap on his wrist. He went to prison for 18 months and lost millions of dollars and is now a convicted felon. Also his name evokes polarizing views and is very divisive. I doubt he will be able to find real work after he retires from the NFL in any TV work or any coaching gig. I believe he still lives in Virginia too. In Virginia he cannot vote in elections also. Slap on the wrist tho.

On top of that, the Humane Society think Vick has changed as a person.


This is a league where you can get suspended indefinitely for indulging in a recreational drug for ****s sake AND Vick misses 3 games ? ???where he was not in prison and over those 3 games he was suspended unlike every other suspended NFL player ever, Vick was allowed to attend meetings and workouts at the Eagles facilities while suspended ...

he was actually indefinitely suspended originally. He actually started prison time on November of 2007, so he could not actually play during that time. Then he of course went to prison for 18 months.

I cannot see how anyone could support this meat bag ... seriously ... he is not even that great a QB ...

I can see how people can support him as well as many others... seriously... I can also see how people cant support him (difference between me and others)

and Vick is an excellent QB. If RG3 can have a career as good as Vick's (outside of the prison stint obvs) then I think Redskins fans would be happy with that. I think he has turned his life around for the positive and is now using his image for good now. I obviously do not know for sure since I am not around him, but I believe his feelings were genuine. IM sorry he couldnt rot in prison for the rest of his life or gotten a lethal injection, but US criminal justice system, the Humane Society, the NFL, the Philadelphia Eagles, and Nike feel he has changed for the better now. Good for him. I dont support what he did with the dogfighting, but since he has decided to speak out against what he did and has been a positive person to his community, why cant I forgive him and move forward? But its whatever friend, if you need his head on a platter, then so be it.

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I am not defending Vick, but there was more anger over Vick killing dogs then Leonard Little being a drunk driver and killing a mother. .


And I may be a terrible person (ok.ok. I am a terrible person.) But I tried to include as many dog puns as possible in the survey.

Should be fun to read, and I got a good one at the end.

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I'm not going to get into a huge thing over this but anyone with even a half-way developed sense of what constitutes morality or ethics can figure out why Little's crime does not provoke the same outrage as Vick.

People who are drunk do not normally engage in cruelty in the process of committing an act that MAY lead to an accident that kills someone. There's nothing ostensibly wrong with being inebriated or driving. It's only because we've somehow transmogrified drinking (my guess is due to puritanical biases) and driving into a mortal sin that someone would even BEGIN to make that argument. If someone was really tired and driving and killed someone (or a dog) is anyone going to expect them to be the target of outrage of the public like Vick? Of course not. Heck, even if someone killed someone while being on the phone, or eating a Big mac, would any but the most obtuse individuals make the argument that these acts are on par with the level of sadism and cruelty that necessarily constitute the crimes of which Vick was convicted?

INTENTION matters, this is known to just about every philosopher, even if some regard it as lacking comprehension of all matters moral or ethical. And not just intention but you cannot even categorize being tired and driving as possessing a moral charge similar to that involve in even SETTING UP a dog fighting ring, let alone the actual 'official' matches themselves. Among those acts include brutalizing dogs that would otherwise have been gentle or loving creatures and companions, abusing trust of innocent lives, encouraging viciousness and possibly kidnapping and killing people's pets as "target practice" for dogs that themselves are victims of the whole enterprise.

You're right. It's just like talking on the phone, being drunk, tired or distracted and causing an accident.

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